It was hard as a Silent Hill fan, see the venom that Konami was the champion of survival horror. Even if you enjoy some of the suites and spin-offs that have occurred in recent years, there is no denying that the credibility and prestige of the series is all but dried up.
and Silent Hill 3
, however. Two of the greatest games ever made, and the best pair of classic horror you can expect to play. There is absolutely no way Konami could spoil the simple task of making these two songs in a beautiful collection of high definition, right?
This is what I thought, anyway.
Silent Hill Collection
(PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 [reviewed])Developer: Team Silent, studies Hijinx
Publisher: Konami
Released: March 20, 2012
PlayStation 2 games, the "collection" is incomplete without the fourth. Regardless if you like this game or not - Konami
factsilent chain team in the
Silent Hilland it seems ironic that the publisher may deny it today. Not to mention, the title has its fans and, with all its faults, deserves a place on the disk.
However, you can almost see why they left. After all, studies Hijinx was not competent enough to properly porttwo Games , let alone have the capacity to handle three. frankly disgusting horrible work has been done with this package. Silent Hill 2 is particularly bad, as the visual "upgrade" seems actually worst PlayStation 2 counterpart. The contrast of the game was changed so that all unnecessarily dark, while their claustrophobic fog effects are eliminated almost entirely. This reduces not only the atmosphere, it presents a series of graphical errors that the effect is there to hide.
is well known that the fog of the first Silent Hill
was an ingenious answer to the technical limitations of the time. Silent team could not make a big city in a huge world, so everything wrapped in a dark cloud to cover up what they could not be rendered. Although not as necessary on the PS2, which means that developers do not need to create environments with large distances of the draw. Without the fog, you can see parts of the game world have not been finalized and was to end in nothing. This is particularly evident at times near Toluca Lake, where water can be seen ending abruptly, as if she was running along the edge of the world. The boat sequence late in the game looks absolutely horrible, not only for the reason mentioned above, but also by the lack of texture of the water and the guiding light in the distance is now considered an established in cartoon star of a child.
Silent Hill 3
looks much better, to be fair. The suite was already less dependent on fog and much more beautiful than its predecessor, though it seems to have been wearing a simple task. The game is more intense color scheme, with its emphasis on black and red, looks particularly good in HD, and I am glad that at leastThurs recording visual is not less than its counterpart a decade ago, although there were problems with the shadows without. I can not say that I personally found the game so bad in the view.
However, the sound problems pervade both parties. In Silent Hill 2
, the audio skips randomly in outdoor environments, and both games struggle to maintain his uniform every time a character uses a weapon white - the large knife in the
Silent Hill
katana and the aa Silent Hill
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