Charlie Taylor, the tsarist government appreciated performance, says the value of the state-sponsored lessons for parents
government recently announced that it was testing a system that parents of children under five years could appear in your local health center (or, indeed, Boots) and collect a good £ 100 the value of free parenting classes caused quite a stir.
Surely, said that those who like to comment on this kind of thing is the very definition of the welfare state. We managed perfectly well so far without the government telling us how to educate our children why we need your help now?
Charlie Taylornot develop the plan, he is careful to point out. But he believes it's worth a try - and believes government can play a constructive role in the number of children. Although you might think that, of course: the coalition behavior tsar
Taylor, a former Eton taught all age groups from toddlers to 16 years and was popular specialist in the treatment of restless children for over a decade. In 2005, he became head of The Willows, a famous West London special school for excluded under age 11, received his first outstanding Ofsted judgment within one year of appointment
The father of six, eight and a maximum of 11 years (all, I hope, impeccably polite), has also written two books designed to help parents of children with problems. In recent months, his name has been associated with a number of initiatives and discipline - including suggestions that the fines be deducted absenteeism benefits for children and young children with severe behavioral problems may benefit from using only two experts
Parentingthese days, Taylor believes, is one. Much more complicated than it once was, "I'm not," he said, "to support the idea that" everything is deteriorating. "But the pressure, I think, are getting worse. The great challenge is to teach children discernment. Just have not worked out how to deal with this overload
Takescreens. "When we were kids," he said (he is 47), "children's television was from 3.30 to 5.30, and that was all. Today is the day in a half dozen different channels children. Then there are mobile phones, game consoles, Internet. Children can spend all day on the screens. "This was combined with a flood of advertising to children" to make the energy worrying more powerful than was the case. And more working mothers now, so no more guilt. "
"Schools need to see how they interact with parents. 'S hard when there is an abyss. However, as a basic principle, parents must accept the authority of the school."
In what sense? "These values," says Taylor. "No State shall establish that these values ??should be .. do not want to go at all, but to ask the parents what their values ??and see the best way to implement it is the parents preparing advance the questions that arise. Being able to say what is trivial and what is important. "
and these values ??can be? "Basic good manners, respect. Understanding other people's feelings and reactions honesty Punctuality Reliability Determination ....." From there, fatherhood is "working on how to translate these values ??to things like screens and ominous, the practice of engineering. And develop strategies that work well. " Taylor spent much of the last year talking to managers waiting on the fundamental principles that had continued to improve behavior, but published them in a series of checklists Getting well known behavior of simple things, and are not calculated different start successful parents.
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