วันพุธที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Letters: The way ahead for young people

The substantial reduction in youth services equates to over the closure of buildings (teenagers are stranded as the axes of all services of the youth council, society, Aug. 24) announcing the end of the relationship between youth workers and young people they work with. This is detrimental to all young people, but especially for those who benefit most from strong relationships with adults. Add to that the size of the impersonality and many of our schools, and it may be that young people have fewer opportunities to interact positively with adults.

James Wetz

Director, Education at a human scale

. In his work, young workers strike by Cameron cuts in Oxfordshire (August 24) referring to a "center of early intervention" in Banbury, Banbury, but not in the David Cameron's constituency - which is mine [see corrections and clarifications, August 25]. Also noted that the center is a new building, built especially for young people and focus on youth most in need of support. Bar Bridge Centre had made available a temporary youth center, while the new youth center is nearing completion.

The board provides the performance of some of its youth clubs for the voluntary sector, but only after long-term business cases were presented for the operation. One of the communities will receive initial funding for the operation of a youth center is Chipping Norton, however, that the state of the city will have a youth center.

Because of the previous government waste, Oxfordshire County Council is having to make cuts of £ 119 million for services until 2015, but I'm sure they will keep all the centers Youth open the county. Some, such as Banbury, is new and run by the county. Others, with support from the Council, be carried out by the voluntary sector.

Tony Baldry

, MP

Con, North Oxfordshire

. It is good to read John Harris in the operation of employment (working for almost nothing - a new recipe for the taste of these, 24 August), but I have to fix it. He says that people work 30 hours £ 67.50 a week income support, but young people between 16 and 24 receive only £ 53.45. Often when a young man embarks on a program of work, hoping that might be taken continuously, said: "We will be in touch." Meanwhile, the director phoned the office and employment for their say "Send to others." And people wonder why they are frustrated.

David Arrowsmith


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