วันพุธที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How intervention is keeping children out of care

intensive family intervention programs are to help parents and children to enjoy life at home with

For professionals determined to prevent teenagers consider "the edge of care" to be removed from families often initially uncooperative, stubborn persistence is the key. "I told them to fuck off" said a young Ofsted inspectors see the work of a successful intervention, "but they would not."

directly with parents about what will happen if things do not improve, while working with them, instead of doing things "for them" or for them, it is also essential a report of the monitoring agency concludes. "They give you a kick in the ass, but not to judge," as one father put it.


practices to improve the living conditions is often a big difference. A teenager has expressed his joy at being able to get in a back garden with the help of a worker who was once "a jungle"

The report, far from the attention to good practice in 11 local authorities to keep young people at risk of entering the life of home care, with methods that include programs family intervention (FIP), family conference or MST. Many young people were, or were the subject of protection plans for children.

in North Yorkshire, one of the councils visited by Ofsted, six officials of the intervention of the family has worked with 79 families between January 2010 and May of this year, at a cost of £ 200 000 per year, 80% covered by the local authorities and the rest by other local organizations. All 445 children who were "absolutely on the edge of care," said County Council Director of Residential Services, Martin Kelly. However, only five - from two families - ended warning

Vicky Smith (fictitious name), 35, has received assistance from the worker's family intervention Wendy Atkinson, after the depression has led to social services are alerted and their children, 14, 12 and five years, was child labor protection plans.

"I was very depressed," says Smith. "I slept a lot and could not get up in the morning, so that the children began to have time to go to school.

The fact that the FIP worker is independent of social workers means that parents are less suspicious of them - and perhaps in his hands. In North Yorkshire, where the savings in back office and management positions are used to increase the number of employees of FIP to 22 workers are only four to six families at one time. "Obviously, you have the social worker as well - and mine was very good - but I got to know Wendy as someone I could call and say," Everything goes wrong and he had come round, or give me a little advice "Mr. Smith. "It was great that it was not just sitting at home on my own there was someone there." After 12 months in the program, children are outside the protection schemes and the family is much happier.

Ofsted found that in all the areas visited, the potential profitability of the intervention were significant. Although the areas visited still failed to demonstrate that service provider had reduced the overall number of care for "complex" reasons, at least three were the first signs of a reduction in the number entering the system

But while the families were very positive about the impact of the work, says the report, which was often accompanied by feelings of sadness that aid was not provided effective at an early stage.
North Yorkshire

Find best price for : --Kelly----Yorkshire----Atkinson----Smith----North----Ofsted--

Cribsheet 25.10.11

Today we take a broader perspective on education

frets Although British girls better than boys at school, UNESCO publishes a large data set (the pdf) this morning that shows the number of girls who are educated in the developing world are still lagging behind the massive number of children. We have an interactive map that allows you to compare with the primary schools, and see the changes over time.

our colleagues in the overall development site we say that the increase in the number of pupils who complete primary school is to create a huge demand for secondary places and not enough of them . In Africa, where the situation is more serious, the UNESCO report cautions that there is only enough room for 36% of secondary school children.


More news from The Guardian

. Jamie Oliver, the fears of the school feeding kickstart revolution is in danger of collapse because ministers are ignoring research that shows that nutritious breakfasts enhance learning. In an interview with Denis Campbell, the famous chef has accused Education Secretary Michael Gove, and the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, to endanger the changes after the 2005 Channel 4 series, Jamie Dinner school.

The Teacher Network Guardian has unique resources of Jamie Oliver to teach children to cook healthy meals.

. How many students are forced to make their UCAS applications advance? Certainly not the most practical? Lucy Tobin learns.

. UCAS has reported a significant decrease in the number of applications received for 2012, compared to the same period last year. Jessica Berger believes that the conclusions that it is safe to draw at this stage.

. education spending was reduced by over 14% - the largest decline since the early 1950s, experts from Britain and tax expenditures leader, Institute for Fiscal Studies ( IFS) has warned. They estimate spending on education in the UK will fall by 14.4% between 2010-11 and 2014-15.

. After goth, goth forever - or if the research does show, writes Louise Tickle. And we have a gallery to prove it.



. Estelle Morris. The new shadow education secretary Stephen Twigg has enough experience to play the free game time in schools and colleges and build a just labor policy

. Carl Lygo:. Universities could cut costs if they have learned to be more entrepreneurial


News around the web

. The Telegraph says the latest figures show that subjects UCAS Media Studies showed the largest decline in applications:

"The most affected are the questions that students can examine this offer the least rewards and tend to be offered by the less prestigious institutions.


mass communication and documentation issues were hardest hit, falling 40.6% over the same period last year.


also suffered, with applications falling by 30% while interest in art was reduced by 27.1% and business studies and administration of a 26.1 aa %."

. A London council is to pay the tuition of some of the poorest students in the Evening Standard thought to be the first program of its kind in the country. Six school graduates have received scholarships worth more than £ 10 000 each for three years by Southwark Council.

. Why is the system of Ofsted so oppressive? And what she said about the goals of education? These are the questions Warwick Mansell is ready to answer in his latest blog for the NAHT. It is too detailed for a quick summary - you have to read it yourself - but points to the problem of the inspectors have to tie their opinions in all areas of school life closely with students to obtain results test


The Guardian live Q & A

What to do with a degree in fashion:. To learn more about the options available to you once you got to join our live Q & A from today 1:00 p.m.

