วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

This much I know: Martin Clunes

The actor, 49, have a good mood, buying a dressage horse, and finally go to Madagascar

I live on a farm in Dorset. The closest neighbor is a quarter of a mile away. It is very quiet, with stunning views - you can see a tower, you can not see the road. Blockbuster is an event in our house, when the little blue envelope penetrates

We have 14 horses. is a twilight world, television and acting, everything is invented. So to sit on a horse concern tangible and concrete in the ass fall is a good release. I left, but Chester and I agreed. I'm not asking a lot from him and he can stay. Yes

Men Behaving Badly returned I think it might be a bit dodgy. People 50 years with the thought of teenagers. It is difficult to do justice to the people of memory. And you know, others have not aged as well as myself.

Men Behaving Badly

taught people my name instead of "Aren" Does this guy


? "I've never been in


. I ' have not done

victims either. You must let them know. Doc Martin might be called a surgeon.

I have 50 years in November.

very significant sense, unavoidable. The idea of ??being a young 50 sounds like you are trying to deceive you, as a Harley-Davidson or something. I bought a dressage horse in place. With my hand on my heart
is terrible to lose your father [Clunes father died when he was eight years], but in the world the difficult childhood that does not really register. There have been promoted or neglected or raised by a drug addict. I just lost my father, who was so horrible it was.

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