censored satire in Kurt Vonnegut's novel Sarah teenager Twenty Boy Summer Ockler
Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse twenty-five young adults were Ockler Boy Sarah were both banned from a school library program in a school in Missouri, after a complaint about the children of teachers premises exposed to "significant impact".
Ocklernovel, which tells of the romance was a girl in his attempt to overcome the death of his first love of a year earlier, is to eliminate school programs and the library of the Missouri Republic, with Kurt Vonnegut novel Slaughterhouse-Five classic. The prohibition of a complaint by Wesley Scroggins, a professor at Missouri State University, who wrote in a column for a local newspaper last year saying that Vonnegut's novel "contains profanity, therefore, a sailor would have been ashamed. "He said Ockler book, described by Kirkus Reviews as a" tearjerker sincere, romantic, "" glorify drunken teen party where girls lose their clothes in games of strip beer pong ", and set the famous novel Laurie Halse Anderson Speak, for he felt "should be classified as soft porn."
Scrogginstriggered a review by the district school board, which voted this week to continue talking, but to remove the Vonnegut novels and Ockler. Twenty Boy Summer oriented "sensationalist sexual promiscuity," said Superintendent Vern Minor News-Leader. "I do not think it's a good book. I do not think it is compatible with these standards and the type of message we send, "he said." If the book ends with a different note, I might think differently. " Slaughterhouse-Five, meanwhile, has "very, very intense" and the language has "no place in school," said Minor.
wrote in his blog, Ockler insisted that "not all adolescents with sexual experience or drink'm sorry for her. Not all adolescents who have sex become pregnant, someone is pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Not all adolescents who have some time in a non serious relationship. all adolescents who have sex outside a relationship feels guilty, ashamed, sad or later. "
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