tumble with the government increasing unemployment, the principle that everyone should be better at work is at risk
was a dramatic moment. A Labour MP without portfolio - with the name of Tony Blair - demanded a response from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, on the issue of full employment. In response, Mrs. Thatcher left her job in white paper bags full in 1944 and began to read. Of course, your government has not acted and unemployment rose.
least pretend to be processed. George Osborne, can not even lift a pretext. Today's news has brought misery in the world of work, the clearest evidence yet that the first and the government's plan for growth is bad does not help Britain
Our unemployment rate is rising faster than the euro area, Japan and America. Now we are losing jobs almost three times faster than we create. Rising unemployment is the highest for two years. The number of young unemployed increased by 77,000, and women who are most affected. Women today are most affected by layoffs and unemployment among women is at its highest level for 23 years.
Now more than ever the government must renew its commitment to full employment - a new report from the IPPR said. No action is taken, for example, 100,000 people over the age of 50 can not work again and will be forced to retire at the lowest pensions.
The government says it is trying. The first part of his "return" was the Department of Work and Pensions to take a strategic decision that youth unemployment was so serious it would be better to spend more each year on phones and stamps on a plan to bring young people to work. Larger and potentially more important was the work program, "the greatest support for the work" scheme in the history of our country, boasted David Cameron
at risk is the basic principle that everyone should be better at work. Once upon a time, Iain Duncan Smith told us what he believes in. But the principle has now been thrown out the window. Resolution Foundation said government funding for child care in the universal credit "could break its commitment to making work pay." They say that parents may lose more than 94P in the book, as they increase their hours beyond 24 hours per week. If you are in the minimum wage, 24 hours a week earning less than £ 7000 a year. Changes in government are trapping people on the wages of poverty.
Put it all together and you have a prescription to treat waste is through the roof. With fewer people paying taxes is more difficult to get the deficit below -. And unemployment is to help steer the project benefits by 12 billion pounds, which is 500 pounds per household
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