วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Angels' Share's Paul Brannigan: 'I've been slashed, stabbed and shot at'

effect talent and a hard life in Glasgow Paul Brannigan helped land the role of an ex-convict Ken Loach won Cannes jury

Tuesday, May 22 was a good night for Paul Brannigan. For soundtrack fans popping flashes and screaming, walked the red carpet at Cannes for the premiere of his first film, La Part des Anges, in which he plays an ex-con who organized a hold-up whiskey. Examinations have already flooding in hot weather, and director Ken Loach has become the surprise winner of the Jury Prize at this year's festival. In collaboration with his co-stars, Brannigan showed her thighs in a full monty kilt, sporran, socks and long - would -. No pants

But never hold a candle to the first British Cineworld in his hometown of Glasgow a week later. On his arm, girlfriend Sheree, 10 family members and back, tuxedo, his father bought for £ 325. "There is a huge amount," said Brannigan, "but for someone who had a drug addiction for 25 years, that's fine." Encouraged by the success of his newly discovered son, the father has Brannigan spent the last two months clean - the first since Paul was born. His mother is also a heroin addict.

caution treat a beer in the hilltop village hired by the distributors of the film in Cannes, Brannigan speak freely, almost evangelical about his traumatic past. "It was difficult to grow, and there were times when they just wanted to crawl away and die I cut his wrist with a mirror after an argument with my father and I would just .. Damn, damn, but is not. a sad story that I am very sensitive .. I do not understand too close or let my emotions can get hurt and then you feel your life is destroyed "


in the way of big screen star, with an easy smile and luxury lashes Brannigan differs from its usual naive Cannes, in both talent and depth of experience of real life , Loach said that contributed to their role. Its own projections with drugs - cocaine, says, more acidic and valium - were not just entertainment. "In Glasgow, there is no work. No boats or houses built. No chance, no chance, no hope. And when there is no hope that you can not get your motivation, your confidence will down and turn to drink and drugs. the downward spiral. "

expelled from school at age 14, Brannigan was sent to prison at age 16 for nearly four years after joining his uncle in a shootout. Poorly on the circumstances: "Listen, I've been involved in assaults and fights, I was stabbed and stabbed and shot, but this was something that could have been resolved differently if the police were involved in my aunt was stabbed in the head with a bottle. "

In prison, they learned to read thanks to a diet of dictionaries and Newsnight. "I have not seen in politics, I would like to hear how they talk and what words mean fancy then build sentences and learn to be articulated've always been small and stay small. Glasgow not really give you many places, unless you are aggressive. I learned trying to use my mouth. "

itself was simple. Loach said ... "I was real emotional truth He knew that the frame is also very intelligent implicitly Some young players have talent, but you can not really read Paul can, and this is unusual .. He is very focused and targeted and cost. "

By Brannigan, half felt lucky as karma, half of hard work. "Children can not just wake up and go: I want a job, I worked hard for this and it made me realize that it was important as a human being I have a point. ... "

from this shoot wrapped, has already worked in another movie together Scotland, Jonathan Glazer under the skin, in which he plays a young man who is seduced disco and - perhaps - farming Scarlett Johansson for meat abroad in disguise. He would continue the action, he said, but also wants to continue with football training and volunteer tutoring. "When you see a change in some of these children, after eight weeks in and dress, feeling no better than that."

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วันศุกร์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Shame on Teachers Who Mock Students

Society daily 31.05.12

long waits for patients in A & E to increase

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. Number of A & E patients waiting more than four hours is the highest since 2004

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alcohol consumption . reduced to a quarter of a pint of beer a day, experts advise

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. Ecstasy and cannabis should be freely available to the study, said David Nutt

. Kailash Chand

: physicians who have the right to strike to feel disappointed

. Zoe Williams: This image of the dead body spiral ends with self-hatred universal

. Is this the future for young people are unemployed in Europe online

. All increased, but still at home - their stories

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Networks In professional tutor

. The authorities are joining forces to recruit children's social workers

. Coinciding with the free snuff, Deborah Arnott said that more effective regulation of nicotine is necessary

. From Asbo for crimbo: new powers to fight against noise and nuisance in practice

. Rosie Niven explores what is the local size inspires confidence conducted by the community action to help local areas spend money

. In the muddy field of social enterprise, partnerships can provide the best opportunity for new spin-out to avoid defeat, says Craig Dearden-Phillips

on my radar ...

. Statistic of the Day: 25% reduction in proposed spending to slow to 2% of the population. This short film, the Centre for assistance reform. It is filled with figures of eye opening.

