crime is rising after what some experts, including the minister of children, "cuts disproptionate" calls to youth services
cities in the United Kingdom must prepare for a summer of gang violence and knife as the impact of cuts to services for young people takes shape, experts warn.
Youth violence Aais already rising in London. The figures given for the show The Guardian that youth violence has increased year by severe 4% over the year in the capital, with a 9.6% increase in knife crime.
There are fears that large cuts in budgets for youth services, particularly for programs that divert the downtown youth away from gangs and knife crime could have a devastating impact on crime levels.
Professor John Pitts, who advises several local authorities in London on gangs and violent crime, warned that the city centers were likely to experience increased crime, that the holiday.
"If you cut summer activities for youth as night follows day, you will see an increase in crime," he said. "My concern is that gang members who were the school will now be on the streets. With the cuts in services that use fewer workers and young people which may mediate these streets will be much more dangerous and I expect the level of crime and violence on the rise. "
gang violence, including peer violence against girls and young women is increasing, he said. "It's getting worse, more and more integrated and more serious - this is not the time to pull the plug."
Eight teenagers were killed in London this year, including Negus McLean, 15, was sued by seven young men on bicycles before being stabbed. Earlier this month Yemurai Kanyangarara, 16, died after being stabbed in the neck - two 15 years young and one aged 14 were arrested
Youth Services decreased in all regions of the country. According to the union Unison, Norfolk, Suffolk, Buckinghamshire and parts of Manchester for a "growing number of local authorities planning to get rid of the youth service completely." Birmingham is likely to reduce youth services by 50% over the next three years, city officials and local Haringey were reduced by 75% of its Youth Services; Warwickshire is facing a cut of 80% Election Prime Minister Witney, Oxfordshire, has closed 20 of the 27 youth centers - there is a youth service in the country remains intact
Council meetings themselves, London time, an advocacy organization that advocates on behalf of 32 London boroughs, the City of London, the Metropolitan Police Authority London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority - has warning against the consequences of slashing funding for teams of juvenile delinquency up to 30% in some counties.
And the Youth Justice Board should be discarded, what parliamentarians to warn the move could be costly if the crime rate increases.
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