วันเสาร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Alabama immigration threat: prove your legal status or lose water supply

Poster presented at the Council

illustrates the potential impact of new laws that are now under appeal by the federal government

. Read Article 30 of the new immigration law HB56 (pdf)

The poster is somewhat prepared, but it takes a great success. "Attention to all customers of the water," he begins. "In response to new immigration laws must have a driver's license in Alabama ..."

Then comes the coup ". ... Or you can lose water service"

The warning, in the offices of a public water company in the small town in Alabama Allgood is still the most striking illustration of the draconian immigration law came into force new in the state. According to Article 30 of the new law, HB56, either without proper immigration documents is a crime if they try to enter a "commercial transaction" with "the state or a political subdivision of the State. "

The law does not specify what constitutes a "commercial transaction", or what state agencies are involved, in particular, but judging by the sign placed by the water works company Allgood Alabama is playing well enough to include the basics of life.

is believed to have been a few weeks ago, while HB56 was still struggling throughout Alabama. Montgomery Water Works and Sewerage Board, is understood to have taken steps to force the client to the water to prove their legal immigration status.

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