The Red

Superior Guardian

sufficiently concerned about the declining number of international students, the Australian Government has recently revised its visa system. The UK should follow suit, said Tamson Pietsch

. Paul Redmond, AGCAS elected president, and head of the race and the employability of the University of Liverpool, speaks of incorporating the use of the rank of employability, and Helicopter parents


conference of Education

How can we keep the creativity in schools in an era of austerity and traditionalism? In this case, a day for school leaders and policy makers, to be chaired by Judy Friedberg, we will discuss the implications of cuts and changes in the curriculum with speakers such as Russell Hobby, Jim Knight, Stuart Graham Mick Waters and David Puttnam. Update on Innovation in Education page -. Y @ InnovateEducate on Twitter

teacher training seminars

The Guardian Teacher Network organizes training sessions for teachers throughout the year in Yorkshire and London. Upcoming courses include:

think your school become an academy?

This seminar will provide an independent view on the advantages and disadvantages of converting the status of the academy. We will see in the conversion process, the implications of the state of academia, and the support and funding available. November 30 in London. February 21, 2012 in Yorkshire

protect young people in the digital age

led by experts from the school of digital security, this one-day course will provide updates protection policies and Ofsted criteria and look at the social media which offers practical advice to help your school to develop its policies in digital security. February 1, 2012 in London. February 8, 2012 in Yorkshire.

For a complete list, visit

Teachers Network Guardian

Find best price for : --Gordon----Sunita----Cribsheet----EducationGuardian----Ofsted----David----Mick----Judy----Mansell----Warwick----Standard----Evening----Louise----Ucas----Guardian----Oliver----Jamie----Global----Unesco--

Letters: The way ahead for young people

The substantial reduction in youth services equates to over the closure of buildings (teenagers are stranded as the axes of all services of the youth council, society, Aug. 24) announcing the end of the relationship between youth workers and young people they work with. This is detrimental to all young people, but especially for those who benefit most from strong relationships with adults. Add to that the size of the impersonality and many of our schools, and it may be that young people have fewer opportunities to interact positively with adults.

James Wetz

Director, Education at a human scale

. In his work, young workers strike by Cameron cuts in Oxfordshire (August 24) referring to a "center of early intervention" in Banbury, Banbury, but not in the David Cameron's constituency - which is mine [see corrections and clarifications, August 25]. Also noted that the center is a new building, built especially for young people and focus on youth most in need of support. Bar Bridge Centre had made available a temporary youth center, while the new youth center is nearing completion.

The board provides the performance of some of its youth clubs for the voluntary sector, but only after long-term business cases were presented for the operation. One of the communities will receive initial funding for the operation of a youth center is Chipping Norton, however, that the state of the city will have a youth center.

Because of the previous government waste, Oxfordshire County Council is having to make cuts of £ 119 million for services until 2015, but I'm sure they will keep all the centers Youth open the county. Some, such as Banbury, is new and run by the county. Others, with support from the Council, be carried out by the voluntary sector.

Tony Baldry

, MP

Con, North Oxfordshire

. It is good to read John Harris in the operation of employment (working for almost nothing - a new recipe for the taste of these, 24 August), but I have to fix it. He says that people work 30 hours £ 67.50 a week income support, but young people between 16 and 24 receive only £ 53.45. Often when a young man embarks on a program of work, hoping that might be taken continuously, said: "We will be in touch." Meanwhile, the director phoned the office and employment for their say "Send to others." And people wonder why they are frustrated.

David Arrowsmith


Find best price for : --Harris----John----David----Oxfordshire--

วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Behind the Clapham riots: 'the police are the enemy'

In south London, the young general on opposite sides of the conflict grass united in their opposition to "mainstream," said Amanda Conroy

The BBC was criticized for referring to those involved in the riots and looting as "demonstrators". The debate on how to call the unrest is more than journalistic accuracy, the question is whether these actions were ultimately about "things" or "policy"

riots in London was chosen as episodes of "opportunistic crime" barbaric nonsense, apolitical because of their apparent lack of leadership, the goals of policy or a formal commitment to what might be called mainstream politics. In the weeks have passed since the riots in Clapham - my neighborhood - I had the opportunity to talk with local community members, leaders of youth groups and young residents of Finance local public. He concluded that although the looting and destruction in south London, could have been "things" can not be separated as free from political protest.

For many people I have spoken, the ability to "fight" with the "government", fighting against the police, was political. It was an important part of the decision to take part in the riots. These children in Clapham and elsewhere, said a young head of Brixton "are surrounded by a culture of" fuck the police and the riots were given the greatest opportunity you can to fight against [them ]".

This "Fuck The Police" culture, said that many young people who live on a farm in Wandsworth Council knew the people involved in the disturbances in Clapham, the fact that residents are constantly arrested and registered . "When you stop the police from a certain area, they have zero respect," one resident said young male HLM.

plunder of Clapham Junction, crime seems to be meaningless, random, but as research interest group at the expense of the interests of dominant political order. "By taking things," the leader of the group of local young people, said of the protesters, "which is to correct what they see as an injustice."

