วันเสาร์ที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555
วันอังคารที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Wing Commander: Darkest Dawn - Fan-Made Goodness Reborn
MojoKid wrote: "last week marked the release of Wing Commander Saga: Darkest Dawn, a fellow fan of Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger .. which has been in development over the past decade is a true labor of love Now the game is available, the question is, how good it is? "the game fell on Thursday, I started to play on Friday and as I write this (Sunday afternoon), my list of weekend work is gathering dust in the refrigerator. J 'I was too busy cursing my decision to throw my Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 to notice. "If I had stayed one more year would not have this problem," he whispered, spread the fingers on the keyboard in a vain attempt to convince my Hellcat to the bank more than a pig in mud Centaur. Wing Commander Saga is a fan made game that is good enough to be worth paying. Not only is it better than many companies expect you pay for Schlock, which honors its source material, while improving the Wing Commander classic game and graphics. "
Find best price for : --Darkest----Commander----Wing--
The Naked Rambler: the man prepared to go to prison for nudity
Six years ago, walking naked Rambler Stephen Gough of Land's End to John O'Groats brought him a media celebrity - and a prison sentence. Then another and another, and ... Why was locked up since then?
winter in HMP Perth. The River Tay has ice chips in his journey beyond the prison wall. Prisoners breathing catches in the clouds, while, unfortunately, in the circuit court. At this time of year, many choose not to be affected in its outdoor exercise. The stone corridors of space to sit quietly, 133 men are in the temporary block, while one of them was to meet me. For many of the prisoners who this man is a stranger. Are more likely to see his face in a newspaper on the wings.
Stephen Goughoccupies a parallel universe in HMP Perth. While the prison was moving through their daily program, and other prisoners in workshops or visits, it remains alone in his cell. At 20:30, when the building is closed at night, which is released for 30 minutes. Empty your trash, the messages of his letters and has a shower. If you're lucky, you also have time for a walk, a quick circuit of empty corridors.
This morning, Gough, 52, is on track to meet me, so that the rest of the waiting room behind the door. It was taken from his cell, along the corridor, down the stairs. I hear her bare feet padding on the stone before it became the office.
"Nice to meet you," Gough said politely.
We shake hands and for a while, I was not sure of where to sit. With a sense of duty of a long-term prisoner who is awaiting trial. His body is thin and pale, patched with strands of brown hair. Your penis is suspended in the cold air between us.
MediaGough called the Naked Rambler. He is serving 657 days for a breach of the peace and contempt of court. The gap was naked HMP Perth after completing a previous judgment. He was taken to Perth Sheriff Court, and represented himself naked. It was contempt. When he returned to prison, the cell was such that he had left - did not bother to pack
last sentenceGough is his 17th in 10 years. Since May 2006 was a series of short sentences interrupted by fleeting freedom itself: they have actually been in custody for nearly six years for refusing to get dressed. At a recent hearing, it was suggested that it might be in jail for the rest of his life. "People often go to jail for many years," he said, "before others see the light."
I wonder how it is. "Well, you know. You adapt."
So how does an intelligent, friendly, serious, even lost their freedom for their right to be naked? After a stint in the Royal Navy, and a flirtation with the Moonies in Thailand, Gough has spent nearly 20 years in his native country, Eastleigh. He worked as a truck driver and was involved with environmental groups and community life. Then, in 2000, 40, moved to Vancouver for a year with her partner and two children.
"I did not work in Canada," said Gough. "I spent my time watching the kids and hit the road. One day I was walking and something happened." He had an epiphany: .. "I realized that it was good to be British, buried in our education is that we are sick or do - it may be religion, or school, I realized that at a fundamental level, I'm fine, we are all well, and you can count on that part of yourself. "
This self-realization often Gough won the election to be naked in public, whether it was good, then his body was good. "The human body is not offensive," he says. "If this is what we say, as human beings, then it is not rational."
His former partner was "more conservative" and visit his parents proved disastrous. "One morning I came for breakfast naked, and that's everything, everything," Gough said flatly. "The problem was that his parents were not even that bothers me."
The couple returned to Santa Maria together, but Gough went to live with his mother. He arrived in England, he said, with intense satisfaction of what might offer nudity, and questioning "things we're taught to believe they are right." He visited a police station in Santa Maria and asked if it was illegal to walk naked through the streets. "They could not get an answer," he said.