. Our live discussion on sex and sex education, which takes place between noon and 14:00 today. The group included Dr. Damian Wood, a consultant pediatrician with an interest in adolescent medicine at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Doortje Braeken, Senior Advisor of IPPF in adolescents and young; Kesterton David, the role parental project manager and the community at the FPA, and Martinez, Anna, coordinator of the National Sex Education Forum.

hungry school children

. Following anecdotal reports of teachers to see the growing number of students arrive at school hungry, the Guardian invites teachers to participate in the online survey. Data from it will be used in an editorial project, and the survey asks whether more kids come to school hungry, and how it affects their learning and behavior. Presentation of the survey, Emma Drury wrote that once saw a boy with pencils sharp fodder to eat because they were hungry. He adds:

appropriate, stomach vacuum hunger is hard to ignore - it is not surprising that some children could not be brighter than could an adjective used to describe a monster when the monster of hunger within their chirping and gnawing. I used to lift an eyebrow when the parents brought their young children in the class every week at 9 am, while its small package filled with a jump on the mouth, but at the same time is a million miles far from ideal, at least something - at least not one pencil shavings.

'got out of class for a couple of years, but I talked with teachers present and, anecdotally at least, it seems that this problem will not go away. If anything the situation worsens.

. A blog by Simon Wakeman, which contains the recent state report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (local) are PwC spoke with local leaders and officers of the authority of lead counsel in width, and also conducted a survey of over 2,000 people on how municipalities have suffered cuts in subsidies. Wakeman said the report revealed a difference between perceptions of the elderly among local governments and the reality of how the public well informed about why councils are savings. He writes:

The report questions the reason behind this apparent contradiction could be a bad choice of communication channels. Although there is nothing to suggest that this is not the case, personally, I suspect that part of the difference could be due to the absence of objective evidence used by communicators to demonstrate the impact of their work or not have.

know it can be annoying repetitive here, but communicators need to improve the use of evidence to understand the baseline of perception and reputation as well as showing the difference that they do. If this test is not met senior officials and politicians, there is no way of knowing what people really think and base their opinions on their own perceptions and contact with residents.

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. Telegraph: Doctors write an open letter explaining the action Sector . Third: The marriage of management "conflicts of interest caused" chair

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This body-image death spiral ends at universal self-hatred | Zoe Williams

parliamentarians have proposed that five years of classes to stop looking at how fat sample distorted our thinking is narcissism

"There is a growing body of evidence", which is a group of parliamentarians from all parties this week, "that body image dissatisfaction is high and is increasing and is associated with a series adversely impact the health and well-being. "The outline of the report took place from the banal to the bizarre." Remove food, "say," could stop 70% of eating disorders. "

Like all eating disorders could be classified as very extreme, dangerous regimes, then of course, if you were not "disappear" regimes. This is a statement of the bleeding obvious, in an absurd premise. Not one of these deputies, and nobody could stop the plan, even in his own house, let alone the nation. "Over 95% of dieters regain the weight they lose," the report continues, I remember reading in an annual report to Judy 1986.

"Up to one in five cosmetic surgery patients may suffer from body dysmorphic disorder" - again, the definition is neglected. Body dysmorphic disorder is the irrational hatred of her body. From there, you can argue that everybody cosmetic surgery for reasons other than physical comfort is body dysmorphic disorder, only because it is irrational to hate as long as you have someone cut you. Or we can say that he hates as an inappropriate response, but understood the pressures of their cultural environment.

What you can not do is take a picture out of the air "to one in five" to make a statement without doubt the burden of statistics. "One in three men to sacrifice a year of life to reach your ideal weight." Do not think it is entirely irrational: if you have a perfect body now - that, under this strange pact, Rosemary Conley meets Mephistopheles, I guess age is adjusted to be relatively great for the rest of your life - you probably have better health in his later years. Everyone would rather have 10 years of good health by 11 health problems. Who would read this as a sign of body dissatisfaction issues? What I find disturbing is the majority of their solutions. First, they recommend "Body Image and mandatory self-esteem lessons for children in primary and secondary schools." An interesting fact in the report does not mention the reason why five are obsessed with their weight: it is due to the high risk form of catastrophism are taught about nutrition. My son and his friends are constantly concerned about sugar, how it makes you fat, how can be found even in places you'd expect: there is absolutely no indication of understanding of good nutrition and evil - in part because "back in five, and partly because they are the program requirements. Children with these risk scenarios marked on things that are not given control of the anxiety you are old enough to be treated or evaluated. The suggestion of "self" lessons - we'll teach you to ignore all the concerns we have plants - is absurd enough to stop the transfer of the responsibility of adults to children, the whip is no longer out of their playgrounds., and wait 10 years to see how it works

But I'm not attacking celebrities - far from it, it is very difficult to analyze because they are and not become narcissistic - so the more you look, the more narcissistic that 'they become, the more we reflect his narcissism, the security system unless we show in our review. It is a circle decreases, or what economist Paul Krugman has called a "death spiral", which is not absolutely complete until everyone hates. I do not know how the stop, but I can tell you that all the money because it's not a campaign for Dove.

The issue of body image never goes below the surface - which, if children are involved, I say do not be worried, do not ask what became concerned or, Indeed, if it is not have nothing to fear. If young women feel under pressure in magazines, journals reprimand - do not ask me why this pressure is suddenly so unbearable, when physical perfection has always been the prerogative of a few. This is very aesthetic. If this report was a person, would you worry about your cellulite. Worry more about their IQ.


