วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

What I'm really thinking: the mother of a bully

"I think of all the letters of apology that I must write, and that disturbs a child to a play group, saying it was stupid"

When I meet other parents, there is often a mother talking about how his son was bullied at school. Others say that schools have had to move to escape a pursuer who was to make her son's life a misery. I say nothing, because my son is a tyrant. I rack my brains for a way to join the conversation to help them understand how I feel. But even if the application is successful people, you know you are trying in some way. So I'm quiet.

Climbing fathers and mothers afternoon
hear that many others have complained that their son, you feel so ashamed. Are you afraid to ask anything. And you can not talk to the door of the school friends of his. How can you? They could have been those who complain.

. Tell us what you think really mind@guardian.co.uk