Her bare feet, was the first short-lived. In January 2003, he left his mother's house and went to Santa Maria city center. "Nothing really happened," he says. "There was a man who shouted:" This is disgusting! "But he was eating a sandwich, so I think that's why. Went into the covered market where the police arrived in great difficulty."
For his audition, which was adopted by naturists groups. The BBC said she left naked "a multitude of followers." The photos show a muscular, healthy, radiant Gough on the steps of the court. "I wanted to follow my truth," he recalls, "to keep asking questions."
That summer, Gough left Land's End using hiking boots and a backpack. Their destination was John O'Groats. On his first day of the press ran reports jovial Cornish. In his second, he was arrested in St. Ives, briefly detained and then released. In the outer periphery of the city, was attacked brutally: "A couple of guys who pushed me I was kicked in the head and he did.". Draw the hooked nose. "I thought, is this what is going to be? But in reality, it was the only real problem I had until I get to Scotland. "
On his journey through England, surrounding cities and outside sleeping, Gough was arrested "occasionally" by police. She wore clothing and explain what he did. Officers perplexed, they say, the grass would be off season "in secret, through the back door." Someone in the legal system, which is not to be named later tells me that the English police sometimes keep quiet Gough was a little more than one county.
In Scotland, however, found the strongest opposition. In the northeast corner was picked up repeatedly by police and convicted of violating peace. He spent four months in HMP Inverness, an experience he found "good enough". It was his first experience of segregation. "I thrived and learned a lot about myself. You do this in extreme situations. "
After his release, Gough has launched a final push to John O'Groats. It was a few days of the northern tip of Great Britain when a car stopped and a man jumped. "He said he had read about me and had me up for days. Had a flask of soup and a cake and wished me good luck." Gough reached John O'Groats, January 22, 2004 and the media were waiting. He posed for pictures on the icon displays the personal and warm hotel room gave him a bottle of champagne. "It was a great feeling," he says. "I thought it was the end."
Gough returned to Santa Maria, bought a van and went to Studland, Dorset, a town popular with fans of alternative lifestyle. He tried to write a book on the promenade, but it is beset by a nagging doubt: "I thought it had been compromised Why put on my clothes when the police arrested me I was wrong, but defeated the whole point. ?. "
Doubt grows up to be covered. It would make the trip, this time "no compromise". With his new girlfriend, Melanie Roberts, left Land's End in June 2005.
In any case, England was even easier this time. Photos online show Gough and Roberts naked in the middle of drinkers in bars and shops naked smiling at supermarkets. Relations with police were nothing more than an irritation. "He asked what we were doing, we told them and that generally," said Gough.
again, was in Scotland, who got into trouble. "We took him to Edinburgh," he said. "And I was a little hard then."
For hardcore, Gough means he refused to dress for court and pleaded guilty to a breach of the peace. Roberts, meanwhile, got dressed, pleaded guilty and was in a shelter, while Gough was two weeks in prison Saughton.
Will cause tension between them? "People should do what they want," said Gough. "I am for freedom, so I accepted his decision."
returned to his feet amid growing interest in the media. A team of documentary images captured Gough and Roberts took over a village by a bagpiper. However, Gough recalls as a "carnival atmosphere" led to more problems. Although many Scottish police has decided to ignore Gough in the past, his fame spread more difficult. For police, the mass had been reached when, once again entered the home stretch of their journey.
"It took me again," Gough said, simply. "In the prison of Inverness. Just five months."