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Katie Price to help set up free school

Model and entrepreneur wants to create a school for children with visual impairments and other disabilities suffer

model and businesswoman Katie Price wants to establish a free school to help children who are visually impaired and suffering from other handicaps.


34 years Amy and her mother joined forces with other parents to prepare an offer to the government school in Kent.

She said she would not be involved in the operation of the proposed school. She told BBC South East. "I am a father, I have not used my state at all and I would not because it's not me, it's children . "

Parents of 45 children have expressed interest in school, that would serve students who have a statement of special educational needs.

Aa schools are free schools
non-profit government-funded but operate independently.

Find best price for : --Price----Katie--

Medical profession must open doors to poor students, says Alan Milburn

Alan Milburn, the czar of social mobility, said plans to increase the diversity of the contribution should be funded

The medical profession is accused by the tsarist government social mobility not to "dynamic effort" in the last decade to open its doors to poorest students.

issue a report in the preserve of professionals in the UK, Alan Milburn, an independent review of government social mobility encourage teaching hospitals to do more to open Work Experience disadvantaged adolescents and urge the authorities to actively select students with lower grades to study medicine.

In an interview with The Guardian, also urges the government to do more to change the belief of the British public that the college is "impossible to obtain for the poor" due to an increase rate.


later said all political parties to come clean and accept that "not having a prayer" to achieve the goal of child poverty by 2020 set by the Labour government. Former Minister Labour is also expected to demand more pay internships.

Before the publication of its report on professions, said: "With medicine and other professions, I see a great effort to change galvanizing

"It is very unfortunate because medicine has advanced so much in the diversification of consumption in terms of race and sex. The medical profession knows what to do, but frankly it n ' is not done.

"In a perfect world where all schools are equal, I simply selected on the basis of academic achievement."

However, he added. "We will not get a more mobile society, unless you create more of a playground of opportunity

Milburn, said plans to increase the diversity of the contribution to be financed by public funds and universities should be using their £ 600m pot of money aside for dissemination and "increasing participation" in systems of this type.

"It's not that you can not do so, the question is whether the medical profession wants. What I ask is a national effort, both to be applied diversify the socioeconomic profile of the profession has been applied to the profile of gender and race. "

also recommends that the NHS to develop a standard procedure to give teens from all walks of experience working in hospitals today because it is a "closed loop" and is based always on "who you know. "

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Obama's Education Hypocrisy -- Again

My muse and me

How to choose an artist a muse? What is it like to be one? Laura Barnett is a choreographer, a novelist, a painter - and people to help them

choreographer Christopher Wheeldon, and Lauren Cuthbertson

In 2010, when the choreographer Christopher Wheeldon began working on his acclaimed version of Alice in Wonderland for the Royal Ballet of London, was only a dancer in mind for the lead role: Lauren Cuthbertson. "I had worked with her a couple of times in the Royal Ballet School when she was 16 years," Wheeldon said, "over and over again when I was in the corps de ballet. Even then, I thought, 'This guy really has something. "Wheeldon, who at 39 is 12 years older than Cuthbertson, added:" She has a lack of effort, a way of doing what he does on stage seem inevitable "

Only one problem: Cuthbertson had been sidelined for a year with glandular fever and was having to sit the tests. So Wheeldon began working with several other dancers, while tending to Cuthbertson. "There is a kind of fear in his performance that I thought it was just so Alice did not want her to feel uncomfortable to have an adult role of a child -. J ' Needed to be an adult who was still in contact with the inside of the child. " When Cuthbertson was well enough, they began to create the character. Wheeldon had a rough idea: "I wanted it to be unlike any other that Alice had seen before, while remaining faithful to history." But he was in favor Cuthbertson bring their own ideas. "There had no confidence, "said Mr. Cuthbertson. "I wish I had an idea of ??what he wanted and bring something to the table, I never thought when you create a narrative ballet, like Alice, wants to even the smallest details -. Moments, for example, when Alice watching the White Rabbit -. make sense that if something does not make sense to me, I would say to Chris, and we would like to work on and on, until he did "

Their relationship, he said, was intense and instinctive. "I realized that Chris wanted with just a glance or a tic. I did not need coffee and Ribena. It feeds on energy. We were playing with things and have a laugh. "Wheeldon agrees." It was, "Let's play and find out who this character. ""

Wheeldon is the word "muse" apt. "My definition", he says, "is someone who works with, probably, on a regular basis, what inspires and informs you how to work a surprisingly unusual." Draw a firm line, however, between this definition and connotations are sexual predators surrounding some of the greatest classical choreographers as George Balanchine (who is married with five of his dancers) and Frederick Ashton (who, though now would was gay, was obsessed with his muse, Margot Fonteyn).