Last week, the rapper from the United Kingdom and the poet Elias Genesis released an analysis of spoken word of the riot, in which he laments. "We used to cause a fuss / Now riots because" I would like to change that statement a bit. I think that those involved were not involved in the riots and looting "because", but " just because I could. "

Find best price for : --Wandsworth----Clapham----London--

Boys knitting? An unlikely yarn

Even fresh guys are lining up to take the latest trend in school - work

Lying in the bag, wiped off the face dreadlocks, rowing Fulton is highly concentrated. The 11 years is what looks like knitting a scarf with black stripes, green and yellow. "The colors of Jamaica, land of my family," he said.

Rowing is one of 20 club members knit Dog Kennel Hill Primary School in Peckham, south London. Points such as fever has spread through the school, there are now nearly 100 students on a waiting list - just under one quarter of the student population -. And about half are children 2 to 6 years


young students and their peers do not fit the classic image of knitted fabrics. Even in its recent revival among the twenty crafty, knitting is still considered feminine - a tradition passed from generation to generation of women. But children across the country take their needles.

children now represent about 50% of elementary students participating in the Club craft, the campaign by the Crafts Council and the United Kingdom Knitting Association, which supports schools to clubs tissues managed by volunteers from the community. Since its inception in April of last year, there are now over 350 groups across the UK, mainly in primary schools, and many point groups to function independently by teachers.

Stephanie Laing, professor at the Dog Kennel Hill Primary, I can not believe how popular knitting club has become one of the boys. Passionate about the fabric itself, Laing lunch together the club three years ago and the first four years were members of six children. "I was surprised by those who have signed - and not just children, but it was cool," he said. "I thought they would not last, but it became safe to do so."

Another reason for the popularity of knitting club is the end result. At the meeting today afternoon there is no sign of The Cardigans cover. In contrast, children proudly display their bracelets, phone holders and mitts.

Craft Club

across the UK is ready to take this opportunity to introduce boys and girls to knit, not only as a hobby, but as a technical skill that contributes to cognitive development.
knitting incorporation into school life and across the curriculum was also a good way to involve children. In addition to teaching the art of weaving, Kathryn Hitchings, a teacher in primary Bucklesham Ipswich, which is used to teach students about the weaving of the Second World War "to make and repair" campaign. This year, it launched a point-sponsored students, encouraging free your mind racing. A boy has managed to establish 75 meters in one day and students were also involved in the bombing of wire, covering a tree with knitting.

Find best price for : --Boys----Laing----Handknitting----Hill----Kennel----Fulton----Remar--

Will housing benefit cuts force kids out of Hammersmith and Fulham?

deep contempt emanated from Tory flagship Hammersmith and Fulham Council in the past when they provide evidence that the government cuts to local housing allowance and other benefits to significantly reduce the number of households in the city their worst-off will be able to pay rent to private owners. Councillor Lucy In February Ivimy, cabinet member for housing, then described as "alarmist" and "seriously flawed" a study by the Cambridge Centre for Housing Research and Planning, who found that in five years only six % of areas of the city are offered private sector rents that households can afford the plaintiff, against 40% today.

I am not aware of any public response from the Council or one of its members at a prior impact assessment (pdf) prepared by the Department for Work and Pensions after the LHA changes that have just been announced by George Osborne in his emergency budget in June 2010. It is estimated that 100 percent of the plaintiff in a house in 1860, two, three, four and five bedroom homes would be two "lose-lose theory" (see Table 3, page 9, second column). Maybe they thought it was too "alarmist" and "deeply flawed", but not to speak.

However, a detailed analysis by the municipality itself from the effects of the reform of its residents LHA was hard to find - it is a great contrast to the near Westminster. Fortunately, the answer to a request for access to information by the Labour MP Andy Slaughter Hammersmith revealed that a department of the town hall was at least thought about thought. The Department of Children's Services, Slaughter said that 884 primary and 332 secondary school students are "potentially" be affected by changes in benefits. These figures represent respectively 10% and 5% of the municipality.

Slaughter also asked if there would be "a change in the provision of education" in the city due to changes in LHA - in other words, schools that local authorities recently closed because there were fewer children to these schools for education. The Department does not believe, and said, ". If there is a large movement of young children, this has the potential to reduce the exceptionally high demand, we now have and have been projected demand for the type of receipt of the "bulge" the future "

We work hard to ensure that families are not forced to leave the city because of the coverage of benefits. However, we must take into account that in a city like ours, with high property values, many owners of the cargo of high-income families in housing benefit, and when we do not choose respect the law by public money.

This is not good for taxpayers and the forces of rising prices for everyone trying to rent in the private market, many are fighting for working families who do not claim housing benefit. Although we have over 1,000 children living in property in the benefits exceed the proposed limit, there is no reason to assume that these families must leave the city. Local landowners have responded well to efforts to persuade them to have to reduce their rents.

There is confidence for you. I hope to see evidence of Hammersmith and Fulham free from defects deeper than warranted.

Find best price for : --George----Fulham----Hammersmith----Tory--

Nurse's warning to youths on carrying knives

A nurse speaks

A & E, which graphically illustrate the dangers of knife carrying out an impact on young people in Liverpool

One of excluded pupils in the audience of 30 people due to A & E nurse practitioner Rob Jackson to describe the worst thing that has been dealing with the consequences of knife crime.