Gough and Roberts came to John O'Groats in February 2006. Again, he finished his journey in the colder months of the year. "Pretty cold, but manageable," he said defiantly, insisting temperature is only a problem "when it stops, as it is when you start typing. The trick is to continue. "Local journalists have reported Gough and Roberts walked stoically through" rain. "
- made some concessions to the weather. "We wore hats, socks, gloves and hiking boots," says Roberts. "We had a lot of carbohydrates and went quickly. The more we advance towards the goal, the easier it was to forget the cold and pain. "
Find best price for : --Naked----McCann----Andy----Bournemouth----Roberts----Dorset----Perth----Gough----John----Stephen----Rambler--
วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Child of Eden video: Mizuguchi plays for your pleasure
Win! Child of Eden copies
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555
A Savings Unlike Any Other [The Moneysaver]
Review: Silent Hill HD Collection
It was hard as a Silent Hill fan, see the venom that Konami was the champion of survival horror. Even if you enjoy some of the suites and spin-offs that have occurred in recent years, there is no denying that the credibility and prestige of the series is all but dried up.
and Silent Hill 3
, however. Two of the greatest games ever made, and the best pair of classic horror you can expect to play. There is absolutely no way Konami could spoil the simple task of making these two songs in a beautiful collection of high definition, right?
This is what I thought, anyway.
Silent Hill Collection
(PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 [reviewed])Developer: Team Silent, studies Hijinx
Publisher: Konami
Released: March 20, 2012
PlayStation 2 games, the "collection" is incomplete without the fourth. Regardless if you like this game or not - Konami
factsilent chain team in the
Silent Hilland it seems ironic that the publisher may deny it today. Not to mention, the title has its fans and, with all its faults, deserves a place on the disk.
However, you can almost see why they left. After all, studies Hijinx was not competent enough to properly porttwo Games , let alone have the capacity to handle three. frankly disgusting horrible work has been done with this package. Silent Hill 2 is particularly bad, as the visual "upgrade" seems actually worst PlayStation 2 counterpart. The contrast of the game was changed so that all unnecessarily dark, while their claustrophobic fog effects are eliminated almost entirely. This reduces not only the atmosphere, it presents a series of graphical errors that the effect is there to hide.
is well known that the fog of the first Silent Hill
was an ingenious answer to the technical limitations of the time. Silent team could not make a big city in a huge world, so everything wrapped in a dark cloud to cover up what they could not be rendered. Although not as necessary on the PS2, which means that developers do not need to create environments with large distances of the draw. Without the fog, you can see parts of the game world have not been finalized and was to end in nothing. This is particularly evident at times near Toluca Lake, where water can be seen ending abruptly, as if she was running along the edge of the world. The boat sequence late in the game looks absolutely horrible, not only for the reason mentioned above, but also by the lack of texture of the water and the guiding light in the distance is now considered an established in cartoon star of a child.
Silent Hill 3
looks much better, to be fair. The suite was already less dependent on fog and much more beautiful than its predecessor, though it seems to have been wearing a simple task. The game is more intense color scheme, with its emphasis on black and red, looks particularly good in HD, and I am glad that at leastThurs recording visual is not less than its counterpart a decade ago, although there were problems with the shadows without. I can not say that I personally found the game so bad in the view.
However, the sound problems pervade both parties. In Silent Hill 2
, the audio skips randomly in outdoor environments, and both games struggle to maintain his uniform every time a character uses a weapon white - the large knife in the
Silent Hill
katana and the aa Silent Hill
Find best price for : --Collection----Hill----Silent----PlayStation----Konami--
วันเสาร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Modern languages in schools are 'close to extinction'
become a quest of minorities, educator warns teachers of languages ??
modern languages ??are endangered in British schools, a primary school teacher is to warn teachers.
Anthony Seldon, a pioneer in educational innovation and the head of Wellington College, language teachers say that their purpose is more work than it was for a century.
Learn French, German or Spanish is becoming a research minorities, such as learning from Greek into Latin and ancient, that tell a conference convened by the Network of Schools - a Partnership 5500 schools across the UK and abroad - at the University of Warwick. Note that, despite being more multicultural than ever, the UK has a "Little Britain", the attitude, threatening the international competitiveness and partnerships abroad.
The number of students taking GCSE French and German has halved in the last 16 years. This summer, 154,221 students were French, while in 1995, 350,027 did. Some 60,887 students took GCSE German this summer, compared to 129,386 in 1995. The number of students taking A-levels in French and German by nearly half between 1996 and 2010. Even adoption by China decreased during this period, from 2234 to 2104 students.