"Ashton said that there must be a little more in love with her dancers to create beauty," said Wheeldon. "There's something about this, but for me c is a different kind of love. A connection on an infantile level is to say, like kids on vacation, "Let's go out and build sand castles." This is definitely not sleeping together. "

Wheeldon and Cuthbertson work together again in Metamorphosis: Titian 2012, a series of dance inspired by the paintings of Titian - and we hope that their professional relationship that will last long. "At the end of my career," says Wheeldon, "if I can look back and say Lauren was my muse, I consider myself very lucky."

Metamorphosis: Titian 2012

is at the Royal Opera House, London WC1 (020-7304 4000) on the July 14.

Philip Hensher and writer

Zaved Mahmood


often told to write what they know. But his ninth novel, Scenes from the beginning, Philip Hensher was high on his head: the novel is a semi-fiction first-person account not his own childhood, but her husband of Bangladesh, the rights lawyer Zaved human Mahmood.

from the moment they met a decade ago, Hensher has always been fascinated by life in the early Mahmood in Dhaka, which grow in the shade of the independence war of 1971 which led to the formation of Bangladesh. "I always said," Come, tell me more ". There was a time that were much like my own childhood - we watched the same television programs, for example. And other times they were also completely different was that when I was a child, whenever I was not able to finish my meal, my grandmother used to say, "Think of the children dying of hunger in Bangladesh. Had I known I would end up married to one, I had a much faster return. "

Hensher began to think that someone should really have memories Mahmood on paper. Decide that the man was sitting with her husband through a series of formal interviews, and sometimes dinner while traveling on the six o'clock train through Germany. Only when Hensher had finished the first draft show Mahmood, who could not believe what was necessary. "I was so proud of him," said Mahmoud. "The book really took me back to my childhood, my family life of old, a very nice way. I asked him to change some things. I felt that my family had found a little like a king, so that 'In fact, they were middle class. But otherwise it was incredibly true. It was very nostalgic. "

not think the term "muse" is absolutely right. "It's kind of Alexander McQueen, the word" Hensher said, referring to the fashion designer whose main muse was the late stylist Isabella Blow. "This suggests to go find someone who inspires you, but it's not what happens to ZAV, although everything I wrote was, to some extent, for him. When I write something funny, often I think, "Is it going to make people laugh Zav? However," muse "seems a bit grandiose. Zav is more of a presence at home."

Mahmood is, however, intrigued by the parallels between the relationship and the famous artist-muse married couples, Picasso and Jacqueline Roque, for example. But he thinks that the most useful definition of "muse" is the idea of ??emotional support. "Otherwise," he says, "is very difficult for an artist to continue. Felipe supports my own work the same way. He is very understanding about how to take my life and vice versa."

Hensher Mahmood sees as a great source of inspiration, however. "It's interesting thinking of famous painters and how they interact with their muses," he said. "It made me think of this book as a portrait of someone I know very well, but with a number of ideas and a worldview that is not the same as mine It's always good as a writer -. In step into the shoes of another. "

scenes of life at the beginning is published by


Joffe was intrigued when he saw Watkins again a few months later with a pair of red shoes, he decided to ask him if he could paint them. Watkins, still poorly understood. "Chantal said:" Are you sitting down? "I just wanted to say 'look," so I said yes immediately. Then, Chantal explained that he wanted me to pose for a portrait. I still said yes, but had some reservations. I really do not know what I mean the meeting, and I was not sure what it was about me that I found fascinating. "

Joffe had never asked a stranger to sit through it before. Until then, had been using mainly photographs of models cut out from fashion magazines as the basis for his paintings. However, his instinctive attraction pictorial Watkins produced 10 portraits. In many cases, Watkins is shown as white and bright blue eyes with an air of calm. Their ability to stand still, says Joffe, is one of the best qualities of Watkins. "She moves in her own world quite easily and, unlike some people who do not care what you do with your image. She goes, 'Oh, my nose is not good" or "different from my hair" . I feel very free. "

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Mountaineer laughs off Twitter row with 'spotty schoolkids'

Joe Simpson gets involved in scuffle with the line vile GCSE students after refusing his book Touching the Void

Even the most successful authors have to suffer the occasional adjustment, despite the critics and readers. Few, however, face the twin indignities of being labeled a "crack asshole" and that his accounts of supernatural endurance mountain rejected by sulky teenagers.

Fortunately, as befits a man who outshuffled the Grim Reaper, in the Andes and the Himalayas - and you chose an automatic alcohol as their island discs luxury desert for that it can drink to the death before enduring a long exile island -. Joe Simpson is not the kind of moody

When a gang of GCSE students used Twitter to steam that has been done to study the account of how Simpson has spent days crawling of a Peruvian mountain with a broken leg, he decided Free to participate with their teenagers.


to know why he chose to call the book Touching the Void, the new Twitter: "I did not want to piss off to have children to do tests on it"

His answer did not impress his companion, who answered. "I bet you know more about how he focuses on the first chapter of what they do"

"I just write shit," came the reply.