Undoubtedly, Jackson said: "A rider very close to see children dying to see the look on the face of a mother when I say that your son just died of his injuries had a knife. Guy was recently asked about his mother and five minutes later he stopped breathing. I could not save. If you are carrying knives or ride with those who do, I think, luck runs out. "

Jackson, 39, is for children in schools and other behavioral problems in the event of knife crime in the North End of Liverpool. The city lies alongside London and West Midlands, as the three regions with the biggest knife crime in the UK. Jackson presentations to date have reached over 1000 young people in Merseyside. His speech is accompanied by gruesome photographs of injuries stole a knife on a large screen to negotiate a temporary message that an act can have devastating consequences.

injury knife culture in Liverpool were reduced by 28% over the 18 months of Jackson was a pioneering work. Note that many stab-injured victims are their own blades, driven by its own protection, often against drug traffickers and seize the weapon to use against them.

An initial pilot involved 100 young people with convictions for knives, and one participant relapsed with a knife. "It is generally much higher," said England. "We wanted to show that knife crime is not" just cause of death, "but also a serious disability and disability and the terrible devastation to families. We believe that the work Rob has been instrumental in reducing knife crime here. "

Actor Brooke Kinsella, whose younger brother, Ben, was stabbed to death in 2008, which was commissioned by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the interior minister, Theresa May, the prepare a report on programs to discourage young people from carrying knives, cites the work of Jackson as having a greater impact than other projects. Jackson and England are talking with the Ministry of Interior about how the model can be replicated in other parts of the UK, young offenders and in schools and excluded pupils.

Find best price for : --Theresa----David----Brooke----Liverpool----North----Jackson--

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The kids are all right in daycare

A recent study on cortisol levels of children who are cared for outside the home may be causing unnecessary concern

Dr Aric Sigman made headlines with a recent article entitled biologist, Mother Superior, the biological effects of child care. Sigman pointed to research showing that levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, increases during the day for children at daycare. He linked this observation in a series of studies showing adverse effects of cortisol on the mental and physical health, with particular emphasis on brain function. The Daily Mail has reported its findings: "The delivery of babies and toddlers to the nursery could do incalculable damage to brain development and future health."

Before parents and policy makers act on this information, you should ask several questions. First, it is Aric Sigman and what are their qualifications? Secondly, represented their views accurately? Third, it must accurately represent the scientific research on this subject?

On the first point, a Google search reveals that Sigma has a history of attracting the attention of a number of dangers facing our children, including the Internet, indulgent parents and television. There seems no affiliation and no CV on his website. To view your search history, I tried Web of Knowledge, a database that lists the publications in the literature. This drew a blank: a pair of conference abstracts of hypnotism dates back to 1980

In fact, "is likely to be those with an open mind on this subject to provide overwhelming evidence that workers in the child's wages can cause the same intimate interactions that often occur only between mothers and babies. "Seems so there is a reason for the media portray him as someone who wants the crib is a health risk to children. His comments on the damage to health in the long term potential are similar to their previous statements on television and the Internet.

proof we leave to our peril. The world is full of threats and dangers, and not always easy to anticipate that new developments will be beneficial, harmful or neutral. In the debate on child care, cortisol and brain function, there are some facts that almost everyone would agree. Yes, there is an increase in cortisol during the day between the children who attend daycare. And yes, the ever increasing long-term cortisol levels, as is sometimes depressed adults, are harmful to health. But other results. A study of primates reported that the increased cortisol that was caused by episodes of separation of a mother baby monkey was associated with better outcomes in terms of brain function. Studies in animals and humans suggest that in some places experiences mild stress may be adaptive and improving skills. However, as noted in my blog, Sigman ignored or selectively test reports of the more nuanced position. He justified his unilateral approach of the evidence on the grounds that "if openness has its place in academia, is a luxury, children can not pay."

I disagree :. What can not afford is the assumption that we know all the answers, and it is wrong to provide evidence of a selective response to a privileged position, however well intentioned

Find best price for : --Society----Royal----Sigman----Aric--

The kids are all right in daycare | Dorothy Bishop

A recent study on cortisol levels of children who are cared for outside the home may be causing unnecessary concern

Dr Aric Sigman made headlines with a recent article entitled biologist, Mother Superior, the biological effects of child care. Sigman pointed to research showing that levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, increases during the day for children at daycare. He linked this observation in a series of studies showing adverse effects of cortisol on the mental and physical health, with particular emphasis on brain function. The Daily Mail has reported its findings: "The delivery of babies and toddlers to the nursery could do incalculable damage to brain development and future health."

Before parents and policy makers act on this information, you should ask several questions. First, it is Aric Sigman and what are their qualifications? Secondly, represented their views accurately? Third, it must accurately represent the scientific research on this subject?