Seldon, who is also the biographer of Tony Blair say that nobody is willing to take responsibility for the decline: "The government is looking into schools to address school boards say the consideration of the items are too difficult. jury that the government should solve it. If we allow much longer without drastic measures, which have passed the tipping point. "
earlier this month, Michael Gove, the education minister, told the Guardian that he wanted the children to begin learning a foreign language from the age of five. Work tried to foreign languages ??compulsory from the age of seven early last year, but legislation was not passed by Parliament was dissolved ahead of general elections.
Seldon is encouraging teachers to broaden the range of languages ??to include Arabic, Mandarin and Urdu. It will advocate for languages ??that are taught in other subjects, and suggests some schools to invite business people, especially those involved in exports, to make students learning languages.
- "Our record in language learning is only bad in the developed world", ie. "We can not just assume the world will learn English to welcome us. This is a problem for society as a problem for schools only."
John Newton, director of Taunton, a public school in Somerset, said the proportion of students at a * s in languages ??at GCSE and A-level was much lower than in other issues. "Children grow up thinking that dominates the airwaves Britannia -. What is wrong is "
Meanwhile, the best grades at GCSE and do not necessarily indicate intelligence, the philosopher AC Grayling, who has set up a private university college in question, he said.
Find best price for : --Guardian----Michael----Tony----GCSE--
EU report: Rise in use of cocaine has peaked
being major consumers of cocaine in Europe, experts warn the new threat of synthetic drugs
The continuing increases in cocaine use across Europe during the last decade peaked because of the austere economic situation, the agency said the drug of the European Union .
However, the UK still leads the European rankings for cocaine - as it has in seven of the last eight years -. Despite the bursting of the bubble
The annual report of the Control Center, Lisbon-based European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, released Tuesday, shows the use of illicit drugs across the EU relatively stable, with positive signs that cocaine use peaked and cannabis use among young people continues to decline.
But the agency said that this encouraging picture is offset by new threats of "legal drugs" and other synthetic drugs. It is said that 39 new substances have been identified so far this year through the EU Early Warning System on top of the 41 reported for all of 2010.
No signs of declining use and over 150 new substances are monitored by the authorities.
The EU drugs agency said the rapid emergence of new substances is driven by a record of 600 online retailers are ready to send a request for what is supposed to be psychoactive substances " to at least one other EU countries. The total includes 80 retail stores online mephedrone based in the UK.
JulyThe investigation revealed these retailers also found a greater variety of products. Many prominent notices are also displayed, such as "unfit for human consumption" or "only for use as plant food." Another caution exercised by imposing restrictions on delivery.
Ireland and Poland have both adopted legislation restricting the sale quickly free of legal highs. " Health inspectors closed 1,200 stores in Poland last year.
- The report indicates that cocaine was consolidated in the last decade as the most popular stimulant drug throughout Europe with over 4 million people use it each year.
- "But the new data presented today raises the question of whether his popularity peaked," he added. "The financial burden associated with the regular use of cocaine, it can be a less attractive option in countries where austerity is the order of the day. "
EU data shows cocaine use by young adults between 15 and 34 in the UK fell by 6.1% in 2009 to 4.8% in 2010 with similar reductions Spain, Italy and Denmark.
falling popularity also reflects recent trends in Canada and the United States, with similar levels of cocaine Popularity lower than in Britain.
Cannabis remains the illicit drug most popular in Europe with
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Rise in use of cocaine has peaked, says EU drug agency report
being major consumers of cocaine in Europe, experts warn the new threat of synthetic drugs
The continuing increases in cocaine use across Europe during the last decade peaked because of the austere economic situation, the agency said the drug of the European Union .
However, the UK still leads the European rankings for cocaine - as it has in seven of the last eight years -. Despite the bursting of the bubble
The annual report of the Control Center, Lisbon-based European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, released Tuesday, shows the use of illicit drugs across the EU relatively stable, with positive signs that cocaine use peaked and cannabis use among young people continues to decline.
But the agency said that this encouraging picture is offset by new threats of "legal drugs" and other synthetic drugs. It is said that 39 new substances have been identified so far this year through the EU Early Warning System on top of the 41 reported for all of 2010.
No signs of declining use and over 150 new substances are monitored by the authorities.
The EU drugs agency said the rapid emergence of new substances is driven by a record of 600 online retailers are ready to send a request for what is supposed to be psychoactive substances " to at least one other EU countries. The total includes 80 retail stores online mephedrone based in the UK.
