interview in The Guardian, London mayor makes offer for overseeing education in the expected duration seconds
Boris Johnson, wants to take strategic oversight of the schools if re-elected as mayor of London, saying that only a systematic struggle against the low educational achievement can face exclusion social, which he was behind the riots of last summer.
Johnson, who has already launched an investigation into the state of education of the capital, told The Guardian Friday, he felt that some schools in London were "terribly wrong", adding that it unacceptable that 55% of black youth unemployment.
But the mayor went further than before, making a step to give more power to local authorities to fight against illiteracy and incompetence in the argument that education was the best antidote to the "nihilism" and the exclusion revealed by the riots. Several London boroughs already coping with the increasing intervention of the central government under the education reforms of Michael Gove.
Johnson said. "The biggest surprise for me of the riots was the purest sense of nihilism - perhaps I would not have been surprised, but I think literacy and numeracy are the best places to start in seven municipalities in particularly in four children in London is output functionally illiterate. In some schools, it is closer to 50%. We have to intervene at an early stage, and I think the mayor can help. "
Johnson say their battle to reduce unemployment in the capital, and prevent new jobs to foreigners that highly motivated, will be hampered if it has no role in the planning standards or 100,000 seats in supplementary schools in London necessary.
In the interview, was also apologizes for the way they campaigned for a rate cut of 50 cents more than the income tax in the budget this week, although the budget after the surveys show that the court is opposed to the Londoners by a margin of 55% to 35%.
He said: ".. I have always maintained that London has to be tax competitive, I think it's crazy to continue indefinitely with a tax rate that is among the highest of the G-20 "
However, he did not defend George Osborne entitled "Tax the grandmother," saying, ".. I am not the Minister of Finance did not write the budget "
Insteadrepeatedly mentioned his decision to make the pace of freedom available for 24 hours a day in London at the age of 60 years, saying: "It is worth several hundred pounds a year and the main reason for seniors to be grateful to this government. "
He said: "There may be some aspects of the budget do not go down very well that I am not convinced that I will necessarily be associated with these measures, it is not in flower and my budget is not necessarily .. I wrote it. There is a lot we can do in London to help the poor and needy. "
Worktry to blame the "tax the grandmother" in Johnson, saying he was a leading advocate of reducing the top rate of tax, and should therefore be responsible for the decision to fund allocations by pensioners freezing. There are 1.2 million people in London over 60 years, and have traditionally been inclined to vote Conservative.
Elsewhere in the interview, Johnson said:
Johnson to set its focus on education as a key goal for his second term, is regarded by participants as a logical extension of its current role in skills, training and employment in the capital. It is said to have been struck by the evidence which suggests that over two thirds of children involved in the riots of August has special educational needs and the third were excluded from school.
He insists he is not involved in a coup against the Education Secretary Michael Gove, or trying to reintroduce the Inner London Education Authority, abolished by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. riots said: "There were people who joined from an absolute sense of collective intoxication, a madness that has gripped many people, but some people feel there is not. enough for them in society and were surprisingly nihilistic. We need to know what is happening in the lives of these people and why they may feel a sense of exclusion.
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