Earlier this year, Twitter has given prestige to not run when the government came calling call 2703 (d) control (eg a search warrant, but with much less privacy protections) in related information concerning individuals associated with Wikileaks. He also wondered else
had received the order and had not in front of him. Some information is emerging, and it seems that Google and Sonic.net ISP received such requests, at least for Jacob Appelbaum. Sonic.net said that, too, fought the request, but lost. Then he fought for the query made public, it has finally arrived, although some details are still under seal:
said the government has fought and lost, and was forced to provide information. Against the order was "quite expensive but we thought it was the right thing to do," said the general manager of Sonic, Dane Jasper. The government's request includes the email addresses of people that Mr. Appelbaum is compatible with the last two years, but ... not all e-mails
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The Role of Higher Education White proposes that universities should train students for future work. But not all scholars are ready
Kim Hughesstudies of a chocolate bar in the way most of us consider a diamond necklace. She has no idea what to eat, but admire its design and efforts to build it. After completing the training program graduate Nestlé last year, is now a "specialist focused on improving" by reviewing the systems of production of confectionery products.
Hughes has faced hundreds of other candidates in a selection process trying to earn their place in Nestle, but admits he was lucky to have graduated before your chances of finding work declined dramatically.
The latest figures from the series of Education Statistics Agency higher among the graduates of 2010, only 62% were employed six months after leaving university with a 7% combining work and study . This is an improvement over the previous year, but remains well below pre-crisis levels of credit.
universities minister, David Willetts, took over the numbers to justify the proposals presented in the paper white of higher education, for universities to work with employers to develop courses and "Kitemark "and to stimulate job training for students. He also spoke of the great gap between different schools, ranging from a high of 100% of employment at the University of Buckingham to 78% at the University of East London, as evidence that inefficient courts should be named and embarrassing, so students can make informed decisions on what and where to study.
However, many experts are less enthusiastic about the prospect of training students for work. Wendy Piatt, director general of the elite Russell Group, says his member institutions aim to provide students with basic skills such as problem solving, analytical skills, creative thinking and innovation, so that s 'adapt to new environments. "The development of these skills and qualities of high-level, rather than specific vocational training, is one of the vital functions of the universities should play," she said.
Professor John Brennan, director of research in higher education and information at the Open University, studied graduate employment for the past 20 years and sees the real danger of "vocational training" moving "Education for Life" in the student experience.
"employability of graduates is a shared responsibility between employers and universities, but you really have to consider if you're in the business of preparing students for their first jobs or careers in life, "he said. "I would say in the UK, there is often a transition period of four or five years out from a graduate college and become established in his career."
In a research project, from Brennan United Kingdom and Germany, the systems, concluding that the graduates in each country could be "the same point" of the late 20, the Germans spent a long period of higher vocational education, while Great Britain has gained experience in the job after a much shorter career.
"There are real benefits to the British system of having a short study at the university," said Brennan, "but you have to do what can reasonably be taught in a program three years and that is best left until graduates start their career? "
Brennan is the first to admit that the supply of relevant work experience, such as placements and internships, may be of great use. The real problem, apparently shared by graduates, the Government intends to allow companies to influence the content of the basic curriculum.
"There is a tendency for employers want graduates ready in the oven and it is unfair that some are abandoned by their universities and are at a disadvantage compared to other graduates applying for jobs," said David Harbourne, director of advanced research which commissioned the University of Glasgow to carry out the study.
"Some scholars believe employability according to the office of the college and career will get their hands dirty with it. There is a balance needed, but no one can dispute that a scholar of English literature is is not to think about the work they will do after graduation. "
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students at Hendon love the weekly visit of a farmer, is one of the elements that help you comply with the Children's Manifesto
attendance record Angel Hendon, a large spacious north London, is poor. It comes in one day a week. But that day made all the difference. Because Angel is a white farmer and his job is to help students who encounter problems. "Angel is there for vulnerable children," said Sue Fella, the children each school business manager and a former social worker. "One guy was pretty isolated, so that gave Angel to look after. If you take a dog around the school, people talking, right? Road Angel received the confidence of a child and began talking to people. "
animals - including George the poodle, poodle Fred, Guinea pigs and a fish tank - is only one of the innovations that make the school Hendon close to matching all the points of the Manifesto children, said the school must have perfect animal care.
At first glance, the school of Hendon with net addition of eight and more than 1,300 students, is a promising candidate for one of the best schools in Britain. The original construction in the early 20th century is surrounded by the "new building" - a block of 1960 with peeling window frames. There is a scattering of portable classrooms. Science labs still have wooden benches. But when age and downs of architecture, the staff began to illuminate. The director, Kevin McKellar, personally dipped a brush into a pot of emulsion purple and made manifest the will of "the prohibition of gray, black and brown school." In each lane in ruins, the reign of bright colors. A tree in source form, decorated with ice in winter, is at the center of the courtyard where students gather. Only seven years, the school was in special measures. Now, 82% of students at a * - C at GCSE.
But according to students 9 years Payal Gopal, academic success is not making your special school. "It's the atmosphere," she said. "Everyone gets along well with others. We all listened to each other. "There is an active school council table and the voice of the student," You Said "and" what we were doing "columns. An example: You said: "We want more say in how the school uses the budget." What we did: we were told that Mr. McKellar gave the student council and students £ 1,000 a vote on how to use the money to benefit the school. "Not only listen, but to take the children's comments seriously and make changes accordingly," says the manifesto.
"opportunities to go abroad and learn other languages ??and cultures" is on the manifest. Hendon is a specialized language school and is proud of its multiculturalism, all learning together world is the motto of the school. Flags of students in the country house of paper walls. There are classes on Saturday mornings, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Latin.
trips are also closer to home. Tours, for many, in fact, it was difficult to make an appointment for a guided tour of the school and everyone has always been an activity. Some were "travel time" to Stonehenge or archaeological excavations. 9 years had gone camping in Hertfordshire. More than 40 other students have made a weekend of outdoor activities in Devon. No one is left side. A hundred "unsung heroes" are treated to a trip to Southend. "Not the best for children and not children who misbehave," said Doonan. "It's a special trip for those who are sometimes not enough attention. " The school is included in every direction. There is no provision for deaf students, and each teacher has the name of his company is in the lobby. This is the first thing you see when you enter there is a sign of the week, when I visited, was independence. There is also a unit of autism, where Guinea pigs are kept.
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