วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

The light fantastic? Ballet dancers and anorexia

a dancer who was accused of promoting anorexia Scala was fired. There is more to this weight problem as it seems, says Judith Mackrell

In recent weeks, it seems that the ballet has just released the new. The first shock was the departure of Sergei Polunin young dancer the Royal Ballet, a story that shook the world of dance and sent reporters running around looking for reasons. Then came the weekend reports that the Italian dancer had been dismissed Mariafrancesca Garritano prestigious La Scala, La. This, too, was a fairy colors: Garritano according to his training at the Ballet School of La Scala had thrust and many of his peers in the body dysmorphia and severe eating disorders, said that one in five dancers now have anorexia, and suggested that many can not get pregnant as a result. La Scala he was shot for "damage the image" of society.

Garritano The question seems outrageous, at least on the face of it: a whistleblower fired for talking. But is it that simple? Garritano, now in her mid-30, we talk about the training that took place 15 years ago, while the school agree not to have been past failures, which calls for a new culture was introduced. Other dancers were quick to condemn their false accusations. Everything that happens behind the scenes is certainly more complex than it seems at first sight

Perhaps this case highlights the broader issues is more interesting than the story itself. As the hype surrounding the disorder and bulimic ballerina Natalie Portman in Black Swan showed, the issue of the dancers and their body weight is an issue we can not ignore. But why?

What exactly constitutes an abuse
, damage, or abnormal behavior? Athletes, musicians and singers have to take care of their bodies so that most people would find extreme. The baritone Simon Keenleyside recently had to cancel performances because he had cast his vote - to talk too much about their children at Christmas. Instrumentalists who rehearse for hours a day must take extreme care to counter distortions and skeletal muscle may occur.

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