Jahan could calm down a city because his faith has given him a broader view. The mosque is located outside of a cycle of social decay
the question: is it a spiritual response to the riots
The spiritual response to the riots was given by Tariq Jahan after learning that his 20-year-old son had died defending the protesters Birmingham mosques. Logic and emotion determines that the death of Haroun should incur the wrath and vengeance, and Asians were about to respond to black people - it is the logic of the crowd - when Tariq said the calm, saying : was not about race, and remind people of their common humanity.
naked Tariq Jahan voluntarily avoid a race riot - because his faith has given him a broader view. He could give her son ("He gave and he took over. It was a gift from God for me"), without requiring a price. Which made possible the forgiveness, and brought the violence to stop.
But the answer also spiritual death came before Haroon, when mosques and local businesses have decided to stay together as a community and protect the area. Such a response does not occur spontaneously, but requires an organized civil society, one where the trust between people and their institutions were forged in the common shares. The mosque of Jahan 'Dudley Road, it is part of a network of religious congregations gathered by trained community organizers for British citizens to promote fair wages and safer streets.
religious leaders and commentators have not been better than others in analyzing the causes of the four nights of terror and anarchy. You do not need faith to understand the hatred and alienation at the heart of looters, or moral weakness of those who were attracted to free stuff and violence.
Also, you should not be left to mark the rise of youth unemployment, inequality of wealth, or the dark house, or to lament the deadlock paralyzing social mobility between working poor. You need not be right to lament the damage in children caused by divorce and cohabitation, or to deplore the failure of the education and culture to instill values ??and virtues. And you can be completely Axe and even less to be surprised by looters consumerist nihilism, and he was beaten by the way that reflects that of greedy bankers and MPs fiddling.
All CitySafeThe idea that the citizens of London began in south London after the death of Jimmy Mizen, is that civil society should be to have the primary responsibility for security in the streets. As Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing, observed since 1930 in Chicago, gangs thrive only when they are more organized than the surrounding communities. Crime, gangs, riots - what are the consequences of a society where people do not know where social relations are reduced to a commercial or contractual
it works. Schools, churches and mosques are related. Then, people in institutions in the street to meet the traders, who in turn are linked to local youth. A series of protocols and promises are made, and stores are declared "paradise CitySafe." It requires patient work by the organizers of the community and the local community (especially the faith), the leaders, but effective. Street by Street London is reduced to bands like this. is the only way to reverse the cycle. Social disintegration, when it starts, has an inexorable logic, and it's all downhill. Where people are vulnerable, violence takes root and begins a cycle of dehumanization. The lack of cold face of our modern city was evacuated empathy. The savagery of the looters, who sees only "things", in line with the iron fist of the state in search of deterrence and punishment. A society based on the expansion of personal autonomy must inevitably become more and more authoritarian.
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