วันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

GOP presidential debate in Nevada - as it happened

Herman Cain, and Mitt Romney Rick Perry locked horns in the Republican presidential debate on CNN in Las Vegas


and welcome to yet another Republican presidential debate, this time to come and live - through the magic of the Internet - the Vegas where Herman Cain and other Republicans like contenders Mitt Romney, Rick Perry has his roll of the dice.

Then Lady Luck for tonight? And who will lose his shirt? Herman Cain can go all-in? You can, Rick Perry, the game Texas Hold 'Em? Michele Bachmann and Baccarat? How many metaphors we use the game before people complain? Debate

televised tonight by CNN and starts at 8 pm ET -. CNN broadcast the debate live here

Tonight I

will be joined by the Guardian political commentator Ana Marie Cox, Washington bureau chief Ewen Macaskill guard in the lobby of a debate, and a conservative Republican from Texas who will give their opinion on the candidates.

course, you can leave your comments below. Excuse me while I eat slot machine rooms in this area. All I know is going to pay.

Remember the old adage: What Happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas ... unless during a televised debate at the national presidential.

7:10 p.m. overview of my discussion today, here's a quick guide to the seven candidates on stage tonight and this they want - and what is likely to leave tonight's debate:

Herman Cain

What you need: opportunity to demonstrate that it is a serious candidate for the presidency and to provide a better explanation of the 9-9-9 tax reform plan, which is its major political platform in front of the growing skepticism

What you get: more attention than in previous discussions, a barrage of questions about your experience in foreign policy threadbare and answers "joke" on building an electric fence with Mexico boredr

Mitt Romney

What you need: stay above the fray and Herman Cain stand the heat, keeping your hyper-aggressive attitude towards Rick Perry , who in his campaign perceived to be more a more dangerous long-term threat than Cain

What you get: Some shrugged attacks Cain Perry and maybe - one of them has to hit home to cause damage - and some of the issues potentially complicated by their lack of "the deal" with the Republicans to vote

Rick Perry

What you need:

To project the competence and viability as a candidate, while not becoming nervous in their attempts to make holes in the train Romney. Also remember to look off camera.

What you get:


the likes of Michele Bachmann and attacks on the perceived strengths of Romney. How these two sides will make or break your performance in the debate.

Ron Paul

What you need:

in its campaign to construct policies that are more conventional and unconventional - and stick to its more like the public , policies to capitalize on its recent improved success rates.

What you get:

A fight for the camera FaceTime, despite the visibility poll and fundraising on the rise, with the other candidates continue to dismiss it as a marginal candidate.

Newt Gingrich

What you need:

To reduce your thought process is often complicated in prose clear and to avoid duplication of its policies beautiful game while presenting history as coarse speech.

What you get:

Another tepid performance complete with rhetorical flourishes that attract admiration back of the hand, but only serve to highlight their inability to connect with voters.

Michele Bachmann

What they need:

To get out of its narrow and constant reminders of its registration as a pioneer of the Tea Party and to trying to gather some new ideas and broarder attractive.

What you get:.

Another series of attacks on Perry lost in an effort to consolidate its vote in Iowa

Rick Santorum

What you need:.

To build on its effective performance in the last debate, putting its energy into question Romney and his conservative credentials Cain

What you get:

A fight with Ron Paul or unnecessary Rick Perry and the hollow boasts of its more conservative orthodoxy, which seems to have the little traction for him, outside of Iowa


Ewen Macaskill The Guardian outside the headquarters of the debate - which is mixed with the Republicans, while presenting as a British journalist ways:

The debate was held at the Sands Convention Center, a boring piece of functional architecture in a quiet area just off the strip.

The discussion rooms and 1500 looks set to be completed. A long line started forming three hours before the debate began. These are all the tickets, and seems to have been for the Republicans, many of them attend the Western Conference, which begins tomorrow. Republican ticket was there to try to BLAG your way in

I enjoy an hour of vox pop, along the queue, and found overwhelming support for Romney and Cain. The reasons given were that the two are business people and it would be refreshing after so-called "academic" for Obama. Romney is seen as presidential and enjoyable as Cain. There were some supporters of Perry. Rick Santorum and Ron Paul is mentioned only once and Bachmann, Gingrich and Huntsman at all.

Blag:. To obtain (something) for free, especially by deceit or persuasion

7:25 p.m.

're probably thinking: what a stupid thing Herman Cain said that in the last hours

How about: Cain just told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that he would consider releasing Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the rest of al-Qaeda prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in an exchange of prisoners in Shalit style of an American soldier. Hum. Do we think it's a good idea?

Hey, at least, close Guantanamo, right? But then, so just open the doors and let all.

Ana Marie Cox The Guardian wonders if tonight's debate is going to change anything:

All that being said, tonight is really at risk? To use the vernacular of the configuration of the debate in Las Vegas - are candidates to play High Stakes Poker and Fishing

Or more like a concert Cher (another pillar of Vegas)? Many online volunteer theater and a fake, heavy makeup and lip sync greatest hits.

Maybe less wigs and costume changes Cher concert. But CNN.

7:40 p.m.

deep into the heart of Texas - well, Austin - a conservative Republican wrote:

I look at the debate this afternoon on a popular watering hole in Austin, just a mile from the campaign headquarters of Governor Perry. Austin is the customer here is divided between those who ardently support the governor - and those who support the presidential candidacy of Lenin, or in his absence, the acting president. Expectations for the night, however, are not particularly high given the last two months. It is, to say the least, confusing for some Texans are used to seeing, Rick Perry, to annihilate all the enemies in one election after another for a generation. We are a little perplexed - even those who do not. And we wonder what, if any, changes tonight.

