วันเสาร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Response: It's not so easy to establish the study of film in our schools

most teachers either do not feel they have permission to teach the subject, or do not know how

Don Boyd, the study of cinema is as important as literature and science, and rightly calls "a system to enable schools to teach the film" as a "primary responsibility" examination the BFI film based policy (Now we are all directors, September 26).

worked at the British Film Institute for 27 years trying to study film in school set up with limited success. The film can and should be taught at an early age in primary and secondary level. I do not think that the revision, with its emphasis on the production and distribution of films, this can be achieved

No evidence of film culture transformation, particularly in primary schools. For example, in Lincolnshire is committed to the education of young film students, and compilations of short films from BFI has probably reached the two million children. However, schools do not feel empowered to buy and training resources already available.

Why not the BFI Film Council and the United Kingdom, the government recognizes the importance of education to the movies? The BFI has an education department of the small and marginal, it is not well positioned to participate adequately in the curriculum at the political level, and the Ministry of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) can provide little support for it. The UK Film Council has been hard to imagine an effective education, working for years to produce the film with no strategic importance: Literacy in the 21st century. Under the supervision of the Board, the teaching of film has been delegated to a patchwork of systems unhappy relationship and funded organizations with different agendas.

The same people who oversaw all use a review of film policy. Certainly, the need to clean up their act when it is funded and why. But even more important is a clear directive of the government, research shows that informed and abundant when school children are based on the principles of holistic learning achievement can improve film. However, if this is an organization funded by the DCMS is regarded as "special appeal" of a creative industry. This will be the Education Secretary Michael Gove wants to support it?

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