Oxford Save Our Services, and saw the devastation caused by logging, so it is bringing its national campaign
In Buenos Aires, the Conservative-led County Council has reduced public services, while hoping for the voluntary sector take over. Local residents group Save Our Services Oxford saw the devastation in the court of David Cameron. So when the Prime Minister said he wanted private companies to be able to run all public services, decided to take our campaign nationally.
Oxford has the third highest in England by the number of vulnerable people who work in public sector jobs. However, Oxfordshire County Council is to make severe cuts, often choose to close completely the services rather than scale back. It is cutting £ 119m while providing services-off "large company" funds £ 600,000 -. The equivalent of taking 100 pounds and 50 pence return
Young people are devastated that 21 youth centers across the county are closing, despite the "kiss a hoodie" campaign and hits young workers. Many say they have nowhere where to go and get lost without young skilled workers who lose their jobs. Charlie, 18, of the individual unit of Oxford, says youth worker "has saved my life."
plans to close 20 libraries that have been delayed by a noisy campaign of angry residents in Oxfordshire, and famous authors like Philip Pullman. The council wants local people to volunteer to run, but the groups have insisted that this is not a solution.
lived in Oxford as a child, student and adult. I like to imagine a primary school I went to the parks I played I loved the library, is in charge of companies that charge for entry, the university, responsible for enterprise, available only for wealthy students, services for children and youth, recreation and health centers, all in the game
parliamentary debate and consultation on the White Paper on the Cabinet Office focused on carefully chosen examples of social enterprises and charities that perform public services. He slipped in the fact that service users often suffered in the private acquisition. instead of waiting for the board to privatize everything we hold dear, Oxford Save Our Services decided to work with 50 groups of anti-cuts to deal with national government policy. From October 29, we expect a "week of auctions," where groups symbolically "sell" the services and buildings across the country, ending with the "liquidation" of Parliament on November 5. Join us and help to defend public services.
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