Not all tweets he received were very nice.

"Your book is crap and you should feel bad," wrote one. "Three chapters trace of it inspires me to write about your book in my review," confessed one other. "It was pretty boring really."

other correspondents were even more direct: "Your book is the reason why my whole year Our English test failure," shouted one. "LEARNING TO WRITE FOOL illiterate!"

"I am a student to learn English," shot him. "But you are a fool who fell in the mountains. We expect Turkey! "

Wednesday evening, however, the author seems to be tired of the abuse and Twitter: "A great day for children squirm in their trash hormonal hell ... good night's vile can innocent you could boil the bile acid ... "
Despite the tone of the tweets, Simpson told the Guardian that he had actually found a lot of fun. "If I am brutally frank about it," he said, "I do not really care what people think what they think I did. Nobody had the idea first, really.

Find best price for : --Twitter----Guardian----Simpson--

Gareth Southgate calls for emphasis on technical skills for youngsters

. Southgate applied the role of technical director of the FA

. "More children should be able to access skills program '

Gareth Southgate has called for a change in the culture of young coaches as he confirmed his appointment to head coach of the Football Association. If given the role that the former England defender, will focus on primary school children have better access to technical education.

Regarding the work of Southgate said. . "I made a request [but] there will be some good candidates paper is somewhat different in this country because of the academies of professional clubs in this country we do not" control t in many other countries that are I'm not afraid to say I disagree with that, but it is the landscape, which is where


"The paper itself, which in fact is very important to the culture of how children in the car -. That there are very few services in schools - for children before you even get an academy, who have lost a few golden years of learning. This is where Tesco Skills program [five to 11 years] is important, and if we could expand this so that more children can access it, it would be a great starting point, before children even enter the club academies see a lot of good players and coaches base -. in a sevens tournament as recently, there were lot of dribbling and passing and movement, nobody can tell me that you are not as good as a young Brazilian or Spanish. "

Southgate also hope that when the star players retired decide to take the train, they consider working with young players rather than high, as in the continent. At Ajax, four times champion of European Cup, Dennis Bergkamp took over the academy. Therefore, Southgate would like to see, for example, Rio Ferdinand and Wayne Rooney do the same when you're finished playing? "We have many good players in the clubs of old now. But it could definitely be more. In our country, we also work with the academy unless we work with the best players.

"We must try to change that mindset, because you can have more influence on the players at this age it may at a later age. Older children who can work with children who played at a high level -. is inspirational for children "

famous Southgate missed the penalty that allowed Germany to play for England Euro 96 semi-finals. Chelsea's victory over Bayern Munich penalties, which won the Champions League on Saturday, in his opinion, could help ease the mental barrier for England, who have often fallen into this obstacle in recent tournaments.

"To Frank [Lampard] and Ashley [Cole] has taken the sanctions weekend [yes, it will help]," said the two potential members of the starting line of Hodgson. "We know much more about it now. Fifteen years ago, not many games were decided by shootouts. Now almost all of the competition. Thus, analysis of the latter is much higher.
"Now Stuart Pearce with the U-21 years and over registered with a shooting at the end of each session. Thus all the percentages, it is much less left to chance." Finish

Find best price for : --Gareth----Pearce----Stuart----Ashley----Frank----Hodgson----Gary----Southgate--

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

What's the point of social mobility? It still leaves some in the gutter | Zoe Williams

Nick Clegg wants

the rapid flow of intelligent children, leaving the rest of deprivation in the prospects of poor face is not communism

one week is interesting to see Vince Cable accused of being a socialist (by Adrian Beecroft Tory donor) and Nick Clegg accused of "tactical" (communists by the director of a school Private, Tim hands). What Marx? (Incidentally, I wrote it in my cup.) Pyromaniac trottery cable Leaving aside for a second Clegg, Stalinism is derived from his speech on social mobility, according to a report by the Sutton Foundation.

The figures presented in this report speak for themselves, but not surprising - one in five children on free school meals, but only one in 100 participants Oxbridge, which is probably the most striking statistic in terms how poverty stifles prospects. Just as outrageous is the fact that only 7% of children attending private schools, but these schools provide 70% of the judges of the Superior Court.

Nick "communist", Clegg concludes that the government needs some goals, but because this word is so last century, now speaks of "followers" each year - 17 measures, including a number C in GCSE results between children on free school meals, and participation in higher education for those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

hands of Tim's objection is that if factors such as history are taken into account by universities, will be more difficult for children of great privilege to enter Oxford or Cambridge. He calls it "cover the results of pupils in independent schools."

