วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Syria given ultimatum over uprising

. Arab League offers surprising relief Bashar al-Assad

. The UK urges to help establish an international contact group in Syria

The Kuwaiti Parliament protesters storm

. Read the latest summary



Syrian soldiers announced their defection of the Syrian army, free the group has claimed responsibility for another attack

A new video Lieutenant Muhammed Mustafa Ma'arat, flanked by four other soldiers, said the non-sectarian nature of the insurgency.

urged members of the sect dominant Allawite Assad family and join the uprising. He spoke of "sectarian oppression of the Syrian army," according to our colleague Mona Mahmood.

Meanwhile, a brigade of the Syrian army, without calling themselves "wolves", announced the death of four soldiers at a military checkpoint. The attack took place in a village called al-Ghab Daqmaq plan in northwestern Syria, according to the Facebook group page.

24:54: A summary of the lunch hour:


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the international community must "hear the cries" of the Syrian people.

"Syria can not draw much attention to Libya, as it has enough oil resources," he was quoted as saying. The exiled leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood said the Syrians to accept a Turkish intervention in the country to protect people against violence.

Russian Foreign Sergei Lavrov urged the opposition to play its part to end the bloodshed.

He referred to the smuggling of weapons from neighboring countries. Meanwhile, China called for the crisis is resolved by political means.

four civilians, including a girl, died today, according to local coordinating committees. The girl, aged eight or nine years, was killed in Deir ez-Zor. The LCC said two civilians were killed in Homs and in Idlib and four soldiers who were the security forces on the outskirts of Hama.

The Syrian government has again promised to protect foreign embassies, after several attacks by pro-Assad supporters were allowed to take yesterday.
authorities have pledged to arrest any person who has damaged the embassies or crimes committed on its territory.


published doubts about Bahrain, commission independent research into alleged violations of human rights should report next week.

said the investigation is not in accordance with the principles established by the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Among the issues discussed are the way research was created and its elected members, the alleged marginalization of NGOs and its alleged lack of impartiality.

five .


major companies have announced opposition to a massive demonstration "for democracy" Tomorrow

, reports of Enduring U. S. blog.


dozens of protesters against the government by force in Kuwait's parliament during the debate on efforts to question the prime minister on corruption allegations. "People want to head down," the demonstrators chanted, referring to Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah.


Syrian activists say that a girl was killed today by security forces in Khan Subeikhan / Sat ' (alternative spelling) at Deir ez-Zor province, which forms the border with Iraq.

COMMITTEES The local coordination (LCC) the name of the injured Samir Al-Mijbel Taghreed, 8, killed "by the indiscriminate firing by the security forces to the houses of Subeikhan city."

Syrian Observatory said the girl was nine years old (assuming you are talking about the same child) was killed "in a shootout with Syrian security forces during raids in search of people wanted "by security authorities."

The LCC said four civilians were killed in total today. The other two died and one in Homs Idib. He also said that four soldiers had deserted in Sahl Al-Ghab killed on the outskirts of Hama.

As usual, these reports can not be independently verified.


The exiled leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammad Riaf Shafka said that the Syrians would be willing to accept a Turkish intervention to protect Syria population against violence, AFP reported.

reportedly told a press conference in Istanbul (translated from Portuguese):

The Syrian people can not accept an intervention (in Syria) in Turkey, instead of the West, to protect civilians.


Bahrain Mirror, an online journal comprised of journalists who have been victims of repression in the opposition newspaper Al - Wasat, a pre before the publication of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the research of Bahrain on alleged violations of human rights, to be released Nov. 23.

The investigation alleges that site further violations of rules established by the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

He identifies five "serious offense":

. The Commission was established by a person not by the principle of national consultation

. Errors in the selection of members of the Commission . marginalization of the role of NGO

. Avoid the role of the United Nations and other international actors

. Errors in practice, professionalism and neutrality [Commission]

addresses each of these alleged violations in detail, in some cases, the unfavorable comparison with the survey standards detailed investigations of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, man.

in "errors in practice, professionalism and neutrality" of the commission, the mirror of Bahrain, writes:


chief said in an early stage that there was no evidence of systematic violations committed by the government, which exonerated the government officials, while the process monitoring and documentation was in its creation .

BIKE head repeatedly praised the King of Bahrain, ministers and government officials for their cooperation with the Commission, while he took a hard line number of the victims ...

Despite his repeated statements that he would not give an opinion until after the final results of this report, the head of BIKE approved recently in an interview, general narrative of events, which says that events were related to the sectarian factor and the influence of foreign powers, therefore, before issuing the report which is scheduled for November 23, 2011, which provided the justification for the authority for all violations, and blamed the victims, with a wide range of Bahrain, who have been victims of discrimination and persecution for many years.

head BIKE

adopted what some of the texts pro-government extremists "intent of the opposition to establish an" Islamic Republic ", while not a single test for all publications and recordings.


Russia acts as a primary defense against the Syrian diplomat calls Turkey-led international action against the Assad regime .

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in comparison to Syria to Libya.

told AFP reported today at a conference:

The world can not be subsequently Syria with sufficient care and sensitivity, because it is rich in energy resources. Syria can not draw attention as much as Libya, as it has enough oil resources.

The silence and lack of response from those who have an appetite for Libya for the massacres in Syria is the creation of irreparable injury in the consciousness of humanity.

Russian Foreign Sergei Lavrov urged the opposition to play its part to end the bloodshed, according to Russian news agency RIA Novosti.


Syria must stop - whatever its origin. Violence in Syria is not only the structures of government as weapons increasingly smuggled from neighboring countries.

China has adopted a similar position, but the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said Beijing was "very concerned" about Syria.

hope that all stakeholders work together to accelerate the implementation of resolution between the Arab League and Syria, and seek to resolve the crisis through political means the Syrians.


Observatory UK Syrian Human Rights rejected a claim that is required to buffer the Telegraph and exclusion air zones to protect civilians.

In a statement, said:

Twitter user, a member of the local coordination committees of Syria wrote:

the request of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights to change its name? Thugs & Assad Observatory Army right: D # # Homs in Syria

Wissam Fare, founder of Insan human rights, defended the Centre and the LCCS accused of trying to hide the sectarian nature of the insurgency.

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