วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cribsheet 26.08.11

historians condemn the BBC to make a profession in the "prestige" to invite David Starkey on Newsnight

Education News

The Guardian

girls go faster in the open GCSE gender gap in log 16

spirits high, the highest scores and no evidence of "broken Britain


: distribution examined, school and sex



See our video: "The results of private schools - Peckham"

Try our interactive 2011 GCSE results, which can investigate the results by subject and sex

In Pictures: GCSE results day

card results at GCSE in Britain

A big thank you to all schools that have entered their results in the interactive map of Great Britain. You can see the map here, and it is not yet in the results, you can do here.

Discussion and Analysis

Is this the beginning of the end of grade inflation

Editorial - GCSE Results and ebacc: good question, wrong answer

Stark truths about the choice of the BBC client

Why David Starkey - a professed historian of the elite - a guest on Newsnight to discuss the causes of the recent riots and looting? Others in the field can not understand why the BBC chose Starkey when so many other historians more qualified to choose from. More than 100 historians anger in an open letter printed in the Times Higher.

In our opinion, this was a particularly poor Starkey has professed to be a historian of the work of elite and non-academic focused on race and class - in fact, rejected these approaches. We are therefore surprised by the poverty of reductionist argument, which reflects their lack of understanding of the history of everyday life in modern Britain. It was obviously unsustainable and wrong.

The letter urges the BBC for not having "discredited" in his profession, calling Starkey in their programs solely on the basis of "his reputation and the reputation of the crime" [that] "remains convinced producers worth the money. "Or, if the BBC has to do, historians say, please, do not have the presenters" the historian David Starkey "to comment on issues outside their areas of expertise. "

In the network of higher education The Guardian

live chat: to survive their first academic position. Friday, August 26 1:00 p.m.

cast and crew


light in Section G2 for children.


News around the web

. About 78 employees of the University of Northampton could lose their jobs and that some departments were merged, the BBC reported.

our young people think and learn differently because they were the first to use the latest technology at an early age? It allows our drinks to use the computer as their way of thinking? Open University researchers say that this is not a report of the MJO. Their latest study says there is no such thing as digital natives

although there are clear differences between seniors and youth in the use of technology, there is no clear evidence of a break between two distinct populations.

. On September 6, Klimbie is on auction of original artwork of illustrators of books he liked children to raise money for education charity Chance UK and the Africa Trust schools. The auction will take place in the restaurant of West End Quay Paddington Central. You can find more information and to view works for sale here.

teacher training seminars

think to do a PhD?

This seminar will provide advice and independent information on the development of a research proposal, the process and pitfalls of a research degree and career prospects.

Sept. 9 in London.

Making the most of opportunities for media to enhance the school profile

if it is to share good news or crisis management, directors and management teams must be able to handle the media in all its forms. This one-day seminar in association with the NAHT is essential for new and aspiring leaders and school officials to determine who wish to update their knowledge. It includes a session on social media.

as tuition rates increase, so do the expectations of students. Social media is an effective and inexpensive to manage this challenge. This seminar will explore the best practices of the new concept, techniques and strategies for all staff in higher education. Academic, communication, recruitment, marketing and strategy

September 22 in London.