I think this is a very good example of my new theory, privatized medicine and leads to over-treatment of rich and poor treatment of poor schools, private education rich. This leads many of them studies beyond his intelligence.

is a precarious position, unenviable, especially for those who have sense enough dog to be aware of it. When the proposal is made that universities expand their criteria, and look beyond the stressors of a student and the number of times they have read the Iliad, which can hardly blame the creatures privilege insecurity crazy.

social mobility seems indisputable, but like many other ideas that seem obvious: the primacy of the "working family", the pervasiveness of "generations of lack of work" - its apparent simplicity is a lid. Clegg is not their fault, by the way: social mobility was a political buzzword Wonka as long as the child poverty targets have been set up - the objectives, of course, will be missed

Part of the reason why the class has become so stagnant is that in this time of great inequality, the consequences of the fall of some kind as that below which are serious - that stir sky and ground to prevent their children will look at the use of workers when wages at the bottom are no longer enough to live. No wonder people try to lock in their privilege of paying for education. The only rational solution is to work at a time when there is less difference between the classes.

This fresh new alternative to the left, fixing the rapid flow of intelligent children on deprivation, leaving the rest to blame themselves for their prospects in poor condition because it was not smart enough .. . Well, obviously not what any sensible person would call communism. Not what might be called socialism either. No liberal egalitarianism, or one of these theories can be refined to take a left and even own a home. Not left, essentially, that has nothing better.
Even if the waters of social power, were constantly in motion (and you can bet that Clegg does not mean that the "social mobility" - you talk about other people's children are free to increase, and not sound that has the potential to fall), have yet to accept, accept the idea of ??some people who live and die in the mud. Who could get behind this vision ridiculously poor quality of the future, a world where everything is more or less the same, but each had a very minor remodeling on staff?

Find best price for : --Cambridge----Oxford----social----Clegg----Nick----Tory----Cable----Vince--

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Secret service prostitution scandal - US Senate hearings live

Senate Homeland Security Committee investigating the United States Secret Service, with director Mark Sullivan to testify


not supposed to pay much attention to the polls in each state at this point in the campaign - but one Florida poll opens our eyes because of the immense advantage that gives

Mitt Romney

Quinnipiac poll earlier this month showed a link between Obama and Romney. Well, it does now:

Governor Mitt Romney has an advantage of 47% -41% on President Barack Obama in Florida, where 63% of voters say the president's support of same-sex marriage will not affect their right to vote, according to Quinnipiac University poll released today. Another 25% -11% of voters, including 23% and 9% among independent voters say Obama's support of gay marriage makes them less likely to support his candidacy.

Adds Florida, USA The candidacy of Senator Marco Rubio in the Republican Party would give the Republican Romney / Rubio team a 49% -41% on President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

1:22 p.m.:

The bowels of

Mitt Romney speech on education TODAY 'Today seems to be: bonds, in one form or another:

First, I will expand parental choice in a manner unprecedented. Too many of our children are trapped in failing schools or simply do not meet your needs. And for too long, we have only spoken of the virtues of school choice.

As president, I will give parents of each student in need of special income and the opportunity to choose where their child goes to school. For the first time, federal funding for education will be linked to a student, so that parents can send their children to any public or charter school or private school, where permitted. And I will make this decision significantly to ensure that there are enough options to exercise.


The main subject of Mitt Romney's speech this morning was education, which Romney called "the question of civil rights our time "- repeating a line used by George Bush in the discussion for No Child Left Behind.

Today I want to talk about our education crisis. With all our economic problems, there is a temptation to postpone the task of repairing our nation's schools for another time. However, jobs and housing failures in recent years that make the task more important.

We should not kid ourselves - we are in the midst of an emergency education. The only reason I have not heard more about it is that our economic problems have brought to our attention at the national level, outside the classroom. But if unemployment was the place to be and home values ??were rising, there is no doubt that the crisis of American education is the great cause of this campaign.


: five of the son of Mitt Romney went to private school, as Romney himself, who attended the prestigious school of Cranbrook in Michigan


Meanwhile, Mitt Romney spoke at the National Latino Economic Summit in Washington DC, and, of course, is a election speech:

When the President took office, he faces a jobs crisis. There has been little improvement. He faces a spending crisis. It only got worse. And a crisis in education.

Well, it's something: Romney admits that things have "little improvement" on the job

24:50: The Guardian Ewen MacAskill

is updated with Senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins after the National Security Committee of the Senate of the grid Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan:

After the hearing was over, Lieberman and Collins, told a group of journalists, said they were concerned about Sullivan's insistence that this was an isolated incident. However, Lieberman said he was not asked to resign.

Collins, damning good summing up, said: "I think [Sullivan] has a hard time coming to grips with the fact that it has a larger issue that this incident."

Lieberman said he has yet to get to the bottom of what happened in Cartagena and I thought it was important that the Acting Inspector General Charles Edwards announced that he conducting a separate investigation, and talk to everyone involved, starting with two in the afternoon.


President Obama

recites a series of past recoveries in the United Kingdom United States was released, only to recover, and post-Vietnam.

After that, you think people understand a fundamental truth. Never bet against the United States of America

In this case, President Obama, who takes on the Paris World Cup Soccer is coming.



tries to deliver a message of up-beat improvements:

For a decade, we worked in the dark cloud of war. Now we can see the light of another day on the horizon. The purpose of these wars will shape your service and make our military stronger. Ten years of the continuing military operations have spread our forces and their families strained. In the future, you will face fewer deployments. You will have more time to train and be ready. You'll be better prepared for the full range of missions you'll face.

