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Why I became a teacher: to inspire and help struggling students

work and research in other countries has had a great impact in

Chris Gabbett of

student understanding. Here, he reflects on the teaching career truly international

I was a student in the siblings of Marist College Rosalie in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, has created a school to teach children the working class. My initial motivation was to teach Gerard DeSilva, my history teacher and my teacher. Every time he opened his mouth, I felt inspired. He gave me my academic and intellectual hook on which hang nostalgic

My second motivation was my father. He really struggled in school. In each class I taught I looked, the child who is in trouble, the child does not understand and that's unfortunate. But I think the real reason I teach is ideological. I do something that is not driven by a profit but to help people. The Marist Brothers who taught me a true vocation for teaching. I guess I wanted to be that person too.

I was about 15 when I realized that teaching was for me. The school organized work experience for me to spend two weeks in a primary school in the suburbs of Brisbane. Faces. I come from a home series, and for the first time, I met the guys who have been victims of domestic violence. I had no way to understand at this age. It really touched me initially negative, but later became a positive - I realized that it was a battle to win to help children. In 12 years I decided to do a degree in history and then my PGDipEd. It was very difficult to go and I remember in October (which is the end and not the beginning of the period in Australia) suffered from exhaustion. I maintain a part-time job as acting director of a supermarket, my teaching practice and training. It was intense.

I was lucky enough to get a job right away on Tamborine Mountain College, which was established by the director of just three years, in response to a need for a school - before children had to be transported by bus to the mountain. It was an idyllic location in the hinterland of the Gold Coast. I got the job because in the middle of the interview, the director started insulting my old school. I went to him and vigorously defended the school. So I did the work. I wanted someone who is passionate about their school - the majority of respondents agreed with him when he tried a similar tactic. I worked at the school for five years and during that time, the school has tripled in size. I learned a lot there is a significant change in behavior and the importance of community. But let my year 8s reached 12 years. It seemed the thing to do to go out with them and besides, I had reached a crossroads personal at all.

then got a job in the United Kingdom Thamesbridge College Reading (now John Madejski Academy) was as rough as courage these days. So I went to have small classes and docile children who would do anything I asked of classes that seemed full of children with behavioral problems from willful disobedience to the cycle of violence. During the first three weeks of my bus schoolwide righted I felt bad, I had to fight, literally, by vomiting. But things started to normalize and I realized that I could do. In fact, I was assaulted by a boy who wanted to beat children who were locked in a room. I said: "If you want to achieve them will beat me." And he did. He hit me in the face. I've never experienced anything like it in my life and I was beaten by men. My first thought was: "Do not cry." But I said, 'Jason, I'll let you, but if it happens again I will fight. "I did not go further, because I asked him to hit me, and he came s to apologize later. Finished his mother worked as a prostitute and the children had been teasing him about it. I met the best teachers I've found that the school - some of them had taught there for all time he had been alive

'have found that kids really appreciate having someone of an international fund as his master, especially the most disadvantaged children. This is a very positive factor for them and provides a means of suction. Thamesbridge Then I became head of year and head of RE at John Hunt of Everest School in Basingstoke, another region was poor and there was at that time a real influx of Polish immigrants in the UK. Many children have complained about immigrants. I asked: "So you're saying that immigrants should not be allowed in the country?" "Yes," he said. "Well, it's me." There was silence. Hopefully it helped me to realize migration can have a positive effect.

I also taught in Parma, Italy. I was a chaperone for a group of 12 students from one year to Convitto Nazionale Tamborine Maria Luigia. I taught English and due to the formation of rugby for two months. It was a great experience, but I went home two a half stone heavier. Jamie Oliver would have fainted on his dining room, beautiful homemade Italian cuisine and a half bottle of wine each teacher. After lunch, we had a little kip - sky

One thing work and research in other countries has taught me is that you can export an idea without thinking deprivation and contextual differences social / economic. For example, we can think of Norway as well because it is a more prosperous society. But it is terrible to be poor in Norway. If poverty is hidden that people receive the support they need. They do not receive free meals at school, go under the radar. You must take every school, every student and help them accordingly. You could spend a premium differently student in Australia as they go to Reading. This is why the student data is so important.

must recognize the differences between countries, which is teach you international work. The idea that what works in Finland is going to work in the UK is laughable. The idea can take a solution and follow it without criticizing it will never work. Poverty is like the sun, is different in different parts of the world, in different parts of the country. There are some clichés that apply through the link between self-efficacy and success. And this is especially true for children less fortunate. Some things are always true, but how to apply that is the key. This is something that Mr Gove has not quite yet the head.

A better idea is that teachers are allowed to reflect on their practice and their students and from what I've seen, I do not think Ofsted will help teachers to .

Now I am the director of Trinity Catholic School in Leamington. I am a devout Catholic, but I've never taught in a Catholic school, so this is a great opportunity. We just had our biggest success and the results of GCSE and A-Level is an exciting time for the school. Curiously, however, I remember driving with my classmates to normal after teaching in a public school Pracs Bremer difficult school in Ipswich, Australia. In the second week, we agreed how much we loved him, how much we liked the classroom. I remember saying that I would never be a director, what a horrible job it was horrible all the boring meetings, are not in class. But now I'm here to do - and I love you

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