วันพุธที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Dangerous Game of Real-Life Frogger Almost Ends in Tragedy

Growing up, my parents taught me two things: be polite and don't play in the street. These two kids in Changde, China might know their Ps and Qs, but it looks like they didn't get the memo about playing in traffic. More »
Frogger almost ended in tragedy "alt =" Click here to play the dangerous game of real life

Find best price for : --Almost----Ends--

A Gateway Drug To Bring You Back to Magic: The Gathering [Video]

I, like many a reformed* geek, have many fond memories of playing Magic: The Gathering in my youth. My time with the game took place entirely during middle school, when after school each day we would ride public transportation (this was a big deal!) and go sit with the high school kids in our town's public library. There, they would show us the ins and outs of Wizards of the Coast's sublimely compelling strategy card collecting game. More »
Magic: The Gathering
"alt =" Click here to read a gateway drug to reduce
Magic: The Gathering "src =" http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17r1jppqsnfv6jpg/original.jpg "width = 190 height = 120>

วันอังคารที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Nintendo's 8-bit Summer on 3DS eShop has these eight classics

Here's the eShop games you can expect in July, and when

Nintendo appointed in July, "8 - was soon "and plans to launch eight virtual Console games 3DS virtual store next month, from July 5 to the Legend of Zelda . Earth Pinball Kirby and

The Sword of Hope 2 arrive July 12 Kid Icarus : Of Myths


and Monsters

Find best price for : --Summer----eShop--

Even superheroes have to queue

Yes, mini-figures lining up to buy Lego Batman 2 is simply a publicity stunt ... but they are so cute

Our email boxes are flooded daily by Gamesblog with press releases and PR stunts to promote the games. And being rebels, we are cynical journalists, emails usually end up in the trash in about 10 seconds.

But sometimes, just sometimes, there comes a publicity stunt that is too cute to bin. Or ignore.

This is one of those moments.

A PR agency sent us the above image of Lego mini-figures right out of the game store on Oxford Street in London to buy their own copies of Lego Batman 2 at midnight , last Thursday, and for once really could not resist. As you can see.

that protected the world from evil, while the heroes were all standing in line to buy a video game?

And finally, how they manage to escape the sweepers?

Find best price for : --Super----heroes----Street----Oxford----Gamesblog----Batman----Lego--

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM Might Be the Best Incarnation of the Card Game I've Played [Yu-Gi-Oh!]

Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM
might be the best incarnation of the card game, I played "alt =" Click here to read Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM might be the best incarnation of the card game, I played "src =" http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17q5o1iicqxqpjpg/original.jpg "width = 190 height = 120 >

Find best price for : --Might----Best----Incarnation----Card----Game--

Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is catching 'em all over again

earlier this week, I fought a ratio of 8 years, in a game Pokemon using our Nintendo DS systems. To say the least, is a big fan of Pokemon, which has a folder full of collectible cards and a room decorated with posters. Is almost complete the
HeartGold and

iterations of the series. Treasure

You can imagine the excitement and wonder in their eyes when I explained how the legs of the Pokémon series. I even found myself falling into a lull nostalgic when talking about my time with

Pokemon Red

, and how "there is nothing like the 151 original. " After informing him that Pokemon Black and White 2

be the next in the series, his comment was: "So ... what ideas running out?" Joystiq

Even if it's a smart kid, it's easy to forget how insightful for all young players can be. Although I love the series the same way I did years (he gets his own creations from Pokemon), she realized that every new game feels very similar to the last. Also affected "as trainers" in games, and I wondered "how can you even think that their bad Pokemon will win." I did not even ask that.

Find best price for : --Weekly----Wrapup----Webcomic----Nintendo--