against the sedentary culture, junk food, aging sports facilities, lack of opportunities and local cuts
was the key garment support London's bid to host the Olympics, was winningly by Lord Coe and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the British Games "inspired a whole generation" s' more involved in sport. A nation still heady glory that has seen many more sporting opportunities expected as a legacy of the Games and its cost £ 9.3 billion, but the Olympic flame burned stubborn realities dragging people. Modern life for most athletes to share some full-time increasingly sedentary. Walking in Britain are old, tired and seriously underfunded, and even impoverished by government cuts to local authority budgets
funding cut £ 162m school sports associations imposed by the Education Secretary Michael Gove, in 2010, received more critical in the context of the development of an authentic sports heritage, but encouraging adults to be more active is a major challenge. Critics say that in the seven years since the Games were awarded to London, without a sufficiently coherent plan, supported by the commitment and resources, has been developed by the government to benefit from the post-Olympic fever enthusiasm. Hugh Robertson, Minister for Sport, noting that £ 1 billion Sport England, the granting agency should spend more than four years 2013-17, recognizes that driving up participation is "very difficult" and is a breakthrough unlikely to come soon.
"I think we will see an improvement," he said. "Olympic Games were wonderful, and aroused enormous interest. Yet, none of the things that made it hard refused." Re Talking about social change. Increase participation is likely to be a long-term and incremental. "
Some say the prospect of a gradual improvement is always damaged by the government's cuts to local authorities, who own and operate public sports facilities, but have no legal obligation to do so. In Sheffield, the home of heptathlete gold medal and the "face of the Olympics" Jessica Ennis, the Board is seeking a 20% reduction in its center, a leisure pool, facilities and budget including the Don Valley Stadium, where he trains Ennis, and faced with a reduction of the grant of at least £ 170 million over three years. Council has "significantly reduced" maintenance of parks, golf games, including as its leader Julie Dore.
"The possibility of an Olympic legacy is hurt," she said, "and the situation will only get worse. Believe in the benefits of sport, and not to close the center but when they are forced to cut this scale means that our legal obligations sport, recreation and parks become an easy target. "
Tipsare obliged to implement cuts of £ 6.25bn, 28% of government subsidies, between 2010-11 and 2014-15, according to the Local Government Association. Playgrounds, sports centers and swimming pools, and staff to run them, are threatened and many budgets are reduced. LGA warned earlier this year that in 2020, the optional financing services, including sport, is facing a 66% reduction, and could disappear because of rising costs of social care for adults, the advice must provide. A survey on the boards of culture and leisure Chefs Association (LCAO) earlier this year revealed that services, including arts and culture and sport, suffer a reduction of about 10% on average, cuts in the future. Until now, the estimate of jobs CLOA, 2800 were lost in the sector.
"The extent of permanent reductions in local government finance is the biggest threat to the participation of a legacy in London in 2012," said Andy Burnham, the shadow health minister.
Government and £ 1 billion funding from Sport England lottery is the first national carrier to encourage participation now distributed to sports governing bodies, they have targets to meet. The center of the strategy is to connect local sports clubs in schools, which often have better facilities in a region, and to contain the huge drop in people who practice sport after leaving education.
Jennie Price, Sport England CEO, is optimistic for a post-Olympic participation increased, but acknowledged that most departments, whose role has always been focused on the use of clubs and competitions They were not prepared for the new development drive. He cited hockey, basketball and cycling as examples. "We have a reasonable chance," said Price. "About half of the bodies have a good understanding of what motivates participation and develop different models of their sports to make them attractive."
The challenge of helping people to be more active has become a major problem of public health, although there is limited cooperation between the ministries responsible for different aspects of the problem. Sport England survey in April 2012 found 15.3 million people, or 35.7% of the population attended at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive exercise once a week, the minimum recommended. Department of Health guidelines for people to be active, including brisk walking for at least a half-time five hours per week, meets only 37% of UK adults, according to a study published last month in The Lancet.
Thus, the nation still clings proudly on the achievements of the athletes of the British team have 64% of adults do not play the sport once a week, and 63% are not even enough to walk with Frequency to be in good physical health.
"There is little evidence that the event has a significant influence on participation," the game plan. We suggest that events such as the Olympic Games produce emergent national pride, but at a huge cost, "It seems that the event is not a cash value for money method of achieving a sustained increase of mass participation. "
However, three years later, Blair has promised the International Olympic Committee in Singapore that London Games would do exactly that. Coe later admitted the claim was not supported by research or strategy of how participation increases. Then the budget of £ 2.4 billion bid team Coe, supported by the government, rose to EUR 9.3 billion, a golden pot of public money that has been protected, even if public funding fell around her.
This huge expenditure justified by the success of bright and brilliantly organized the Games, eclipsing the money available to build and maintain sports facilities and sports development programs run throughout the country. Chris Gratton, sports economics professor at Sheffield Hallam University, explains that dates anonymous British sporting values ??of two phases: the Victorian philanthropy century and earlier twentieth century, when the pools were built, recreation centers and the fruits excess sudden financial authorities in the 1970s. "Our commercial facilities, such as private gyms are relatively good," Gratton said, "but since the 1970s, relatively few public facilities were built."
Under the previous Conservative government, cuts in local government budgets has been dropped many facilities and playgrounds sold thousand. Consideration for the Blair government by Baron Carter Coles March 2005 showed that the reconstruction of sports facilities to modern standards would cost about 4.5 billion pounds. However, no program of reconstruction took place, and a little more than twice that figure was for the construction of Olympic facilities.
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