วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The non-case against gay parenting | Jill Filipovic

This study is an effort methodologically suspect rearguard to arm opponents of same-sex marriage, but can not withstand scrutiny

A new study aims to demonstrate that children of gay parents are worse off than children of heterosexual unions. This is a title that attracts attention, and seems likely to influence the case of same-sex marriages legal.

is totally useless. When you actually break, the study shows a little more length to which the anti-conservative marriage activists must pass to argue that heterosexual parenting is best for children. Although the findings of the study were accurate, should not affect the legal question of whether gay couples should be allowed to marry.

The study says that, unlike a number of other studies on gay and lesbian parenting, same-sex parents are bad for children. The study concludes:

"[The children of homosexual parents] were more likely to report being unemployed, less healthy, more depressed, more likely to cheat on their spouse or partner, smoke more marijuana, had trouble with the law men and women report more sexual partners, and sexual victimization were more likely to have a negative impact on family life of children, among other things. "

all sounds very bad. Except that it is not true. The definition of "gay dad", cited in the study is questionable (to put it generously), and was determined by the question:

"Since your birth until the age of 18 years (or until he left home for themselves) Are your parents still have a relationship in love with someone of the same sex?

". Yes, my mother had an affair with another woman

". Yes, my father had an affair with another man

". No"

If your answer is "yes", they were grouped as the son of a "gay father" and excluded from the category of "biological family intact." In other words, in conditions described in this study, Ted Haggard, Larry Craig and Mark Foley are all homosexual parents.

As Amy Davidson in The New Yorker magazine noted, survey respondents are very few actually raised by same-sex couples, and many of them were raised by parents who identified themselves as heterosexual and were in heterosexual marriages. Try to imagine the study in reverse: a look at the families of gays that classify a child raised by a couple of lesbians who are raised by a heterosexual parent because one of the women once kissed a man

The study also included only respondents over 18 years - born in a country where gay marriage and civil unions are not legal everywhere, where homosexual couples were almost universally prohibits the adoption of children, and where homosexual relations flew under the radar because homosexuality is socially marginalized. Many same-sex "amorous relationship" reported in the study were, without doubt, extramarital affairs, extramarital relationships, not surprisingly, tend to destabilize marriage and disrupted marriages tend to lead to less good outcomes for children

stigmatize same-sex relationships have the advantage of being nice thing to do

is true even if>
less than optimal results in Children are not justify the refusal of the State to extend the fundamental right of marriage to consenting adults.

The U.S. Supreme Court has addressed these issues before. The court has repeatedly held that the right to marry is of fundamental importance. Restrictions on marriage must be seriously examined to see what state you are interested in prior to such restrictions and limitations must be carefully tailored to achieve those interests of the State. In Loving v. Virginia, the famous case of interracial marriage, the Supreme Court ruled that:

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