JulyThe investigation revealed these retailers also found a greater variety of products. Many prominent notices are also displayed, such as "unfit for human consumption" or "only for use as plant food." Another caution exercised by imposing restrictions on delivery.
Ireland and Poland have both adopted legislation restricting the sale quickly free of legal highs. " Health inspectors closed 1,200 stores in Poland last year.
- The report indicates that cocaine was consolidated in the last decade as the most popular stimulant drug throughout Europe with over 4 million people use it each year.
- "But the new data presented today raises the question of whether his popularity peaked," he added. "The financial burden associated with the regular use of cocaine, it can be a less attractive option in countries where austerity is the order of the day. "
EU data shows cocaine use by young adults between 15 and 34 in the UK fell by 6.1% in 2009 to 4.8% in 2010 with similar reductions Spain, Italy and Denmark.
falling popularity also reflects recent trends in Canada and the United States, with similar levels of cocaine Popularity lower than in Britain.
Cannabis remains the illicit drug most popular in Europe with
Find best price for : --cannabis--
Leslie Le Quesne obituary
professor of surgery at the Middlesex Hospital
surgeons in the 1960s tend to worry about the technical operations rather than its outcome. The bitter joke - "the operation was a success but the patient did not survive" - ??was not entirely unjustified. Leslie Le Quesne, who died aged 91, was part of a new generation of surgeons inspired by the work of pioneers such as the American Francis Moore, who began to question the functional aspects of his art: how to prepare a patient for surgical strike, to monitor the physiological changes and, in particular, assessing and treating post-operative metabolic response.
All this required the knowledge of physiology and biochemistry. Besides being a fast and meticulous surgeon, Le Quesne was a pioneer in this field, and his ministry has issued a series of major studies on the acid-base balance, fluid balance and the system response endocrine. Much of this work was reported at the Society of Surgical Research (now the Society of Surgery Academic and Research), which was founded by David Patey, and Le Quesne became president, and was published in the British Journal of Surgery (BJS), a magazine that was essentially parochial, consisting of case reports and short limited largely to a British audience.
When Le Quesne was appointed chairman of the editorial board, its character has changed and has become the largest newspaper BJS clinical research and outside the United States. Surgical science kits to record their work in English, the lingua franca of medicine, but were excluded from American magazines tend to ignore the contributions from abroad. Le Quesne reputation as a scientist and teacher of students increased, and honors followed, including the dean of the faculty of London University of Medicine and Chief Justice of the examiners of the Royal College of Surgeons.
- After leaving Exeter College, Oxford, began clinical trials at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, where his maternal grandfather, Sir Alfred Pearce Gould, was the chief surgeon. After attending an early return to Middlesex, where he spent the rest of his career. He obtained his FRCS in 1947 and became a consultant surgeon and assistant to the university department of surgery, led by Patey. Patey When he retired in 1964, was appointed head of department and professor of surgery.
was appointed medical director of the State Office of Scholarships, pro-rector of the University of London and in 1993, CBE. But these happy years were interrupted by the death of 1999 paddy of breast cancer. The house was sold Eton Villas, Le Quesne and moved into a small flat in Belsize Park nearby. Undeterred by age, which raised £ 150,000 to find a position as visiting professor of medicine at University College Hospital, to match the chair of surgery at Middlesex created in memory of his grandfather, Sir Alfred Pearce Gould. He is survived by her children and five grandchildren.
Find best price for : --Leslie----Pamela----university----Pearce----Alfred----Exeter----Quesne----Middlesex--
Social workers ignored warnings over rapist, 11
risks child has not fully evaluated, leaving him to attack nine years, when he should have been in a house
social workers do not have to act on official warnings about the behavior of a very disturbed 11 year old man who raped a child two years younger than him, a case grave found.
services for children Sunderland popular board did not adequately assess the child's needs or the risk, despite the concerns of health professionals about his mental instability and sexual behavior .
ChildX attacked a nine year old in 2009 led to a room in a computer game. He admitted the breach by the Crown Court in Newcastle and was sent to a detention center for four years.
