วันจันทร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Dealing with the looters - a beak speaks

judges are not smooth, but a spell in prison will not solve the problems of young offenders to do

is anarchy

the streets of London and other English cities seems to come as a surprise to the politicians. They came as a surprise to the judges sitting in juvenile court. I know, because two times a month to take time off to follow the global financial crisis that feels like a judge.

In my experience, dating back almost 20 years, young offenders who come before the peak fall into two broad categories. In turn, minority, and well dressed up with both parents in tow. They are always full-time education, have the prospect of a decent college and careers, and tend to be accused of relatively minor crimes: some drugs, maybe. Parents hate to be in court and he knows the young offender. She felt burning shame for the humiliation that accumulate in the mother and father. Often this is the first time they appeared in court and are afraid.

On the other hand, there are criminals who are behind offers a litany of excuses. Before the case can start, you have to say that removing your hands from his pockets, turn off their cell phones and stop chewing gum. Only rarely, in turn, with both parents, usually the mother, but very often on their own. When the judges retire to read pre-sentence report, you can usually get a good estimate on the content: learning disabilities, excluded from full-time education, a history of physical and sexual abuse, sometimes live in a house depends on the "benefits. / Aa>

judges are encouraged to engage young offenders, but going hard. Teens are trained by defense lawyers to express remorse, but not entirely convincing when he says he feels sorry for his victims. Not much sign of respect for the court, much less afraid of him.

is absolutely right that this should be the case, since most judges are the fans who rely on experience, common sense and professional back up what we hope, c is the right decision. It is a curious, especially British, in their way, but it works.

judges will not need the encouragement of politicians to get tough with looters. In many cases, the justices will be in the guidelines and decide which is worse - the breakdown of public order - means that their power of condemnation are not enough. The maximum penalty that can deliver for a single offense is six months, reduced to one third if the offender pleads guilty. Only half of a prison sentence is actually served in prison, the rest under the license back to the community. Those caught red with flat screen televisions and designer trainers can expect to find themselves before a judge of the Crown Court, with a more severe penalty as a result.

