today's society is a risk of disaster, and a new report highlighting the dangers of taking old bottle appears to have ended, prompting this
I woke up three hours and, exceptionally, could not return to sleep. I was drunk at the reception last night - four or five glasses of white wine, I wondered -. Before deciding not to sleep and again
However, the Royal College of Psychiatrists wishes to disabuse complacency. During breakfast, I heard the voice of Tony Rao, a consultant in geriatric psychiatry, warning of the dangers of old drink bottle after retirement or suffer life-changing events such as bereavement.
In a report published today, our Hidden addicts, the College encourages more than 65 years to reduce alcohol and aim to drink no more than 1.5 units per day (men) and a unit (the woman). It's less than half of the current Department of Health recommendations for adult consumption supposed -. 21 and 14 units per week, respectively, the last time I looked, and by 28 and 21, a few years
They are only guidelines - we do not seek to dictate - but there is a real development problem in the elderly, especially those who drink at home and therefore invisible, Rao said. And they have to take pills or illegal drugs, which contribute to the oldies less able to absorb or otherwise deal with alcohol.
thank you God, I thought, like a husky, confident cut the upper middle class female voice in the conversation on the Radio 4 Today program, which is my wallpaper at the beginning of Audio morning.
"As people's horizons narrow, eating and drinking are among the few pleasures they have left for a very long time," said the voice, before expressing his dismay that the Royal College of Psychiatrists had "joined the nanny state" to prevent people from going to the bar, often their last social contact in old age.
Who could be the champion of freedom, I wondered, before it was identified as the formidable Emma Soames, a veteran Hackett and currently editor of the saga. Since the program said, is a granddaughter of Sir Winston Churchill, through whose veins ran heroic enough alcohol during their 90 years of life to stifle a medium sized city.
As in most other respects, Churchill ("It took more than alcohol has taken from me") was an exceptional human being in drink, and to describe the memories of Rab Butler the way (Rab) had to pay your drink in the shoe to continue with the old, even in old age.
In any case, the limits of what mere mortal can take is underscored by the story of his own family. Their four children (a fifth died in infancy), only Mary - the mother of Emma and Nick Soames, has lived a peaceful life in old age. Drink played a role in the misfortunes of his siblings, Sarah, Diana and explosive Randolph, who survived his father only three years, died at 57.
But this is not the issue today. The problem is drinking and another segment of society accused of tippling too -. Not a word that would apply to the mega drunk on Saturday night that disfigures so many of our towns and villages, and not those of our European neighbors
think have more pressing concerns on the treatment of older people and their habits. This month, he recalled - more than once - how some nursing homes are managed and the lack of attention that those who need help in their own homes, social services will bail
This is important because families and society in general, we are obviously making a bad ground. Foreigners - Chinese students, for example - are not impressed with the way to get rid of the old and the abandonment of the
There is another point here, usually by the late journalist and friend Jeffrey Bernard bookmakers, who said that smokers and heavy drinkers that like him, who saved from bankruptcy soon NHS die. Actually no, the drink of all kinds of problems caused hospitalized, including the amputation of a leg, before dying in his house in Soho - where else? - In case of kidney failure. Reaches age 65.
not wholly invalidate the point of Bernard. If all those born in 1932 had moved briskly to ruin, Andrew Lansley not the problem of budget you have. But there is much evidence that people who drink moderately live a happier life and healthier than abstainers. 
This makes sense, right? Today's society is an assessment of disaster risk - the fear of all the bad things -. And the Royal College of brokers trick seems to be too encouraging this
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