Philippa Cunniff, a partner in family law Turcan Connell has a distinctly romantic view, but potentially valuable
1. It has a prenuptial agreement
This may be the last thing on your mind as you plan your luxury honeymoon in the Bahamas, but the most practical solution if there is a large gap between the wealth of the bride and groom. While in Scotland, the marriage contract is a contract in England is not legally binding, meaning that the English courts have the power to strike. However, the British decision of the Supreme Court to confirm the pre-nuptial in the case between the heiress Katrin Radmacher and Nicolas German Granatino her late husband years suggests that they may be recognized in the future.
2. Do not have a prenuptial agreement, but ...
If you decide not to go to a prenuptial agreement, but have much more money than your spouse, it makes sense to keep the money as separate as possible instead of mixing with marital funds. Thus, if the marriage ends, the money separate at marriage has a better chance of being protected, that the money was in mutual funds.
3. Classification of the wedding hall
with a few places that cost up to ? 10,000 for rent for the big day, make sure you have a legal contact with the site or the provider for them and you know exactly what is provided . Many people choose to have an informal agreement with your supplier, but this can lead to unexpected expenses, or worse, stood near the place before he reached the altar.
4. Get hooked on correctly abroad
When Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall were divorcing, they learned they were not really married first. They, like an increasing number of people went abroad for their wedding day and had a Hindu wedding in Bali. However, their marriage was not legally valid under the laws of Indonesia, which means that it was not legally recognized good English. To avoid confusion (and shame), ensuring that they meet the requirements and bureaucracy of the country you visit.
5. Who makes the wedding gifts?
Often parents give gifts to their children in marriage. Gifts up to £ 5,000 for each parent are free of inheritance tax, regardless of whether the father survives seven years, and grandparents can gift £ 2.500 each tax free. If parents give more gifts should consider whether to go to both children and spouse. Although it may seem simply means giving a gift to his daughter and son-in-law, if the marriage ends, the son-in-law could end up with an expensive gift for parents prefer that it is not 't have .
married couples can transfer assets between them without the capital gains tax and, in some circumstances it may be appropriate to consider the transfer of income-generating assets to make the most of this advantage . Be careful, in Scotland, if an asset held by one party before marriage is transferred to a spouse, who will become marital property and therefore subject to a divorce. It may also affect the outcome of a divorce in England.