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What the next generation think about business

If under 25 could run our largest companies (average age of board members, 58), What

In a recruitment event off-the-recent record, the atmosphere was alive when the subject turned to the current graduates. "Unemployable" adds one. "Without hope," contributed to another.

a while, whispers in the circles of this type have alluded to the growing frustration felt by some entrepreneurs in the traditional group "Generation Y" age - defined here as the born after 1990, especially - who are often portrayed as workers too demanding and capricious.

"We really started noticing how the graduates are now coming through another generation," says Georgina Kvassay, senior manager of recruiting "big four" accountant KPMG. "They don ' have no expectation of staying all the time with an employer, to climb this ladder tall and long term. They want many different possibilities. "

concern for large companies, a 2010 survey by the suspected recruiter Marks Sattin is reciprocal, since only two of five graduate accountants think it is still important work for a large traditional employer. Why?

"The credit crisis has convinced Gen Y is involved in large companies is not necessarily something to be proud," said Laura Wilson, associate director of Marks Sattin Professional Services. A Another factor is that many employers now accepted as the failure of traditional diplomas to reveal the skills and characteristics of Gen Y can bring to the table.

Kvassay think it's time for big companies started high force to engage with Gen Y much earlier. "Nobody has done much thinking about how we treat them differently," he admits. But for many, that does not come naturally. The views of young people who are generally not part of decision-making processes of these organizations, in 2010, the average age of directors who served 3.302 on the boards of the FTSE 350 was 58

To restore balance, we asked some of the brightest minds in the United Kingdom to small businesses how to operate FTSE listed companies differently if I could. That's what he had to say.

Harris Aslam 16

studying for a law degree at the University of Abertay Dundee and a

B & Q on board the young


More than 1 billion people use Facebook today and technology has become a necessity in daily life of today's youth. By not taking simple steps to refocus their interactions with the next generation of buyers, companies can lose an enormous potential for new sales and profits. It is extremely important to keep in sync with today's youth.

Aaron Booth

level student at Liverpool Community College, also heads the company cake cake stand

There is a huge gap between large companies and the younger generation and is one to be a bridge for the benefit of both. Companies need to make better people of energy and creativity of young people and give them opportunities they need. Education is often the degree of students from wealthy families who receive the opportunity to pursue a career in large companies. This is very unfair to the young people who have the skills and talent, but that does not have a title. Some leaders of businessmen's most successful UK as Richard Branson and Alan Sugar are undergraduate, and I think companies are missing a trick by ignoring much of young with great potential. If I was running a large company that works to become more inclusive and provide alternative routes for early career in various social and academic.

Adam Bradford 19

implementing agency


and an ambassador Peter Jones Enterprise Academy

Entrepreneurship has to do with showing a huge competitive advantage, be different and stand out from the crowd to innovate and succeed. It is my belief, based on my experience working in enterprise environments that these companies are not flexible and creative enough to embrace entrepreneurship. This is a case of orders and operating within a given set of parameters.

Entering a boardroom of a major global company, make sure each day is more profitable than the previous one and a corporate environment, collaboration and innovation takes place, breaking traditional structures hierarchical management companies.

Felipe Bradonjic 22

studying for a degree in Management from Warwick Business School

The most important aspect of a company, in fact, any organization is its culture. This influences the actions of employees, which in turn in strategic processes and internal as well as relations with suppliers and customers. Therefore, also affects, finally, how a company is perceived in public.

A strong culture has two positive effects. First, if employees identify with it, which are much more motivated, which directly translates into the quality of their work. Culture can also be a powerful tool in the government of people's decisions. For example, it provides a way to overcome the prejudices of people in small short-term gains on key long-term gains.

Abigail Brown 22

studies for a BBA in Management from Lancaster University Management School

The main challenge for any multinational company is not logistics, cultural or national differences. Thus decisions made in this affect the future market.

We can be set in the here and now "issues that are neglected, have been studied and considered negligible. In light of this, my advice would be to prioritize accountability .

increasing pressure from face short-term success, companies can lose sight of their impact on individuals, communities and nations.

When sustainability is mentioned in an organizational context, many criticize its meaning. However, as with any global problem, not going anywhere in the short term.

So what will you do about it?

Scale brings the power, for good and evil. You can play better than laws and governments. Yes, the strategy is always to be profitable, but I would say that global businesses: as models and makers, what effect the decisions you make, and what response is going to throw the world back in

Lewis Cairns 21

studying for a degree in business studies at Nottingham Business School

most companies have not done one of the great skills of the younger generation - the information management and communication through technology. My generation is constantly connected to information and communication with peers. Our brains are trained to ingest, filter and process information from many sources quickly.

think the accessibility of information is vital for companies in the future. They need to be prepared for employees who expect the same degree of connectivity in the workplace as they did outside of

In speaking with officials, I believe that new graduates see themselves as different, but it starts with more confidence, strengthening belief and commitment may be lower in the organization of its Management

younger generations enjoy the opportunity to learn, collaborate and share knowledge. We want the opportunity to learn and develop skills with older, experienced managers, but older workers can also learn about the social and technological changes that young people have grown up with.

Darren Cope 21

studying for a degree in management and leadership at Nottingham Business School

is easy for organizations sometimes forget that success is a product to meet customer needs. It can be difficult to relate to a population unaffected by intensive advertising, precisely through social media. To connect more effectively, companies should focus on the benefits of the added value of its products, whether in the state, economy, performance or durability.

