the most amazing thing | Python Hunters | Dexter | My family | The Kennedys | Castle
the most amazing thing
20:00, BBC4
current BBC4 probably the programming of contemporary dance, the most incredible, the first of which Sadler Wells in London earlier this year, is an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen tale of the same name by playwright and director Matthew Dunster. This is the soundtrack of Pet Shop Boys and choreographed by Javier de Frutos - better known so far to the scandal generated by his performance and eternal damnation Sanchez Sancho, who fought in some shows, to be heard above the shouts of the public. Andrew Mueller
Python Hunters
20:00 Nat Geo Wild
Although they lack the ability to swear a belief as glorious as Samuel L Jackson, Nat Geo Wild intrepid group of hunters python - Shawn Heflick, Greg Graziani and Michael Cole - also appear to able to get these fudgin Mutha "snakes hanging fudgin Mutha." Or, in this case, the plains of the Everglades in Florida, where the Burmese python has maintained a stranglehold, threatening native species and humans terrible. Even a unusually cold winter has not given birth.
Gwilym Mumford
Dexter 22:00 FX
played the role of single father of a few episodes, so it is now time for Dexter to return to what he does. By not having killed anyone with his usual meticulous methods for some time now, he finds his skills are somewhat rusty. This usually leads to some sequences Dexter-ish that manage both funny and incredibly tense as the first attempt is a bit sloppy. At the end, it seems that the show is on track and we have the beginning of the arc of a great story this season. Looks like it will be good. Phelim O'Neill
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