And it is largely a post with an eye to November:

There is a new sense of the United States. I see it everywhere I go, London and Prague, Tokyo and Seoul, Rio de Janeiro and Jakarta. There is a new confidence in our leadership. And when people around the world are wondering: Which country do you most admire? A nation is on the head. The United States of America


Obama said the Air Force Academy graduates also fly Air Force One, Air Force One, including the current pilot Colonel Scott Turner. "I was telling a joke about Scott, but that's my way back," Obama jokes

But Obama is worsening rapidly:

Today, a step in a different world. You're the type for the first time in nine years to graduate into a world where no American is fighting in Iraq. For the first time in their lives, through the Air Force who have done their part - Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat to our country. We have Al Qaeda on the road to defeat. And you are the first graduates of the 9/11 you can see clearly how we will end the war in Afghanistan.


national security The hearing ended just in time for President Obama

starts talking directly to the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, where he gave the commencement address.

24:24: as short,

Susan Collins

says it's because Mark Sullivan himself is so impressive that you can not keep the idea of ??other agents that are bad.

on C-Span, in the eyes of Sullivan is wandering around as if searching for a sniper hiding under a desk.

Sullivan concludes that hope he did not give the impression that he is not concerned about what happened. But he closes:

This is a great institution with great people. If there are problems that need solving, we will solve them.


goes with the "non-apology apology" - "If anyone was offended by my words", etc.

That's it then, Lieberman hammer the hearing closed.

In short, Joe Lieberman said he was "broken" and "angry" about events in Cartagena. Then Homer:

It's like a wound in the body. We need to clean it and let it heal. We must ensure that this great body - if you can extend the metaphor -. Is it lawful to heal

24:20: Basically

Mark Sullivan

online 's is: Cartagena was one-off, and nothing like this happened before or after and never will, because agents are so impressive.

Now where have we heard that before?


Susan Collins is back, and she asked whether the hotel rooms in Cartagena, received a security operation after incidents. No, Sullivan said, although he says they received a "scanning" which is the Secret Service speak for "look around"

"It is ironic that can be relieved that the women were prostitutes," says Collins, shortly after Sullivan said here that none of the women who were gang members or drug FARC.

Collins also concerned that an investigation of the officers said that only 60% of ethical misconduct report. "This is a number that should rise," says Sullivan. This speels a larger problem within the agency, "and I say with great respect," says Collins.

She has a point -. And bitterly saying "if finally convince him that there is a larger problem here ... how to change the culture of the agency"

"Senator, I am trying to convince you that there is no cultural problem," says Sullivan. "I know," Collins said, sounding like Howard Cosell tight.

"I have 100% confidence in our men and women," Sullivan finally answers. But if it was a systemic problem, ask Firebrand Maine. "Well, I, uh ... training, I think more training, "Sullivan wibbles.

a fight here.

Collins now wants to know why Sullivan believes that the incident would be made public if the market had not. "I just think I have great faith in men and women" that the complaint had been filed, said Sullivan.



this morning - Hawaii checked the birth records of President Obama to Secretary of State of Arizona

AP reports:

Joshua Wisch, special assistant to the Attorney General of Hawaii David Louis, told the AP in an afternoon e-mail Tuesday that the matter be settled after verification of Hawaii gave the Arizona was looking for.

Hawaii - who attended the birth of Obama in several states already time in October 2008 - has not yielded to the request with ease. The Aloha State has said Secretary of State Ken Bennett Arizona had to demonstrate that the registration is required as part of their normal activities.

Wisch said Hawaii has what it takes, so he gave Bennett's office for verification. It is unclear whether the information will meet Bennett. Bennett spokesman Matthew Roberts said the office received the check and provided for comment Wednesday.

Roberts did not specify whether the information would end the flap with Obama's name on the ballot.

11:58: Chairman of the Committee

Joe Lieberman

is back, and now referred a 2002 incident in which three Secret Service agents found partying with underage girls at the 2002 Olympics. That would be Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City .... Olympics by

Mitt Romney

! This is bigger than we thought *.

* No, this is not the case.


Sen Tom Carper

of Delaware begins his examination with a Parable of long . "An indiscretion, he is too. Eleven or 12 11 or 12 years are many," said Carper, who must be trying to win some kind of reward truism bloody.

Carper lead long, even in strains of witnesses, and Carlos Edwards was asked to repeat the question, but thankfully Carper simply repeats a portion of the real issue, which ends up being, "What"

Sullivan said that "believing in us." Well. Now Carper gave a homily on the theme of "doing the right thing" and concludes: "We all make mistakes, God knows I have ... that being said, some of the best advice I ever had was my father ... "zzz, what?

people of Delaware, what did you do?


