วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is catching 'em all over again

earlier this week, I fought a ratio of 8 years, in a game Pokemon using our Nintendo DS systems. To say the least, is a big fan of Pokemon, which has a folder full of collectible cards and a room decorated with posters. Is almost complete the
HeartGold and

iterations of the series. Treasure

You can imagine the excitement and wonder in their eyes when I explained how the legs of the Pokémon series. I even found myself falling into a lull nostalgic when talking about my time with

Pokemon Red

, and how "there is nothing like the 151 original. " After informing him that Pokemon Black and White 2

be the next in the series, his comment was: "So ... what ideas running out?" Joystiq

Even if it's a smart kid, it's easy to forget how insightful for all young players can be. Although I love the series the same way I did years (he gets his own creations from Pokemon), she realized that every new game feels very similar to the last. Also affected "as trainers" in games, and I wondered "how can you even think that their bad Pokemon will win." I did not even ask that.

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