On the first point, a Google search reveals that Sigma has a history of attracting the attention of a number of dangers facing our children, including the Internet, indulgent parents and television. There seems no affiliation and no CV on his website. To view your search history, I tried Web of Knowledge, a database that lists the publications in the literature. This drew a blank: a pair of conference abstracts of hypnotism dates back to 1980

In fact, "is likely to be those with an open mind on this subject to provide overwhelming evidence that workers in the child's wages can cause the same intimate interactions that often occur only between mothers and babies. "Seems so there is a reason for the media portray him as someone who wants the crib is a health risk to children. His comments on the damage to health in the long term potential are similar to their previous statements on television and the Internet.

proof we leave to our peril. The world is full of threats and dangers, and not always easy to anticipate that new developments will be beneficial, harmful or neutral. In the debate on child care, cortisol and brain function, there are some facts that almost everyone would agree. Yes, there is an increase in cortisol during the day between the children who attend daycare. And yes, the ever increasing long-term cortisol levels, as is sometimes depressed adults, are harmful to health. But other results. A study of primates reported that the increased cortisol that was caused by episodes of separation of a mother baby monkey was associated with better outcomes in terms of brain function. Studies in animals and humans suggest that in some places experiences mild stress may be adaptive and improving skills. However, as noted in my blog, Sigman ignored or selectively test reports of the more nuanced position. He justified his unilateral approach of the evidence on the grounds that "if openness has its place in academia, is a luxury, children can not pay."

I disagree :. What can not afford is the assumption that we know all the answers, and it is wrong to provide evidence of a selective response to a privileged position, however well intentioned

Find best price for : --Society----Royal----Sigman----Aric--

Dealing with the looters - a beak speaks

judges are not smooth, but a spell in prison will not solve the problems of young offenders to do

is anarchy

the streets of London and other English cities seems to come as a surprise to the politicians. They came as a surprise to the judges sitting in juvenile court. I know, because two times a month to take time off to follow the global financial crisis that feels like a judge.

In my experience, dating back almost 20 years, young offenders who come before the peak fall into two broad categories. In turn, minority, and well dressed up with both parents in tow. They are always full-time education, have the prospect of a decent college and careers, and tend to be accused of relatively minor crimes: some drugs, maybe. Parents hate to be in court and he knows the young offender. She felt burning shame for the humiliation that accumulate in the mother and father. Often this is the first time they appeared in court and are afraid.

On the other hand, there are criminals who are behind offers a litany of excuses. Before the case can start, you have to say that removing your hands from his pockets, turn off their cell phones and stop chewing gum. Only rarely, in turn, with both parents, usually the mother, but very often on their own. When the judges retire to read pre-sentence report, you can usually get a good estimate on the content: learning disabilities, excluded from full-time education, a history of physical and sexual abuse, sometimes live in a house depends on the "benefits. / Aa>

judges are encouraged to engage young offenders, but going hard. Teens are trained by defense lawyers to express remorse, but not entirely convincing when he says he feels sorry for his victims. Not much sign of respect for the court, much less afraid of him.

is absolutely right that this should be the case, since most judges are the fans who rely on experience, common sense and professional back up what we hope, c is the right decision. It is a curious, especially British, in their way, but it works.

judges will not need the encouragement of politicians to get tough with looters. In many cases, the justices will be in the guidelines and decide which is worse - the breakdown of public order - means that their power of condemnation are not enough. The maximum penalty that can deliver for a single offense is six months, reduced to one third if the offender pleads guilty. Only half of a prison sentence is actually served in prison, the rest under the license back to the community. Those caught red with flat screen televisions and designer trainers can expect to find themselves before a judge of the Crown Court, with a more severe penalty as a result.

Dealing with the looters - a beak speaks | Larry Elliott

judges are not smooth, but a spell in prison will not solve the problems of young offenders to do

is anarchy

the streets of London and other English cities seems to come as a surprise to the politicians. They came as a surprise to the judges sitting in juvenile court. I know, because two times a month to take time off to follow the global financial crisis that feels like a judge.

In my experience, dating back almost 20 years, young offenders who come before the peak fall into two broad categories. In turn, minority, and well dressed up with both parents in tow. They are always full-time education, have the prospect of a decent college and careers, and tend to be accused of relatively minor crimes: some drugs, maybe. Parents hate to be in court and he knows the young offender. She felt burning shame for the humiliation that accumulate in the mother and father. Often this is the first time they appeared in court and are afraid.

On the other hand, there are criminals who are behind offers a litany of excuses. Before the case can start, you have to say that removing your hands from his pockets, turn off their cell phones and stop chewing gum. Only rarely, in turn, with both parents, usually the mother, but very often on their own. When the judges retire to read pre-sentence report, you can usually get a good estimate on the content: learning disabilities, excluded from full-time education, a history of physical and sexual abuse, sometimes live in a house depends on the "benefits. / Aa>

judges are encouraged to engage young offenders, but going hard. Teens are trained by defense lawyers to express remorse, but not entirely convincing when he says he feels sorry for his victims. Not much sign of respect for the court, much less afraid of him.

is absolutely right that this should be the case, since most judges are the fans who rely on experience, common sense and professional back up what we hope, c is the right decision. It is a curious, especially British, in their way, but it works.

judges will not need the encouragement of politicians to get tough with looters. In many cases, the justices will be in the guidelines and decide which is worse - the breakdown of public order - means that their power of condemnation are not enough. The maximum penalty that can deliver for a single offense is six months, reduced to one third if the offender pleads guilty. Only half of a prison sentence is actually served in prison, the rest under the license back to the community. Those caught red with flat screen televisions and designer trainers can expect to find themselves before a judge of the Crown Court, with a more severe penalty as a result.

Latin for all: the day Toby Young's free school dream came true

dresses, tradition and hope in the abundance of the best known of a new generation of schools

The children spent their first day adventure in the formation of character in the open, firing catapults and build rafts. Once they get in school work next week, the focus will be firmly in the traditional academic subjects - Latin is mandatory 14 and 16 years of history. If this sounds like a dream school for a right-wing columnist, is because it is.

