วันศุกร์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Society daily 31.05.12

long waits for patients in A & E to increase

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best stories today SocietyGuardian

. Number of A & E patients waiting more than four hours is the highest since 2004

. Council Tax rebate reforms repeat disaster risk survey of tax, says IFS

alcohol consumption . reduced to a quarter of a pint of beer a day, experts advise

. Rates of sexually transmitted infections rise among young

. Ecstasy and cannabis should be freely available to the study, said David Nutt

. Kailash Chand

: physicians who have the right to strike to feel disappointed

. Zoe Williams: This image of the dead body spiral ends with self-hatred universal

. Is this the future for young people are unemployed in Europe online

. All increased, but still at home - their stories

stories today SocietyGuardian All

Networks In professional tutor

. The authorities are joining forces to recruit children's social workers

. Coinciding with the free snuff, Deborah Arnott said that more effective regulation of nicotine is necessary

. From Asbo for crimbo: new powers to fight against noise and nuisance in practice

. Rosie Niven explores what is the local size inspires confidence conducted by the community action to help local areas spend money

. In the muddy field of social enterprise, partnerships can provide the best opportunity for new spin-out to avoid defeat, says Craig Dearden-Phillips

on my radar ...

. Statistic of the Day: 25% reduction in proposed spending to slow to 2% of the population. This short film, the Centre for assistance reform. It is filled with figures of eye opening.

. Our live discussion on sex and sex education, which takes place between noon and 14:00 today. The group included Dr. Damian Wood, a consultant pediatrician with an interest in adolescent medicine at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Doortje Braeken, Senior Advisor of IPPF in adolescents and young; Kesterton David, the role parental project manager and the community at the FPA, and Martinez, Anna, coordinator of the National Sex Education Forum.

hungry school children

. Following anecdotal reports of teachers to see the growing number of students arrive at school hungry, the Guardian invites teachers to participate in the online survey. Data from it will be used in an editorial project, and the survey asks whether more kids come to school hungry, and how it affects their learning and behavior. Presentation of the survey, Emma Drury wrote that once saw a boy with pencils sharp fodder to eat because they were hungry. He adds:

appropriate, stomach vacuum hunger is hard to ignore - it is not surprising that some children could not be brighter than could an adjective used to describe a monster when the monster of hunger within their chirping and gnawing. I used to lift an eyebrow when the parents brought their young children in the class every week at 9 am, while its small package filled with a jump on the mouth, but at the same time is a million miles far from ideal, at least something - at least not one pencil shavings.

'got out of class for a couple of years, but I talked with teachers present and, anecdotally at least, it seems that this problem will not go away. If anything the situation worsens.

. A blog by Simon Wakeman, which contains the recent state report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (local) are PwC spoke with local leaders and officers of the authority of lead counsel in width, and also conducted a survey of over 2,000 people on how municipalities have suffered cuts in subsidies. Wakeman said the report revealed a difference between perceptions of the elderly among local governments and the reality of how the public well informed about why councils are savings. He writes:

The report questions the reason behind this apparent contradiction could be a bad choice of communication channels. Although there is nothing to suggest that this is not the case, personally, I suspect that part of the difference could be due to the absence of objective evidence used by communicators to demonstrate the impact of their work or not have.

know it can be annoying repetitive here, but communicators need to improve the use of evidence to understand the baseline of perception and reputation as well as showing the difference that they do. If this test is not met senior officials and politicians, there is no way of knowing what people really think and base their opinions on their own perceptions and contact with residents.

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