I would take a proactive approach to changing economic conditions. Currently, no doubt, less focus on big profits and more investment in staff and customer service more efficient. From the perspective of longer term should result in a stronger position.

Jude Dedzo 21

studying for a degree in Business Administration at Lancaster University Management School

growth is at a low point in the UK and one of the underlying causes is the lack of access to credit for small businesses. To restore lending to these businesses, we can expect to restore some confidence in the economy.

One way large companies could help is to help companies solve their liquidity problems. Some large companies use their smaller counterparts to create artificial credit -. Do not pay your suppliers on time and thus artificially expanding its obligation to comply with their contractual terms on their invoices, which creates an enormous burden for small businesses

To overcome this problem, I would set up a funding system called the supply chain. The aim would be to inject additional funds and working capital in the external supply chain. Rolls-Royce, the scheme is entirely voluntary system that allows suppliers to receive bills in cash earlier, while Rolls-Royce continues to pay for the term of office.


Fawehinmi 22

intrapreneur with the market research firm MBA & Company

Given the economic climate, I urge large companies to err on the side of caution. I adopt a strategy of maintaining a competitive advantage in key markets. Diversification does not align with the heart of business should be put on hold or abandoned.

It is also clear to me that all large companies now have to address the issue of executive compensation. This must be the elephant in the room at meetings of the majority of the board and I believe it is essential to respond as soon as possible. The greatest attention has focused on the Square Mile, but only to direct the financial sector is bad.

All companies are guilty of a lack of transparency about the payment, but they need to disclose the methods used to calculate these amounts for the public and their shareholders. It will be the only way to stop public outcry.

Ismail Musa 20

study for a degree in Accounting and Finance at Warwick Business School

Given the recent turmoil, the fundamentals of the company's strategy should be reviewed and reassessed. I suggest a change in the objectives of profit maximization of long-term operations, responsible and value-added.

I assess the corporate infrastructure to make it more transparent. A structure that minimizes individual greed and instead promotes a culture of loyalty can be beneficial

And I would put more emphasis on corporate social responsibility. Measures to encourage this goes beyond simply improving the image of a company. It can strengthen the relationship between business and society, thereby increasing confidence. In a time of low consumer faith, which is essential.

James Gill 20

Chief Executive analytics company web


We live in a world where consumers have more power than ever, and can share their bad experiences with the same ease as their positive effects with millions of people. But it is also an ideal opportunity for large companies to share its message organically, through word of mouth. Commitment to customers and its broader scope is essential. Technology should be used to help monitor and adapt and stay ahead of competition. The monitoring of indicators of social engagement is also essential to ensure that measures taken are effective and resources are not spent unnecessarily.

small businesses more successful they are motivated to make their customers happy. It is not enough to build one product and sell it. The success has just done, then continue the relationship with the client to ensure their return.

James Hill 22

studying for a Diploma in Management (Industry) at the University of Lancaster School of Management

potential consumption data for most companies is enormous. Through the exploration of data records of large, companies can improve targeted marketing and understand who your customers. Although the technology is more familiar to the younger generation, we have a high disposable income - which raises the question of what companies should aim for innovative technological products. Improve the use of business intelligence processes in organizations to answer these questions.


business processes with customers, understand how they think and what they want, puts companies in a strong position when the surfaces of new technologies to deliver products that meet their needs and the desires of customers. aa

Carys Jones-Williams 18

currently on sabbatical working for youth in the United Kingdom,

B & Q member of the Youth Council

end of this year, I will start college, which we hope will benefit my future career without a degree, because it is unlikely I will be able to start the path to a working level.


to start rethinking how to attract the best candidates for what is likely to be a group of graduates decreases. On his appointment to the Youth Commission, B & Q, was interested in our creativity. Companies must rethink how they recruit people, it is not the end of voting.

Marc Kidson 23

British Youth Council

trustee, also, representation and democracy in New York coordinator of the University students of the Union

This is where the adaptation will be, not where we are now. Young people have a sense of the future in a way that those who are currently at the top, in business and politics, often struggle with. For us, the answer to the financial crisis and the impending crisis can not be on the recovery of a lost golden age of growth and consumption effortless carefree. We recognize that the future will certainly be different, but we can still hope


companies increasingly are mobilizing young people we can convince those who have different values ??for the benefits - and these values ??must be authentic. Despite being a generation raised on commercial pressures and unprecedented media (or perhaps because of it), many young people are cynical look beyond public relations to the substance of this line of brands, asking if they make a quick buck or make an investment in the future.

that the Government is subject to severe downsizing, I would encourage companies to consider social responsibility as a key strategy, not a hypocrite add-on. Young people can make a difference.

Ditte Ylva Lisesdatter 25

Run I & I International, a training ground for young entrepreneurs

Although the media tend to cover stories of crooks corporate culture, people in the opinion of the integrity of business plant. I will see just a moral code for all employees whose loyalty, support and focus on the individual welfare. Employees, in turn, are more likely to stay with the organization, maintaining valuable organizational knowledge. Employees will be considered and supported, and to return the favor by being faithful to the organization and function better. It's a simple idea with a predictable outcome.

Becca Lutwyche

studying for a degree in management and entrepreneurship at the University of Lancaster School of Management

In this economic climate, the most important for large companies is to remain true to its values ??and focus on what you do best. Diversification may overburden the limited resources and reduce the quality of your main offer.
Joshua Moore 23

studies for a BBA in Management from Lancaster University Management School

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