วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Guns don't kill people, video game players do | Martin Robbins

36% of parents in one survey told their teenage children has become more "aggressive" that used to be, to blame video games trend, but the desperate attempts to tie the game Violence makes me even angrier that the games themselves have

If this is not the Daily Mail, I never found the site of the British Association of Anger Management. With its blood red background, with touches of yellow faces twisted in anger and fiery fury, creating the kind of scene you might find in the depths of hell reserved for levels murderers, war criminals and people suddenly they stop at the ends of the escalator without good reason. BAAM - the acronym is as violent as its website - there were some "research" on video games as a press release, which was brought forward to the Daily Mail as part its broader campaign to fight against "corruption" of children by sex, nudity, violence, and other things you can find in the online mail: "Children do not actually cooperate games rude and aggressive "with a little play for more than two hours a day during school." Yes, we're back to this again.

The first shows a young child playing GTA IV , subtitled:

"The research suggests that video games Grand Theft Auto as shown here, can make children aggressive, rude and uncooperative.

"There is apparently no place to mention that

GTA IV carries a 18 certificate, and is not intended for children in the first place. The second image is a screenshot St. Tom Clancy Recon: Future Soldier , which carries a 15 certificate. My point is so painfully obvious that it can hardly be bothered to write, but that's all the same: if parents want their offspring prepubescent 18-rated video games, they should not purchase video games rated 18- . (This suggests that many farmers are still in Britain are not as worried as the Daily Mail would be.)

Not that "research" cited says nothing about violent video games to begin. BAAM interviewed parents of 204 children from nine to eighteen, asking about their use of computer games: everything from Tetris



. This produced the following results:

"Forty-six percent said their son or daughters had become" less cooperative "since they started playing video games. Forty-four percent said they were "rude or intolerant to others, 40 percent said they were more anxious, 36 percent reported an increase in aggressive behavior," 29 percent cited mood swings and more than 26 percent said their children had become more reclusive. "

26% of parents thought their teens had become more reclusive in the years since he began playing video games. Probably non-Sayers pedantic whining in the other

alone, or ask how "lonely" is still defined or measured first, but if it persuades no correlation amazing, well my faith, my God, I do not know what will.

Even the most "convincing" of these figures amounted to only 46%. This, surprisingly, is the proportion of parents who think their teens are less cooperative over time. This is attributed to video games, instead of something stupid like ... oh I do not know, maybe the fact that they are teenagers? Figure of 46% is surprising that surprises me is that only 46%. Maybe that video games make children more truly cooperative? We have no way of knowing, because it seems that there has been no effort to study children

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