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Sweden makes my gender-free toy Christmas wish come true | Sarah Ditum

with a picture of a girl with a Nerf gun, a toy retailer in Swedish children arm with the ability to challenge gender roles obsolete

"All I want for Christmas is ... every child toy mandatory Gendering all!" Mariah Carey sings. Even if someone could get that many syllables in a musical phrase, Mariah is surely. The person singing this particular affront seasonal pop me, and I was having a girl awful good, because Santa has already given me what I want. Except that instead of being served by a man in the clouds beard round my chimney was visited by the country of Sweden. Nice one!

In 2009, the Swedish equivalent Toy Advertising Standards Authority Top authorized dealer for the production of a catalog that "kept an anachronistic vision of equality" and both sexes showed a "dispensation". So this year, the company has responded to advertisements for all confuse gender bias. Here's a girl ... with a Nerf gun! A child holds a doll ...! A girl ... in a blue shirt! Come patriarchy.

Surprisingly roles for children have become so calcified that such trivial things can be presented as radical. An example included in the Daily Mail: "They Dolls are not just for girls," which of course is based on the voice of your inner UKIP voters shouting: "Yes, the dolls are for girls!" for the reactionary rising sap. Is that the secret postal lesbo signed a matriarchy where children are raised by single mothers? It was cold in the need for parents? It seems unlikely, but if the children can not play in the nursery, and, by extension, we say that they can grow and care for children.

play is how children practice belonging to the world they were born in. Dolls allowing infants tested for the care they give to their children, in their turn, and imagine feelings of their parents - the ability to guess mom and dad are second only to the ability to destroy expensive consumer electronics skills preschool

Many people will try to say that children do not play with dolls. Coincidentally, these same people also speak any guy in your neighborhood that children do not play with dolls. It is innate sexual difference that makes girls and boys play on both sides of the dividing line of blue pink - is constantly impressive adults in their accusations that a group of toys that is fair and the other is bad

I was determined to give my child first start a dogma without sex, he was both brilliant and slightly time in three years, opened his Christmas list with a baby stroller (I found a blue coat, of course. gender police have spies everywhere, even inside of me). It helped that I was a student at the time, and my son went to nursery school where most of the other parents were attentive, right speaker to the guys who raised their children in mono and wooden toys .

But even professor reflected on the types do not have television, visiting toy stores and something less serious family and friends as smallpox rose can not be maintained indefinitely. It seemed to go in the space of a week, the room striped shirts and jeans preschool half erupted in princess dresses and tiaras. We, the parents had received a good race, but our kids finally realized that there was more forces wanted to fit a couple of guys.

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