. Education Committee's report notes that the Ebacc not improve the prospects for low-income students
Schools Minister Nick Gibb . is evidenced by the terms of coalition despite calls to rethink
A reform coalition of education in mind, the English high school, has major flaws and there is no evidence that this improves the prospects of disadvantaged students, an all powerful party committee of MPs, he warned.
The Bachelor in English, or Ebacc, introduced in the rankings in January, measures the percentage of students who have obtained GCSEs in traditional academic subjects. To achieve the Ebacc, a student must obtain at grade A * to C in English, mathematics, at least two sciences, history or geography and a modern or classical language.
Ministers decided on the measure in part by concern that schools in low-income neighborhoods do not encourage their students to study traditional subjects, which prevents them from obtaining places in top universities.
In May, Education Minister Nick Gibb told MPs that the Ebacc was a "key element" in "the overall objective of reducing the achievement gap between rich and poor children. "
But educational research Ebacc Commission found no evidence that the flagship reform to improve the life chances of low-income students.
research - which was attended by over 360 professors test, academics and educators -. Requires ministers to rethink the program Ebacc
"The Committee fully supports the Government's stated intention to improve the achievement of the poorest young people", say MEPs. "However, the evidence is unclear as to whether the most disadvantaged students entering the subject Ebacc necessarily make a significant contribution to this objective."
Japan and Singapore, whose education systems are rented, models that are similar to Ebacc. But so does Germany, and its education system performs below the OECD average on some indicators, the deputies discussed.
MPs warn that reform could lead to teachers spend more time with students who are more likely to achieve Ebacc, which have "a negative impact on vulnerable and disadvantaged young people." Deputies said the importance rankings of the school is such that managers are likely to orient teachers to focus on so-called limits students who can not get Ebacc narrowly rather than the students most brightest or those struggling at the bottom. The government should focus on the progress of each student, rather than if they pass Ebacc, the report says.

Conservative MP Graham Stuart, Chairman of the Committee, said Ebacc had generated a "mainly negative" of teachers and academics.
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