วันพุธที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Just what is gifted and talented?

A guide to help students with a potential which is well above the average

My daughters are exceptional in the art, my son has always been a math whiz. My daughters have won awards for art, my boy won an award each academic year of his life, including scholarships. They are my gifts and talents?

What we mean by "talent"? Françoys Gagné (2003) said, "Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following areas of human capacity. Intellectual, creative, social and physical talented students are those whose skills are clearly above average in one or more areas of human performance. "

Gagne keyword is

aa potential

. He believes in the power of environmental factors, a native intelligence is not enough, the child needs support and advice to make his / her potential talent. Support and encourage talented kiddies this is exactly where the home and school collide.

So how do you know if a child is gifted?

teachers, but especially parents, can identify gifted children through their own observation and instinct. We often know if there is something "extra" of a child: your questions, your views. For my son who was his immediate understanding of trends and figures, for example, that his kindergarten teacher had to stop responding to ensure that other children had the chance. For a list Betts, guidance and Neihart (1988) six types of gifted students with special needs. The network ID can be a useful starting place for conversations between parents and schools.

If we are unable to identify gifted and talented (G & T), we run the risk of harm to people who are so turned off by the choice of rigid education, sitting well below the radar to achieve, the way of abandonment. We run the risk of harm to society not to encourage these students to fly and added value to society by their exceptional skills.

Be clear - the gifts are not necessarily in the execution or steady in March at the top of the slope of band / level, or test results

skill level is misleading on many fronts, are a clear example of EAL students. The best performance in school may not coincide with maximum performance to another school and IQ scores do not automatically mean success.

Unfortunately schools often ignore the needs of students with exceptional potential, or lack the talent less efficient because of inadequate identification and pressure on resources (money, time and personnel can not go further). We can not assume G & T students will be well, are easy to spot, just needs more work, and do not need food as other students with special educational needs.

bet there are slum children who are G & T, but at the same time, they are identified primarily on the achievement, it will not be accurately identified, or support and therefore fail the boat vaunted social mobility. For this, the growth of academies could generate growth in the rigorous identification of students in order to facilitate better student to achieve their true potential, which is what they say they academies around.

So what can parents do to encourage their gifted and talented children? Parents should encourage their interests, to focus on reading. Play games like Scrabble, Boggle, articulated, lateral thinking games are excellent. Additional categories, personal tutors, clubs, travel. Evaluate, understand and support their children is essential. The fight on their behalf may also be necessary.

is the story of a student named Jo. Jo was a student to achieve a particular style of English. In the year 11 had a teacher who found the questions difficult to be in mining and as a result of his humiliation in the classroom. Jo began to fail and started bunking school English. Aware of this, his parents contacted the school, according to an independent program of English tailored to your needs and interests. Jo went back to excel in their work and was happy to return to school.

Schools must show the child that G & T are measured, making them appropriate academic challenge and opportunity to be together, to feel less isolated. The following work strategies:

. Acceleration

- Students can be accelerated through the year or themes

. Differentiation

- an overused term that means to create something to prolong the child in your class, or more difficult tasks rich

. teacher-student game

- matching personalities and learning styles

tutoring / mentoring old cross

- for younger or with similar interests or skills to enhance learning both for

. negotiated independent programs - student interest and skills to determine the extent and scope of the project, negotiated with staff about resources, etc.

. Competitions - individual, team, internal, external - there are lots of them

Gardner said: "I do not like what the intelligence people I care if they can do things that we value in our culture what's know if you have an IQ of 90 or 130. . ... if, at the end you can not do something? "We must ensure that gifted and talented children the opportunity to do something fabulous.

. Jackie Swift is the head of English at a secondary school in London and was coordinator of G & T from their previous school. He has published articles and stories around the world in a wide range of topics and is currently completing doctoral studies in literature. Read more of Jackie on his blog or follow her on Twitter @ jactherat.

gifted and talented resources in the Teacher Network Guardian

see some of Jackie resources for gifted and talented children here:


preparations for oral presentation

launch contest for use with students

Thanks to Jackie Swift to the following additional information and reading list for those who want to delve into this topic:
Betts and Neihart (1988)

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