วันเสาร์ที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Suddenly my boy's a teenager

Now that the son of Adele Parks was 13 years old, he feels entering - or perhaps relegated to - completely new territory. And too soon ...

home from school the first landing of this new period and closed the door with a bit excessive force, the shot rang through the house. The moment the noise faded, I realized emptiness. A vacuum. Silence. The vacuum should not be a surprise, especially since it was not the end of the first school I went to an empty house after a pause noisy, chaotic and realized devouring silence.

The quiet was part relief, part heartbreaking. I remembered the first time I left my son at the door of the school and not have to cajole, bribe, threaten or beg him to come to relinquish its grip. Today, Conrad launched to school without even looking back. He was prepared to greet from afar, kissing goodbye a memory long forgotten. All because my child has been removed and teenage son moved in.

Suddenly life is clearly marked T-shirts, mobile phones and the amount of credit you have in your iTunes account.

I realize that things are changing: What I did not like is the speed. Only been a skip and jump preteens carefree days, we spent most of the holiday in your room "Chillaxing" (which I've come to understand is listening to loud music and send SMS to friends). There is nothing new here, other than the mode of communication. When I was your age, I used to slide the phone down the toilet room in a desperate effort to forge a little privacy. There is a time when friends and family are suddenly consuming reduces noise. I guess I did not expect it would happen to my son, I would pass.

A new set of challenges that come with this new stage of motherhood. I have long believed that as a nation, we are particularly adolescence. Just look at utilization rates of crime, teenage depression and drugs / alcohol. We are an excellent and helpful with babies and young children inherently beautiful, but (perhaps less attractive) teenagers hide behind the fact that they are traditionally very communicative and are destined to become apart of us.

As a childhood favorite nation, and adolescence and demonize. No wonder children are missed? They take their cues from us. Now, my son is approaching the danger zone, I have to ask, if we allow it to go wrong? Can we do better? It seems that the only purpose of all modes, designer, restaurateur and entertainment industry is used to ensure that modern childhood is as wonderful as possible. They coo, cluck and mounted to accommodate bulky strollers and small toothless. There was a period in my life where I was physically impossible to walk down the street and not have a smile, balloons, stickers and other gifts approved my son. Do not get me wrong, I think this is a good thing. I am delighted that so much effort is put into providing good childhood memories. What worries me is that this effort comes to an abrupt end at the moment of a child blowing out 13 candles.

We laughed constantly at the expense of teenagers (well at least hints of humor in the fact that there are problems to be solved), but adolescents often ignored. It is almost impossible to find a course for a teenager who want to start any sport. The assumption is that all sports began four years (when the choice is endless) and the teens, a beautiful young shines or lost interest. What about children who just want to give something back once without the embarrassment of joining a class for elite athletes? Which sells clothes for pre-teens, adolescents or teenagers that young?

I can find shops selling everything fits foot 5 major fashion clothes, not even biceps. I can not find retailers that cater to 13 year old girls who do not want to look like Lady Gaga or Alice in Wonderland. The result is that these teenagers have to wear ill-fitting clothing, highlighting the fact that everything does not fit place for them - at a time when they are more desperate than ever to blend in.

So, without any help from the general population, parents are often clueless as to how to proceed.

But we must congratulate him. We have produced a child secure, independent and secure. Well we did. So why would I cry? I think I just realized that childhood is over, in fact, that even our career could be over.

I love the school. There has not been a single day when he showed reluctance, however, accelerates out of the door like a block of Olympus - for which I am very grateful. He is very busy with new friends and hobbies, friends who do too, do not understand recreation

The truth is that I realized that it is much more your that

am wise enough to know that it is so successful independent is a good thing - it is assumed that parents prepare their children for exactly that. But ... I'm ready? Who will prepare?

two specific things that bother me. The first is that I miss my baby, I miss my dependence on trust (illusory) infallibility. The second is whether I'm doing things for this young man. I do not want to disappoint. Not now, not ever.
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