I was a waitress. It is difficult, poorly paid work that is worth every extra penny. But put a cake in a bag is not the same
poor, children can not find their own country on a map, the obesity epidemic - my inner anglophile is appalled by the amount that Great Britain is the United States. Sometimes it seems that the UK is determined to go to hell in a cart the United States and in shape. You are supposed to be better than we Americans are. You are supposed to watch TV programs that are witty and well written, their children are supposed to be able to speak Latin and to recite whole passages of Shakespeare when they are 11. And we should all be slim and fit, as a result of long walks, reinforcements in the country that is supposed to. I ask you to leave the car and turn around. Please? And do so before the tip jar is so ubiquitous in the cities of Great Britain and the United States.
change was more common in the United States in Britain for some time, but not always the case. After the American Revolution (or war of colonial aggression, if you prefer) inflection was considered a different class British side. I suspect that this view was more common in the dumpsters that Tipp, however, the tank fell out of favor for a while
made its way into American culture in the late 19th century, 20th century, and never looked back. However, what used to be in the food industry, the deposit is made only full-service restaurants and cafes. Then in the 1990s, a spark had the idea to put a bottle of the cash register in a place where customers lined up to order and receive their food. Now they are everywhere. Cafes, grocery stores, dry cleaners -. They are even beginning to appear in convenience stores and supermarket channels
Consider this a friendly warning from an admirer. Do you really have these bastions of glass passive aggressive to the press all the time? I do not think you do, Great Britain. Saying "no" to the tip jar. And for a long walk, reinforcements in the country.