West London School

free, the most prominent of the new generation of schools, was officially opened on Friday. The driving force behind the project, Toby Young, has shared the stage with the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and the director, Thomas Packer.

The impression was of a private school or grammar - the blue blazer and black robes with the teachers names Latin motto "Sapere aude" (dare to learn) and conventional four school houses: the Athenians, the Corinthians, the Spartans and the Olympians. The two main buildings, known as a block and B in the previous life of the institution as a special school, renamed Alpha and Beta.

"Most said they would be similar to a primary school, which is what attracts us:


Beyene, Maida Vale, whose son Emmanuel is one of the first class of 120 high , he said. of them from high school to get good grades and go to college, we want our children to do the same is my first child, and I want him to succeed -... I can not afford to send her to private school "

school in Hammersmith, west London, where he educates a high proportion of children in private or in neighboring districts. According to the Council, 39% of students in public schools come from outside Hammersmith - an indication of how some local families send their children


Neith, whose son Simeon began, said: "We have many choices in this town that I know what is new, but I'm willing to give it a try .."

Unlike other independent schools, who have struggled to fill seats, was heavily oversubscribed with 500 applications for 120 places. Admission is determined in part by the proximity and a draw for the remaining places. Twelve sites were assigned to musical ability.

reference code, Young said: "We wanted to ensure that the persistence of middle-class parents, and I confess to be yourself, have not been able to monopolize fully places in the school through the purchase of houses in the catchment area, which happens so often. And I think if you look around today's students, we have achieved our goal of recruiting a cohort of students that truly reflects the social and ethnic diversity of the region. "

Young estimates that "about one fifth" of students eligible for free meals. It is near the national average of 17%, but below average for the city, which is 36%. Young described the school as "college for all".

Find best price for : --Latin----Toby----Young----Emmanuel----Maida--

Mike Bartlett: Earthquakes everywhere

climate change, religious riots, war in the Arab States - playwright Mike Bartlett likes nothing better than a great theme. He tells Maddy Costa on the excess is their slogan

Each play, writes Mike Bartlett is powered by the same questions: "What a game What is the nature of this event, because these days," says 30 years old old man, "can be anything. You have to open the door of the theater and say," What is this ?'"

"What is it?" more or less sums up the public's reaction to earthquakes, London, Bartlett started the National Theatre last year. Challenging not only the history, which refers to climate change, the serpent of 1965 to 2525, but the Cottesloe was equipped with a bridge of acid orange. Chances are that we will so upset about his new work for the National, 13, a load test of religious belief in the 21st century, with a latter-day prophet and a woman PM conspire to make war on Iran .

Bartlett began writing in January 13 when he started a one-year residency at the National, hoping to answer another question: "How much of a game becomes a contemporary of the end of scene in the 2011 Olivier "A prolonged period of testing which has to meet the new changes - including the riots of the summer. The hair at my suggestion that National has revealed the state of the nation-old playwright in him. "This means that my goal is only to dissect the state of us politically and socially. But the state of my emotions is as important to me. "Are you more concerned with research, on a personal level," morality between modern and traditional morality. "

In Love Love Love, which toured the UK earlier this year, which explores the conflicts within the same family - two generations and found lacking in their relationships with others. Bartlett does not favor one side of the argument, which works hard to live opposing views. "In the process of writing 13 years, friends wondered if he was okay, because I said things about religion, or to intervene militarily in other countries not normally peak during dinner. At the time of writing of the piece really changed his mind. "

attitudes contrary to many transmission, Bartlett theater may feel dirty, as evaluators of earthquakes in London was quick to point out. The play is on tour this fall, and Bartlett had the opportunity to modify the final act, which is less complicated. But, he says, "I have not fixed, because the gesture of the work has always been" too "." In other words, the seismic survey the excesses of our age to be excessive in itself. If you feel inadequate because, Bartlett does not care.

Its objective is to achieve "consistency of actions" that "writing is the design, which is what the actors. The work is a starting point for collaboration. "This means that he spent his adolescence in Abingdon, near Oxford, and not written, but the direction. At the University of Leeds, where he earned a degree in English literature and theater studies, focused on developing and making "all kinds of weird shit-Theatre. Used a lot of puppets and patch and paint and Smith. "

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Trouble isn't over yet, says teenager who predicted riots

riots by Chavez says condoms do not target youth Campbell no job, no money and no future, were ripe for causing mayhem

6ft 3in

A, with a loose approach and a kit bag slung over the shoulder of great history, 18, Chavez Campbell figure is striking that the last steps ET put up shops in Wood Green, north London. Last Saturday, riots broke out here, rampaging youths smashed shop front and arms full of you could get something.

A week before he started

, Campbell, in an interview with the Guardian clippings years about youth services, what would be predicted. Asked what the future HE thought, he simply said: "There will be riots."

words again looking at the story, he said. "I do not see the riots and the government should have seen it coming Coming as jobs are difficult to obtain and, when available, don t get the job Young. There is nothing to do, they are youth clubs closure so that the streets are just crazy. They are full of people who have no ambitions, ambitions, or end can be FulFil Them. "

Campbell, who left the university and has trouble finding a job recently, rarely heard voice has-been shown that in the maelstrom of recent days. I have seen riots, the goal went home to stay safe. He thinks the government must take some responsibility, cuts and poverty played a claim, the objective ET Rioters Also feels bound to be bad and punished. It is not an academic expert in a normal year, just a teenager from a poor neighborhood Try to go down in history of life.

