วันอังคารที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Alabama parents prepare for the worst: separation from their kids


Hispanic families of detainees under the draconian new immigration law began to write legal documents for Child Care

Read section 30 of the new immigration law HB56 (pdf)

hundreds of parents in Alabama who are afraid of being arrested at any time and imprisoned or deported under draconian new immigration law of the State shall make arrangements for their children in legal custody relatives or friends.

lawyers who work with Hispanic communities throughout Alabama report a huge increase in recent days in the approaches of Hispanic families so desperate about the threat posed by the new law are preparing for the worst : the brutal separation of their own children. They develop the power of attorney letters - generally applies to assets or documents belonging to companies, but Alabama is now used almost exclusively for child care

"It's a real human rights crisis," said Linton Joaquin of the National Immigration Law. "There is widespread panic, and even if parents do not want to give up their children who seek guardianship for them."

Shay Farley, legal director of a group of lawyers called the Alabama Appleseed, said he had already developed more than 200 power of attorney documents in one city, Tuscaloosa. A similar outcry for legal aid is informed throughout the state.

"These documents are normally designed to help people protect their key assets, and can not be larger that the children," said Farley.

Trini, a Hispanic mother who refused to give his name, took the attorney last week. She made arrangements for her two son, 10 and 13, to be assisted by his niece, who is a U.S. citizen.

"I fear that it could disappear without anyone knowing what happened to me," he said. "I do not speak English as well, so maybe the police I not understand and who knows what would happen to me in prison. "

Trini is in talks with his family to leave Alabama. But it broke, because she does not want to have their children born in the United States and has U.S. citizenship, in school.

"They have the right to go to school do well there, playing the trumpet and violin why we're still here -.... Because children because of their education "

His eldest son, Jesus, said the new law makes him nervous and depressed. "At school we were taught during the period of the Civil Rights -. This is the same thing happens again," said

if the individual does not have to produce valid immigration documents, which can be instantly sent to jail to start deportation proceedings.

Five states have enacted immigration laws like HB56, but Alabama is the only one who has been admitted by the courts to put the elements of the legislation. The Federal Department of Justice and a coalition of groups and individuals, are difficult for the new Law on the Court of Appeal U. S. circuit 11, which covers Alabama, Georgia and Florida.

See more about : [Ortiz][Toussaint][Joaquin][Linton][Alabama]

