Twenty years ago, our blogger has lost one of his students in the subway or even report the incident to the child's mother or the director of London ... Fast forward to today and is a very different story
things happen sometimes when you least expect it. However, just to cope.
One day lost a child in the London Underground. Beat that.
was my first term and I wanted to impress my "animated" Year of Class 6, with a dinosaur theme. Kids love dinosaurs, pterodactyls, diplodocus, the T-Rex and all that - are terrible and great fun. In London, we have the wonderful Natural History Museum, with its impressive screen size. I organized a trip.
In those days, it is of Hackney in east London bus involved in the Kings Cross underground station followed by a subway ride from South Kensington. I do not know if you have visited Kings Cross underground? It has recently undergone a transformation. I did not need. 350,000 people pass through this station every day. It's a place easy to miss ...
I was there six weeks as a teacher. I had 30 children. I was in my account (with the exception of a mother who worked part time at school - known then as "using a Lady"). Children are very excited. Is about a days. All that matters is the comparison of their sandwiches. We are on the platform and I see the first train does not come our way. So I'm trying to make myself heard above the fray of passengers, and dancing down the platform trying to keep kids back, "It is not our train back to the world is not our train!" I think I have the situation under control.
There is always one is not there?
is Maxine. This is a pretty girl, but she does not take a blind bit of notice of me. The train arrives, the doors open and she jumps on everyone thinks ahead. Children see and shout, "Get off Maxine, this is not our train!" But it is too late, before it can be, the doors are closed.
never forget his face.
it's a bit like painting by Munch - you know - it's called "The Scream". Only this time it was with a girl with black horn-rimmed glasses and his face pressed against the door of the subway car as I passed.
now ... pause for a minute and think about how other children react?
Perhaps with horror? Shock? Panic? Maybe even a giggle? Well, if you think that laughter, you're half right.
was raucous laughter, uncontrollable. These children were laughing loudly. "Maxine! Idiot! "He cried, pointing to it and jump down the platform, the train to continue as long as possible before it went to the dark tunnels of the London Underground.
I am he who is in a state of horror, shock and panic -. Because I do not even know where the train
In these days when using the London Underground has speakers, informative panels, help points, CCTV, friendly people in blue uniforms everywhere. So there was nothing. You do not have to go back on the street level to find someone to help you.
I started trying to organize my "Lady helper" to manage the children while I went a little real help. I'm going back and forth trying to find where the train is gone and what to do. Children continue to die of laughter. They think it is very good. Even the "Helper Lady" thinks it's funny.
In a few minutes, a person walks around the corner and gives me a real shock.
Director? Evil
Perhaps the mother Maxine? Nope.
was Maxine.
How did this happen? Well, next stop is Euston Square, just 50 seconds later. He had evidently jumped from the train there, run on the pedestrian bridge and there was a train back in the opposite direction. I'm not kidding - I was back with us in three minutes. Ok Four. Tops. In fact, it was so fast, children were still laughing when he turned the corner.
But boy, I was relieved. Ugh!
So we went to the Natural History Museum. We ate our sandwiches, we saw the T-Rex, we had a visit, take pictures, and I learned a lot. When I arrived at school children were invited to write all about dinosaurs ...
and do you write about ...? Yes ... you guessed it.
But I will tell you this ... and this may surprise ... even shock you. Even I can think to report the incident to management. I've often wondered why. But I think over the years I have come to the conclusion that, in a curious way, nothing happened.
Yes, I know I lost a child in the London Underground ... (You remind me?), But ... if you know what I mean ... there was no actual incident to report. Maxine was not injured, she did not even bother. Maybe it was a bit embarrassed because the other children laughed at her, but other than that there was no crisis, not even a problem. I do not even think to mention that the mother of Maxine.
Fast forward 20 years.
The teacher, a girl who has bags of energy and ideas, and spent his weekend made a reconnaissance visit. She made a risk assessment, insurance forms, authorization forms and provided academic performance brilliantly. Off to go to the Museum of Natural History with 24 other children and six adults. It's always a bus to Kings Cross and South Kensington tube round. They arrive at the subway platform at Kings Cross ... Guess what happens?
not ... not the teacher who boards the train wrong this time. not ... Maxine has grown to become the director of Kings Cross station.
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