Being poor is no excuse, HE Argue, it could help explain why there was widespread looting that objective goods such as trainers, clothes and gadgets. "It does not justify his intention They think:" I do not have money for that, I do not have money for that, I can not get a job I need a goal. "The only way they'll do is fly. They will be ruthless and do everything to get it THEY CAN. It was fun for 'em. "

promising amateur boxer
Campbell, grew up in single parent families and 12 half brothers and sisters. Walk to the Dale Youth Amateur Boxing Club in West London, says the sport changed his life after HE was excluded from the wrestling school, 11. "These coaches are like my parents. The same level of respect for my mother I have, I have for them, I said." They love me, they give me good advice. If I started going the wrong way, would they tell me to say so. '

Without the guidance of men who worked unpaid in the club, things could have been different. "It could have been me there, I say." Children's lack of confidence, they do not believe they can do stuff. You have to find something you enjoy doing, not everyone What did. They do not have enough courage to be themselves. I want the kids see something they can do with their lives and not just run the roads causing mayhem. "

sweating and puffing After thwacking leather pads and dance around the ring, Campbell does not care about their own future. I was staring at a medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2014 and a career in boxing.
t ET Concerns

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Sybil Jason obituary

South African born child movie star considered a rival to Shirley Temple

Between 1935 and 1938, Shirley Temple was the world of the smaller star and film. During this period, Warner Bros. has released its response to the Temple of the pretty, dark hair, wide-eyed, button nose, Sybil Jason, who died aged 83. Jason has six feature films and four two Technicolor films for the study over the years. Unfortunately, most of his films and papers shamelessly similar to the Temple of the 20th Century-Fox, and unprecedented popularity. . However, according to Time magazine in 1936 "Among the children of actresses Sybil Jason Shirley Temple and Jean Harlow is Ann Harding - less healthy, but more refreshing"

Sandra Jacobson was born in Cape Town, South Africa, where his father owned a shoe company. As his mother was in delicate health, she was raised primarily by her older sister, Anita, who has nurtured his precocious talent, who played the piano, dance, sing and move to stars like Greta Garbo, Maurice Chevalier, Jimmy Durante, all before their fifth birthday.

and his uncle, Harry Jacobson, who had settled in Britain, where he was known as "the pianist sings" play with the British dance bands like Savoy and Ray Noble Orchestra Orpheans, Besides being companion Gracie Fields, Anita and Sandra invited to stay with him and his wife in London. Harry taught several songs Sybil, who performed for guests, one of which was the singer Frances Day, Jason earned a spot in a benefit concert at the London Palladium.

This led to the child to be cast in Barnacle Bill (1935), a drama featuring British retail Archie Pitt, husband of fields. Jason later recalled the advice of his sister, before she was on set for the first time was: "Remember, sybe, not to act" At the same time, Irving Asher, president of Warner Bros. Jason London Branch sent to the screen test in Hollywood, Jack Warner. The head of studio quickly responded by telegram that said simply: ". Sign your "

First movie Jason was young Hollywood Big Shot (1935), a tale of Damon Runyonish in which she plays an orphan softens hard hearts of two crooks (Robert Armstrong and Edward Everett Horton). Jason has been very effective in a couple of dance numbers, and turning in the water when the disadvantages that give to the orphanage. (Hearings sugar tolerance was much greater in those days.) The New York Times found "a sexy baby ... even if his British accent makes many of her lines incomprehensible." (Jason had managed to avoid the acquisition of a South African accent.)

had many opportunities to show their acting skills in two Weepies, I found Stella Parish (1935) and Comet Over Broadway (1938), when she played the daughter of the queen of melodrama Kay Francis. Both films also played Ian Hunter, born in Cape Town another actor.

But after the last film, Warner Bros. decided not to renew his contract. While Jason was so musically versatile, charming, funny and disgusting that the maximum ripple, the Temple of dimples, it seemed that Hollywood was not large enough to accommodate two multi-talented Moppets. Ironically, Jason in the last two films, which played a supporting role to the temple as Becky, the cockney maid in Victorian girls' school in the Little Princess (1939) and The Blue Bird (1940), as a girl who can not walk, but eventually a cure. Unfortunately, their share was reduced significantly in the second, apparently at the request of the mother of Temple, who feared that it could overshadow the performance of his daughter. However, Jason and the temple remain friends forever. As it turned out, The Blue Bird was the first failure of the Temple.

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IDS: Gang culture must be stopped early

Work and Pensions Secretary

said the problem must be addressed when the children of problem families, not even born

Gang culture

of Great Britain, with the weapon and the crime must be addressed so that the children of struggling families are still in the womb, Iain Duncan Smith, Work and Pensions secretary, said Thursday it lost what is likely to be a major report on youth violence prepared after the riots of the summer.

The report, prepared by Duncan Smith and the Home Secretary, Theresa May, will combine the proposals for better parenting with tough measures to deglamorise gang membership, including convictions for crimes more accurate if the author is a member of a gang known.