The summary of the review report stated that the board had not taken X children in care despite repeated requests and evidence of serious behavioral problems. "The services of child protection internet Sunderland has consistently failed to meet their legal obligations to protect the child X"
As several recent studies of severe cases, the research found that there was a lack of resources caused the failure, but insufficent shared schedule, record keeping and communication between workers social services NHS, schools and police departments. However, the report was clear that the ultimate responsibility lies with the failure of the services of Sunderland children get a leading role.
Two letters on the behavior of X were sent to authorities in the protection of a child psychiatrist just weeks before the attack, urging them to take action. But these were ignored.
The summary of the research report describes family life chaotic and unstable X, himself a victim of abuse and mistreatment. He arrived in London in 2001 as a refugee and his father was killed in combat alleged drug a year later.
- While living in London X was expelled from his school for mental health services for the child. The investigation report stated that the child had witnessed domestic violence at an early age and had a "bad bite" to his mother.
- The couple were "dispersed" in Sunderland, where the concerns of family status X "speed". His mother was involved in a relationship "marked by separations and domestic violence."
Meanwhile, both his mother and stepfather were receiving support from mental health services, workers and drug and alcohol teams of probation, although the report notes that research trials "that were inconsistent in their assimilation."
children's family told the inquiry that "did not have enough help" for the many organizations that participated in the life of his son in London and the northeast. However, the investigation concluded that "actually had a lot of resources to help the family."
Find best price for : --social----Paul----Bolton----Sunderland--
Scandal-weary France votes on outlawing prostitution
Because changes in public mood, members considered six months' imprisonment for those caught paying for sex
Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec painted, Hugo, Balzac and Zola wrote about them, Napoleon graduates and disgraced former presidential candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn said he had a "horror" of between them. Some even claim that they are part of the cultural heritage of France. Prostitutes have been a feature of French artistic circles, literary and political - and a target for politicians - for centuries
Tuesday, after the sex scandal in New York earlier this year, which made headlines around the world and ended Strauss-Kahn in the hope of becoming French President, Members discussed a bill that would make prostitution a crime punishable by six months in prison. Anyone caught buying sex face ? 3,000 (£ 2,600) fine.
Since the end of World War II prostitution in France was considered a matter of personal choice and not illegal. However, the government has become increasingly abolitionist and the public mood may tighten after the debacle of Strauss-Kahn. A series of unpleasant revelations about a prostitution ring of high level based on a luxury hotel in the northern city of Lille also on the minds of MPs, "and that the vote of the bill.
In the busy street of Saint-Denis, one of the oldest streets in Paris and a famous red light district, the prospect of future legislation was of little interest. The average age of a Parisian prostitute who is said to 40, although the age range here seems to be broad. Most are supported by the shabby doors, or hanging on the walls between the bulk of cheap clothes, sex shops, a church and a nursery school. They share the sidewalk with the riders of packages of India with its metal carts, curious tourists who try not to look, parents waiting to pick up the kids and, presumably, bettors the bill would prohibit.
women among the 20,000 said to work as prostitutes in France, are mostly French, independent and own their own studios and pay taxes. They are considered an upper-class girls working Africans, Ukrainians, Moldovans and accuse of invading their land and Eastern workers drag the surrounding boulevards.
- "It's just blah, blah, blah, because there's an election coming. They forget to follow us," she said. "I own my own apartment, pay my taxes, what will they do? It's not that we are looking for, it's them, "she nods in the direction of Asian prostitutes. Sylvie added:" It is the old self-employed prostitutes as we who will suffer, not the pimps who exploit blacks and Chinese. " number of prostitutes are
"Mistress Gilda", a spokesman Strass, the union of sex workers, said the team from all parties behind the project is trying to impose puritanical sexual mores and morals of Northern Europe in France.
"If the ban on lighting play into the hands of pimps and mafia networks," he said. "This law is just an excuse to clean the streets and hunt Africans and the East Europeans, and others who work there. Be encouraged women to go underground and therefore more at risk. "
Unions and Associations representing French sex workers say their members are providing a "service" that requires some
Find best price for : --France----York----Dominique----Zola----Balzac--
วันศุกร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Don't wait for councils to privatise everything you hold dear | Cat Hobbs
Oxford Save Our Services, and saw the devastation caused by logging, so it is bringing its national campaign
In Buenos Aires, the Conservative-led County Council has reduced public services, while hoping for the voluntary sector take over. Local residents group Save Our Services Oxford saw the devastation in the court of David Cameron. So when the Prime Minister said he wanted private companies to be able to run all public services, decided to take our campaign nationally.