Perry needs a better showing tonight -. And Cain, in the center of attention can have a better chance here

7:50 p.m.

meantime, Ewen Macaskill takes the temperature of Republicans watching the debate live from Las Vegas:

Most Republicans favored Romney spoke with Cain as their second choice with Cain or Romney as the second option. One-Cain said Romney would be his "Dream Team". These are the Republicans on all of Nevada but also in neighboring states to the west.


negative enormous. "Too much like George Bush," "I do not like is that he was a Democrat," suspicious of his "religious right", "A fluff too thought it was too soft on immigration, which allows children of illegal immigrants to public education. The governor of Texas has a lot of ground for the debate tonight and the coming weeks.

7:55 p.m.

five minutes. NPR is in some investigations conducted by the Republicans and keywords that are associated with the candidates.

For Romney is the most popular word "Mormon." Perry for "Texas". And Cain? Why, "9-9-9" -. His tax plan

7:58 p.m.

CNN called "the best team in politics" when used Gloria Borger? Maybe the others are so good that raise the average.


is Anderson Cooper! And a montage of "the West ... the majesty of the Rocky Mountains ..." clichés.

Oh, look, playing cards representing the candidates in a green carpet. Not at all a cliché.

8:02 p.m.:. Now that it's out of the way, it's back to Anderson Cooper

is now the second-introduction of the candidates at a time. Michele Bachmann has an air of Yulia Tymoshenko. Newt Gingrich seems to be a sumo wrestler comedy team, an unusual move.

Anderson seems serious. Hey, it's the national anthem. We have to defend today.

8:05 p.m.

to change the key of "rocket red glare" is a devil difficult. Is this something that few new National Anthem? One thing I remember in the 2007/08 cycle. Maybe I blocked.

8:08 p.m.


can say that the public has never really served in the army. They are those with a tribute during the national anthem in civilian clothes.

Ewen Macaskill note:


the national anthem, Paul is the only candidate who seems to know, at least anatomically, where the heart is.

At least he has one, right?


During the presentations, Rick Perry, gets into his first opportunity to Romney: "I am a true conservative - not a conservative convenience. "

8:11 p.m.

first question? How a change in federal tax for a federal sales tax? This is addressed to Herman Cain and his crazy 9-9-9 financial plan that includes a national sales tax (and VAT as well).

Unfortunately Bachmann gets to meet and butcher her chance.

Cain said. He wants people to "read our analysis" to make a decision.

Well, there are many independent analysis of the 9-9-9 plan, and most - all? - You agree it's silly

Rick Santorum
receive the vaccine to come and really good work, mentioning some specific criticisms, saying that 84% of Americans pay more taxes, not hate and tax incentives for families

we saw happening in Europe and the birth rate was booming in the cellar.

Cain answer? Disclaimer: "This is simply not true." That's all I said - suggesting that, in fact, you can not discuss the merits

Now Bachmann gets another chance and why his "business tax" is actually a value added (I will not go into details). She's right.

8:17 p.m.

Now Perry has a go at Cain, speaking of Republican voters: "They are not interested in the 9-9 - 9, which is interested in flat and just. "

because Cain did not have an understanding of their policy that can not defend, does not mean that everyone is wrong:

Again, unfortunately, none of my distinguished colleagues who attacked me tonight to understand the plan.

The real problem is they do, and Cain did not.

8:20 p.m.

Although this is an implosion of a candidate on the stage. Asked if the sales taxes are on top of state taxes, Cain goes all weird on the way there are apples and oranges.

Romney joined the two bundles:. "I must say, by raising taxes on the American middle class" - and intelligence is the way you want to get America working again

8:22 p.m.

a bar in Austin, Texas

Rick Perry Cain - "I'll skip the plans with you, brother!" - That, although he does it well, speaks eloquently of the place where he fell in this race . Meanwhile, Mitt escapes unscathed. Again. Like any debate so far. What is surprising when you think about.

Guess what, everybody? Herman Cain is obviously perceived leading candidate! This helps Mitt. The environment can be summarized as follows:

"We are doomed."

8:23 p.m.

Newt Gingrich, seems to think that the implementation of a sales tax would be terribly complicated. Not really.

Michele Bachmann gets

somehow the thing the sales tax and the answer is to abolish Obamacare. Eh?

8:24 p.m.

Perry offered an opportunity to hit some chops Romney on his economic plan - and chooses to discuss his economic self-sufficiency plan. That's great, but that's not what you need.

Perry plays a lot more lively and less defensive. And he went full sentences, not to mention Texas. Removed to this question very clearly.

8:27 p.m.

Oh, now Rick Santorum, finally gives a great blow to Romney about you:

you simply no credibility in the abolition of Obamacare ... you have no history.

It's great. Santorum held until exhausted Romney splicing their time, and shook. Unfortunately, the moderators let it continue.

Santorum returns and uses the word "Romneycare" and lists the shortcomings of the plan Romney, calling him a "top-down, big government."

This is the best criticism of the package Romney of Massachusetts health - which was very similar to Obama's reforms -. Nobody has done so far

See more about : [Nevada][Cooper][Obamacare][federal][Newt][Anderson][George][Austin][Cher][Gilad][Sheik][Khalid][Blitzer][Wolf][Gingrich][Santorum][Paul][Vegas][Bachmann][Michele][Texas][Cain][Herman][Perry][Rick][Romney][Mitt]

