วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

The sonic hedgehog gene

a gene called Sonic Hedgehog plays a crucial role to ensure that all our limbs and organs are the right place

Name: SHH - sonic hedgehog

Location: chromosome 7


12,288 base


encodes a signaling protein critical to determine the location of limbs and organs of the developing embryo

Seating arrangements for any school trip by bus are the same. Children who will cause problems to sit in the back. Just in front near the teacher's students are more nerd. Meanwhile, along the length of the bus, a strange cold gradient is established, depending on how far from the teacher to each child is seated.

body design is set in the same way. When an embryo is formed first, the concentration gradients of various signaling proteins down - which makes high levels of secreted protein becomes progressively weaker with distance from the source - the place that tell amorphous cells in front, behind, above, below.
The interaction of these proteins provides a basic model of the body, and that's where Sonic hedgehog (SHH) comes in.

