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The painful lessons of the Central Park Five and the jogger rape case | Jill Filipovic

unfinished saga of the Central Park rape case shows that if the police suspect forced the victim of a horrible crime multiply

The NYC quote Ken Burns, the documentary filmmaker whose recent project involved the wrongful conviction and eventual exoneration of five men accused of raping and beating a woman in Central Park opens a wound in the history of New York, and raises questions about the strength and scope of the laws of New York journalists shield. You must also open an evolution of the real demand in the police investigation and interrogation tactics - to preserve the rights of the accused, and to protect the victims of crime.

more than 20 years, the Central Park rape case Corridor shook New York City, fueling racial tensions and stoke the flames of fear and frustration widespread crime and violence. The broker, banker aged 28, was brutally raped and beaten, she barely survived. A group of five black and Latino teenagers were involved in the crime. Four of the five confessed on videotape. Boys before retracting, but were convicted. The media storm surrounding the crime and the trial was stuck on the story of roving bands of children of ongoing projects "Wilding" attack innocent victims in the park and robbing, beating or worse.

More than a decade later, DNA evidence and the confession of the man tied to what proved the innocence of the "Central Park Five". They were released prison and his conviction was overturned. Three of the five - now men who spent much of his adult life in prison - sued the city in 2003. It is in this application that Burns images - images which, ironically, the city is doing everything possible to avoid being shot in the first place -. has been cited

Central Park jogger The case is particularly compelling because it goes against what we believe to be the right direction on convictions. A confession, it seems to me, is the absolute proof of guilt: why would anyone in their right mind would confess to a crime he did not commit? How could five boys all confess the crime itself if they were not really responsible?

What is the law and order and crime fiction thrillers do not tell you is that false confessions are surprisingly common. According to the Innocence Project, 25% of the accused were innocent exonerated with DNA evidence incriminating statements or admissions made by any account. A disproportionate number of those who falsely confess mental health problems or mental health problems, children and adolescents also regularly do not understand their rights during police interrogation. And false confessions are, unfortunately, an American tradition: already in 1692, 50 different women "confess" to witchcraft in the Salem witch trials.

The cops want to get nasty, but too often choose what they believe to be the most plausible story and made her catch. When police interrogate a subject which has determined that the person is probably guilty of the crime. The purpose of the examination is not to know the truth: it is to solidify the blame.

This view lends itself to a mentality where coercive interrogation techniques are justified. Most of the techniques used by the police


Legal - lie to the person arrested, falsely claiming that there is evidence implicating the trunk, intimidated, which minimizes the crime and the possible consequences of making a confession seem like an easy solution. One of the most troubling coercive tactics insomnia is intentional, so that psychologically suspect more susceptible to suggestion. Lack of sleep may seem relatively harmless, but it has been widely used as a powerful instrument of torture. Depriving someone of sleep away your ability to think and act coherently. They have delusions and hallucinations and sleepiness becomes so desperate that private person, who often do almost anything for clemency - including, as in the case of Central Park, to admit the murder.

The Central Park Five
"The decision of the judge acquitted the accused or found collusion or coercion by the police."

Cops are human and make mistakes is forgivable. Refuse to change bad practices and placing his own interest in condemning someone
advance truth and justice? This is not all.

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