My review of the exhibition presented a reasoned argument and carefully documented complaints about the peak of acute paranoia "anti-vaxxers" - a lack of information reaching citizen activist movements
Options death: How the anti-vaccination movement threatens us all
(Basic Books: 2011, Amazon UK, Amazon USA) infectious disease specialist pediatric and developer of the vaccine against rotavirus, Paul Offit, studying the history of "antivax" movement in the United States and tells how this particular hysteria "went viral", threatening the health of all."We have reached a tipping point," Dr. Offit writes. "Children are suffering and dying because their parents are afraid of vaccines than the diseases they prevent." [P. 191]
fears of parents are surprised when they read the multitude of diseases and disorders caused by vaccines, presumably, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, learning disabilities and disorders of the Attention yes, even autism. But even before the former British doctor, Andrew Wakefield, has presented its request for a link between vaccines and autism in a 1998 paper supported scientists in 2010, vaccines have inspired fear in at least some segments of the people. More than 100 years, a significant proportion of the population is afraid of vaccines against smallpox, which protected them against smallpox. Although this vaccine halfthe mortality rate of smallpox at the time, there was a popular movement in Britain to hold this innovation to save lives because people fear that the other diseases which could make the target mad or turn them into cattle. With a history that would be easy to be dismissive or contemptuous of public concern. And indeed, Dr. Offit has long been an outspoken critic of the anti-vaccination, but in this book, which presents an overview discussion of impartial vaccines, including setbacks, as the vaccine against polio (which can cause polio ) - but now it is enough to tell us that most vaccines are based on live virus.
Dr. Offit argues that the anti-vaccination movement feeds on fears of inspiration are against the current research. It clearly explains why some so-called "risks" of vaccines are not physiologically realistic or possible, and speaks of scientific studies to effectively dismantle unfounded claims against the vaxxers. But it also reminds us that some vaccines
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Paul Offit
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