วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Back-to-school daze as parents spend £736m

parents spend £ 27 million more than it did in 2010 on the themes of the new school for their children, says a survey

parents in the UK spend an average of 77 pounds to a child in the "back to school" basics this summer, 56% say they feel under pressure to spend more did last year.

A survey of 2,000 adults by the insurer LV = found that parents are set to lose 736 million pounds in uniforms, sports books, stationary, and in front of the school their children back to school - £ 27 million more than it did in 2010.

Back to School

cost is £ 81 for children in high school, according to the survey, compared with £ 67 for high school and £ 63 for children. Parents in North Scotland and London will pay more - with an average cost of £ 88.50 - while parents in the East Midlands said they spend an average of 60 pounds

Despite the expected increase, more than half (53%) of all parents said they plan to buy "budget" of school uniforms and stationery this year. This could mean that the figures for LV = is a little higher than reality.

Mark Jones, LV = head of protection, said: "At first glance, spending £ 77 to send her child to school may not seem excessive, and prepare children for their Back school is a small part of the cost of raising a family, but it is easy for those costs add up.

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