About 27% of women between 16 and 24 had sex before reaching the age of consent, according to the annual survey of health
More than a quarter of young women today say their first sexual intercourse when they were under 16, a higher proportion than in any previous generation asked about sex with minors in an annual survey of the health officer.
About 27% of women aged between 16 and 24, said they had sex before age 16, according to the Health Survey for England. Fewer men in the same age group - 22% - said they were under 16 years old the first time I had sex
The results of the last survey in 2010 suggest that sexual behavior has changed over the generations, according to the National Health Information Center, which publishes the annual report, with the proportion of women increasingly early sexual activity over time, a trend that is not in men
The median age at which men and women become sexually active 17. A significant proportion of youth aged 16 to 24 years had not had sex - 26% of young women and 32% of men
One in five 16 to 24 years reported having 10 or more sexual partners -. With more men (27%) than women (13%) reporting 10 or more
Men reported an average of 9.3 sexual partners, while women reported an average of 4.7. However, 17% of women and 24% of men said they had one.
Women were more likely to have been diagnosed by a doctor for a sexually transmitted infection - 12% of women aged 16 to 69 years, said he had an infection, compared with 9% of men the same age. Equal proportions of men and women - 2% - had been diagnosed more than once
"The underlying cause must be the" pornification "of culture and sexualization of girls increasingly pre-teens. Girls Too many young people are absorbing popular culture around this value only as sexual objects. inevitably act on this idea.
"The government must respond to the spiral of sex with minors, not meaningless plans to teach abstinence, but with a better education PSHE [personal, social, health and economic] in schools for children. " She said she also feared that the government's reforms would mean the local government to take responsibility for sexual health. "In times of economic crisis in a hurry, it could mean cuts in services it offers and what is worse sex minor figures in the future," he said.
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