"What do you recommend, Director Sullivan ... in terms of ensuring such incidents never happen again," asks M . Rob Portman.

Talk Here is a similar example.

the prospect is now vice-president Rob Portman

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Letters: Special needs children have a right to inclusion

The "next steps" document on special educational needs, after the Queen's speech, he led a wagon pulled by horses through the desire for inclusion (special needs children deserve better than that a race to the reform, May 21). Parents have the right to choose a mainstream school, unless it is "not the child's ability or special educational needs" - that is, they are entitled only to a school or local authority told not to. the right to incorporate also said he did not apply where it would be "inconsistent" with the education of children of others.
The survival of this unpleasant condition and completely inconsistent with discriminatory purposes and welcome new document - is mentioned 71 times in the pages again - to face the sad record in employment, such as disabled children grow. Children who are "incompatible" with their peers will become adults who are "inconsistent" with the use of any kind. The Government is also in contravention of Article 24 of the UN Charter on the new disability rights.

special educational needs

Society daily 22.05.12

Clegg promises to tackle the lack of social mobility

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can still reap dividends, writes Randeep Ramesh . Extracts of

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Benefit scrounging Scum, competing for a prize of political blogs

. Alexa Posny,

Obama advisor > disabled young people, gives his verdict on the changes in the UK for the provision of special needs

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so far been met with nothing. That says it all, perhaps, says David Walker

care . It is not a commodity to be traded, there is a will to be fed, says Dakers Stewart

. The solution to reducing the
aa recurrence rate

not in the government's proposals to outsource probation services, writes Geoff Dobson

. A digital tool that asks users to share their thoughts daily helps to strengthen the links between therapists and clients

Networks In professional tutor

. Live Q & A from 13 hours: the number of open data could help the voluntary sector

. Violent offenders in shared accommodations forced by changes in the well be

. Integrating health and social services should not be an end in itself, says Sarah collection, president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services

The influence of Co-operative Party is growing, as evidenced by the desire to embrace Labour "people power," said Greg Rosen

on my radar ...

. Experience extraordinary Twitter Who Cares Walsall, which is

Twitter live one day in life

Ron, who suffers from dementia, and his wife and caregiver, Sheila. The day began with the tweet:

Here at home of Ron and Sheila now, after 3 1/2 hours of sleep per day Sheila began just after 8:30 whocareswalsall #

Follow your day through the hashtag # whocareswalsall, and you can read the story of Ron and Sheila later here

. New research by Mencap, which considers that one in four adults with a

learning disability

are stuck at home because of cuts services to daylight. Nearly a third of local authorities closed the day services in the last three years, says Mencap, which issued a request for release of information to 151 local authorities in England serving a day. The organization also conducted a survey of 280 people with a learning disability and their families and professionals working with 194 people with a learning disability at home in his report: the impact of cuts in services day people with a learning disability. Mencap says 88% of people with a learning disability who took part in search thei not feel they were adequately consulted on changes in services, with 64% not having been invited to give their views at all, despite that local authorities are legally required to consult with service users during the closure or significant changes in services.

. The

Home Care

Great Conversation

, a new national campaign for my life at home, an initiative funded by the age in the United Kingdom, Joseph Rowntree, dementia in the UK and City University. This is the objective of giving impetus to a debate on what good care looks like and how it can be achieved. JRF blog, John Kennedy wrote:

... There are many wonderful people out there that provide great compassion. We must begin to learn from these examples and is therefore the culture that we want, not only suffering through the current "blame and shame" agenda.

Paying attention is one thing. very human, but not always easy: Ask any parent and they will tell you the joys and painful losses Care When someone we care about is not a one way street - should not be C ' is true .. if you are caring for a parent or care to provide care. A relationship grows and we need a culture that appreciates that, and put as few obstacles as possible in the track.

time retweeting a recording of the London School of Economics Centre "for economic performance (pdf), presentation of research by Jo Blanden 2005, Paul Gregg and Stephen Machin, indicating that

social mobility

in Britain was not only lower, but significantly lower than in other developed countries. (Thanks to retweet Crip John Van Reenan creative link)

There are many debates as Twitter, see hashtag # socialmobility. This contribution Sussex Sam has caught my attention:

call social mobility is how to defend peace in the world. Everyone is in favor, but nobody agrees on how to do

. A message on the blog recommended fresh start, in which John Houghton P tells the story of his

childhood home

now is empty , vandalized wreck:

strangely comforting would be if my old house was an isolated problem, and I was the only one who has reason to cry. But this is not the case. Kirkby is one of the poorest areas of Knowsley, which is one of the poorest regions of England. Was more or less the same place on the tables of deprivation and who grew up there, although recent years have seen major investment in housing renovation and job creation in the private and public sectors.
employers in the service sector grew, but the oldest industries continue to decline. I went to my 1 March 1994, aged 15, in protest against the threat of plant closure, Delco, where three of my aunts and many other local women worked. Next month will be finally closed with the loss of 180 jobs are sorely needed.

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