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Streaming primary school pupils labels them for life

research shows heterogeneous school students do better in school and achieve greater social mobility, says Melissa Benn

Long ago, when I in my brand new and complete our year group is divided into 12 classes, consisting of four sequences of capacity. Most white, middle class, the children were placed in higher bands, while the poor students, black or transient currents were much lower. In our third year in high school, the transmission had been abolished in favor of a blended approach to capacity. However, the damage to labels throughout our school life and beyond.

decades later, and the wheel seems to have come full circle. Streaming, the distribution of children in large groups on the basis of a fixed label, individually, is a great return, part of traditionalism retro sweeping our educational system. According to a recent study by the Institute of Education, one of six children of primary school age in the United Kingdom is now transmitted by the age of seven.

In some schools, the practice is so extreme that it amounts to a return of the principle of grammar school. Crown Woods School in south London, was a sensation for its decision to the children of the house into "schools" within schools according to ability, each with its own code of uniform color. The fighting was reported among students located in different blocks.

But there is a twisted logic behind the scenes of Crown Woods. Surrounded by the selective or partially selective schools, and struggling to stay on top of the rankings, the school is limited to respond to the market. In today's competitive climate, schools are increasingly involved in local gang wars, trying to win their share of high achievers.

Educationally speaking, however, this is pure disaster. The investigation of the recent history of education in the UK, I was fascinated to discover how the 1944 Act on Education was based on the work of educational psychologist Sir Cyril Burt CI , whose research was later discredited.

In the words of an official skeptical of the time, Burt believes that "children were divided into three classes. Was a kind of platonic. There were children of children gold silver, iron and children. "Everyone should be assigned to different institutions, grammar, technical schools or modern -. Based on these descriptors rigid, unimaginative

early labeling was significantly increased their sense of confidence in young adults, while those who spoke were heard, as we know, the "psychological prison" from which he did never escaped.

Wroxham Primary School in Hertfordshire has banned any construction tags, including the reference to levels of education pervasive national. The center's director, Alison Peacock, the school took special measures in the exceptional situation in a few years, and produces cohorts of insurance and curious students.

Wroxham is part of an exciting project called Learning without limits, which promotes a more open and progressive human potential. Such work is particularly important in the current climate, with so many sirens, stating that "the ability to co-education" a complete failure.

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