Oxford has the third highest in England by the number of vulnerable people who work in public sector jobs. However, Oxfordshire County Council is to make severe cuts, often choose to close completely the services rather than scale back. It is cutting £ 119m while providing services-off "large company" funds £ 600,000 -. The equivalent of taking 100 pounds and 50 pence return
Young people are devastated that 21 youth centers across the county are closing, despite the "kiss a hoodie" campaign and hits young workers. Many say they have nowhere where to go and get lost without young skilled workers who lose their jobs. Charlie, 18, of the individual unit of Oxford, says youth worker "has saved my life."
plans to close 20 libraries that have been delayed by a noisy campaign of angry residents in Oxfordshire, and famous authors like Philip Pullman. The council wants local people to volunteer to run, but the groups have insisted that this is not a solution.
- elderly and disabled people in Oxfordshire were hit hard by the drastic cuts in welfare. We know that people who have lost 50% of their benefits, including 100% cuts to the mobility allowance - A father tells his daughter has become "a prisoner in his own home"
- The Council accuses the militants of cuts to welfare, and insists that volunteers from the larger society appear to run libraries and youth centers. We do not believe that volunteers are alike, and I think they can not replace the professional public sector workers, so that you are supporting local strikes. We are also campaigning for companies to pay their taxes so that more money for everyone.
lived in Oxford as a child, student and adult. I like to imagine a primary school I went to the parks I played I loved the library, is in charge of companies that charge for entry, the university, responsible for enterprise, available only for wealthy students, services for children and youth, recreation and health centers, all in the game
parliamentary debate and consultation on the White Paper on the Cabinet Office focused on carefully chosen examples of social enterprises and charities that perform public services. He slipped in the fact that service users often suffered in the private acquisition. instead of waiting for the board to privatize everything we hold dear, Oxford Save Our Services decided to work with 50 groups of anti-cuts to deal with national government policy. From October 29, we expect a "week of auctions," where groups symbolically "sell" the services and buildings across the country, ending with the "liquidation" of Parliament on November 5. Join us and help to defend public services.
Find best price for : --Philip----Oxfordshire----Oxford--
Ministers to publish details of all spending on government credit cards
version of the data for the exposure of waste and waste - and what allows us all to become more knowledgeable consumers
Ministers must publish all expenses of government credit cards to uncover waste and waste under new plans to reveal the bands of government data show the low-performing schools, medical services and transport.
the Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude announced Thursday plans to release millions of new data elements, based on specific prescribing rates in GP practices about how individual schools are the teaching students who reach high and low.
It will allow patients to go around the surgery more likely to prescribe an expensive drug, or parents to know which school is best for high performance or pupils with special educational needs.
ministers want that information on public services to boost competition that people become more informed "consumers" of services funded by the government.
The disclosure comes after spending last year was released under the Freedom of Information Act, revealing 25 million pounds of previously secret spending by Whitehall officials this year, the government launched its program of deficit reduction.
David Cameron wrote to ministers setting out the plans. "We recognize that open data and transparency can be a powerful tool to help reform public services, promote innovation, empower citizens ... we also understand that transparency can be an important driver of activity economy ", said. "These commitments represent data open the most ambitious agenda of any government in the world."
Maude said: "The information enables the choice - which creates competition that raises standards for new commitments represent a qualitative leap forward in government transparency and radically help you make better public services
- "Having this information available to help people find the right doctor for your needs or the best teacher of your child and help frontline professionals to compare their performance and effectiveness and improve. "
- The new data sets are:
- . In the NHS, the clinical results of all general practices in England, with measures including survival rates of cancer, diabetes and dementia care. Data on GP prescriptions, to help patients for a particular drug if they can prove that is regularly prescribed by others. Complaints and problems of each rate of GP.
. In the transport of real-time information on traffic incidents will be published weekly rail schedules and performance data of increased service and complaints.
cards procurement are in the hands of Whitehall officials who led a 140,000 bill pounds 25m last year.
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