academic says U.S. drones kill large numbers of civilians and increase recruitment by militant groups
CIA program "targeted" assassinations with drones in Pakistan's tribal strongholds is politically against-productive, killing large numbers of civilians, undermines respect for international law, according to a report published by U.S. academics.
Schools and Colleges Stanford study in New York law, based on interviews with victims, witnesses and experts blame the U.S. president, Barack Obama, climbing by strikes "signature" in which groups are selected by the remote "lifestyle" analysis.
Familiesafraid to attend weddings or funerals, said, in the case of terrestrial operators U.S. drone directors meetings misinterpret the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
"The dominant discourse on the use of drones in Pakistan is an effective tool and surgical precision that allows the United States more secure by enabling" targeted killings "of terrorists, with minimal side effects or inconvenience. this story is false, "the report entitled Living on drones States.
The authors admit that it is difficult to obtain accurate data on victims "with U.S. efforts to protect the drone program of democratic accountability, compounded by barriers to independent research strikes North Waziristan. "
The "best available information", they say, is that between 2562 and 3325 people were killed in Pakistan between June 2004 and mid-September of this year - between 474 and 881 were civilians, including 176 children. The data were collected by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, said that 1,300 people were injured in the drone attacks in this period.
The report was commissioned by and written with the help of the organization Reprieve, based in London, which supports the work of British courts by Noor Khan, a Pakistani whose father was killed by a drone attack in the United States in March 2011. His legal challenge is based in the UK is complicit in U.S. airstrikes because the spy agency GCHQ, the intelligence CIA actions on targets for drone attacks.
"U.S. drones are approximately 24 hours per day in the localities of northwest Pakistan, remarkable houses, vehicles and public places, without notice," the report says law schools U.S..
"His presence terrifies men, women and children, causing psychological trauma and anxiety among the civilian population. Persons living in drones to cope with the constant worry of Deadly attack can not be dismissed at any time, and knowing that they are unable to protect themselves.
"These fears have affected behavior. U.S. training area has reached several times, and the evidence that has killed rescuers, makes community members and aid workers are afraid or unwilling to participate in injured victims. "
"targeted assassinations and practices of U.S. drone attacks undermine respect for the rule of law and the international legal protection and can create dangerous precedents," says the report, wondering if Pakistan consented to the attacks.
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