"I was too scared to tell anyone because I felt so ashamed"
time I made one. Apple was amazing was a simple thing like a life-changing moment. I was retired, a grandmother, and had spent his life keeping the terrible secret that I could not read or write.
For my entire adult life, had lived a life, not daring to socialize, apply for jobs or even try new recipes, for fear of being discovered. Of my school years, when the teacher used to plant pins in me to learn to sew for not being able to follow instructions, I am filled with shame and sorrow.
As a child I remember being totally confused. I quickly teachers classified as stupid and lazy, and died. I became expert in hiding the fact that I had not learned to read. I watched other kids enjoy their books in the library and copied, even laughing at times to be more convincing. I did not turn pages from right to left is wrong, however.
I was terribly bullied children and teachers, and had no friends. My parents do not care about my problems in class, and I became so used to being called stupid I came to believe it was true. My self esteem was low and I left school at 15, can not recognize the alphabet.
found work in a book factory, of all places. I had to check all the details from time to time, pantomimes reading. I must have sent thousands of poor people, but it was never discovered.
I went to get married and my husband was not aware of my inability to read our entire marriage. Organized what I've done all the paperwork and I did domestic work - I was sure I would if he knew the truth. Both my son, Kevin and David, came and I felt so bad I could not help because they started to learn to read. But I never read them since the beginning, there was something I doubt.
When rights began to arrive, I encouraged her friends to come with the promise of a delicious tea, so that everyone can work together. I tried to compensate for my ignorance of this type, but inside I was cringeing.
Luckily I had learned to drive before the written exams were presented, but always stuck to the track to avoid the need for maps or signs.
The turning point came at age 60, during an attack of depression. A volunteer for a local charity came to read to me, for the company. When it was suggested that we read to each other, I refused, but she was so persistent, so hot, they finally admitted that he knew. She organized classes for adults learning, but I was so petrified, I took three rounds for parking before going To my relief, my tutor, Chris, was nothing but encouraging. I started with a picture book about a worm and an apple. I was intimidated by how much I had to learn: English is not easy and it was very, very hard. We are inspired by the alphabet using clay and, to my taste, after six months, I could write a sentence.