Some students need to know that someone cares about them and will be consistent in their lives and many do not have this at home.
Jackie Swift
says it's time to recognize the educational value of school support and retention in the long term, it can really be there
Recently, one of my colleagues said: "I love you all mad." How PC review was not entirely in the sanctity of the staff room that can be construed as anti- child (it is not), but I was not sure if it was a compliment or not. "Mm?" I said. "And that's a good thing or a bad thing?" " No, no, "I said." It's a good thing, they know you care and are consistent in their classroom. they feel safe and connected. Learn to you. "
There is a clear message in the comments of my fellow students need structure and order in their daily activities, they need teachers who care about them. No teacher who flatter them and let them get away, but are expected to participate in and produce the work, even in the period of six years.
Many students who come to teach pretty horrible places - you mourn his disadvantage. I do not need to know all their stories, but I teach English has been given many opportunities to share their stories. For example, we see the concept of instant love of Shakespeare - emphatic, electrical and sometimes catastrophic, in our case, with Ferdinand in The Tempest and Miranda. My first impulse, the other day was "do you think this kind of love is it possible?" They thought, wrote and discussed a paragraph, by the way, they are married and have their own expectations love and life.
This group is one of my groups Desperado. They come with back stories varied and complex. They are ADD, dyslexia, EAL, and BESD Statemented it is supported. We've been together for over two years, the fight against progress hesitant to do. Classes in the afternoon we still treat all but the morning is great - showing a clear understanding of texts, are insightful and encouraging each other as they develop the ability to hear high. Do not let them choose - I must respond. I silent reading each lesson because they need to develop their concentration skills and vocabulary. Most do not read at home, but that's another blog.
I love these guys. They go crazy and give me incredible confidence crisis, but also great moments of joy and pride. I had other classes like this - all very needy in their own way, to cry more likely to pierce the other. Compare this kind of my first days of school as a box of plastic sweat -. Should be handled carefully because a wrong move could decide the fate off
What needs to happen in the classroom to build strong relationships that enable students to succeed?
Two binary axioms - the company and the environment: coherence and calm. As a teacher must be clearly in charge, should set the tone and the learning environment in your room. The teachers' struggle with this, too gentle and kind, but not what students want and what they need either.
students and teachers to be there for them. They need this consistency or English or maths tutor DT per day. In fact, it does not matter if your teacher is good or outstanding - worry that they are there all the time, with lessons of high expectations and consistent so they can learn. Children less resilient compared well with change, with teachers supply: they have the skills to "just move on", whatever that is before
schools must recognize this most - hire the right people to support them and keep them. Then, the student will have to give. What private schools are public schools? Long-term staff feel valued, they appreciate the students, the better. It is not always about money. . Jackie Swift is head of English at a secondary school in London and was coordinator of the school G & T before. He has published articles and stories from around the world on a variety of subjects and is currently pursuing doctoral studies in literature. Read Jackie in his blog or follow him on Twitter @ jactherat.
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