Duncan Smith was speaking at a lecture by Karyn McCluskey, co-head of the unit to reduce violence in Scotland, established within Strathclyde Police, and Andrew Ward, responsible for the Merseyside Matrix unit, responsible for the fight against crime gangs and weapons. The two forces have reduced gang crime in the last four years by an approach that leads to health visitors, social services, schools and training law enforcement. In Merseyside, the accent was so strong that the bombs were placed outside the police car in retaliation.

The work of the two forces in the fight against gangs that form the heart of the report, Duncan Smith said.

Duncan Smith said the solution lies in early intervention for families with identification problems, male role models in schools, a requirement for politicians to admit they have a gang problem and the implementation of disrupting the lives of gang leaders. It also pushes for the Ministry of Health to continue to cooperate with other organizations because health visitors are often among the officials a few that can pass through the doors of some of the families most in difficulty.

Duncan Smith said. "I speak to intervene when a child is conceived, even when children are born we are talking about - half of them are unable to speak, can not form sentences, have no sense of empathy, that can not share their toys in the school, see their mothers are regularly beaten and sexually abused.

"Children do not cross the postcode areas of work because they think may be stabbed. You will get kids armed with knives at school who are not gang members, so it's a like a knife safety. You get massive levels of violence against women is the untold story -.. Gang attacks on women who treat women merely as tools for men to use "

Duncan Smith said that the solution lies in additional public spending, but better cooperation between agencies. "There are a lot of money spent on families and farms, but money alone will solve dysfunctional short-term problems."

called for stiffer penalties for gang membership, says Ward. "We took a look to the U.S., where you can turn to see that someone is part of a band

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How will schools tackle the subject of the riots?

four directors of their schools and plan to respond to the riots that took place earlier this month

Kate Frood, Director, Eleanor Palmer Primary, Camden, London

We have three topics that shape and our work as a school and we will build on these in September in our response. First, the idea that rights come responsibilities, and that begins with very young children. Second, having a partner school in Sierra Leone means that our children have a sense of real poverty and deprivation, and we'll use it to reflect on the difference between wants and needs.

Third, we will discuss: "If you want to change something, what does" Of course, children need to learn self-discipline, respect of law and respect for others, but must also be supported to build the confidence to influence and change their lives constructively. They must be convinced, too, which will be heard.

school is able to respond. We are a global city well - both socially and ethnically - and, therefore, our community cohesion is excellent. Since it is the heart of our work: Children need a sense of belonging and pride in their community. I fear that many of the educational policies of this government is creating more and no less, the division of social classes.

Kevin Wilson, Director, All Saints and Technology College, Barking and Dagenham

the first day of term, we will have a meeting where I put a marker for the rest of the year. This time, I have evidence to show why this type of behavior is what we are determined to keep them out of school.

Ours is a very successful school, but there is a strong gang culture in Barking and Dagenham, and I know some of my children were involved in the incident. I will reiterate that this is absolutely unacceptable. There are a number of parents - 3% -4% - are in total denial of what his son would do, and do not understand the reality of their children grow up in a country and a culture different from yours. If I hear one of my students were involved? I would say to the police.

Bristol riots were part of the overall national situation, and we will respond by addressing the key messages came from the riot. It has been much speculation about the cause of these disorders. Young people and their supposed lack of values, no doubt, were the subject of blame.

City Academy students had nothing to do with the riots, which were kept away, so we will continue to exhibit high moral standards and expectations here.
We will use the riot as a matter of debate in our class citizenship and the "family learning" where we can address the problems facing the problems. Our community team will also actively work with community partners and the feedback problems that may arise as a result of events.

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Thank you Ricky Gervais, for improving the lives of disabled people

As a mother of two girls with disabilities I thank Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant for the way they showed the discrimination and ignorance

has been a decade since the Bureau has appeared on our television screens. The story of the daily routine in a paper merchants in Slough was so realistic that when I came across it one night on BBC2 took me a minute to realize it was not a documentary.

The revelation for me is something I'll always remember, because I laughed a lot at a time when the laughter in my life was thin on the ground.

The show has become one of the most successful British comedies of all time, but for me the most notable was the decision of the casting director to hire disabled actor Julio Fernandez.

actors Long before that disability was a campaign issue for me that I found embarrassing play characters with disabilities. Imitating the disabled was quick and pounced on the treaties, when I was growing up. However, in this drama school was accepted. For me, playing with a disability, if not disabled, was as incongruous as applied to black above. I can not imagine that people call a courageous performance in these circumstances, or a movement or innovative, but we do not have disabilities, but also to be told to find the truth in performance.

I hope my daughter, Lizzy an actor with Asperger syndrome, will have the same opportunities as any other artist, but full representation of disabled people is rare in any profession, not to mention the television or broadcasting.

not saying that the actor should be discarded just because he or she is disabled, does not want to be an actor cast in favor of something more than skills. I wonder how many disabled people were invited to casting sessions in the UK over the last seven days.

greater representation in all aspects of life reduces the stigma born of ignorance and take us away from higher levels of abuse experienced by the hatred of people with disabilities as a matter of time.
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant produce projects that address the culture of discrimination and ignorance about the difference, and should receive more credit for highlighting these problems for them. These projects are imbued with a touch of lightness and a sense of humor that comes from a positive place. His new series, Life is too short, the stars Warwick Davies plays a distorted version of himself. It will change the cringe reflex that affects many people when faced with diversity.

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