วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Trials Evolution - review
Xbox 360 (XBLA), MSP 1200 certified 12 +, RedLynx / Ubisoft
"Easy to learn but hard to master," describes the evolution RedLynx Trials, Trials after HD. We are not a joke. There are many other phrases that could be used to summarize this game "Angry Birds meets (old racing game from Disney) pure" and "who needs sleep?" come to mind.
might seem odd to compare a racing game for iPhone to global dependence, but in terms of quality addictive games are difficult to separate. As the angry birds, there is a sense of humor idiot behind the evolution trials. Like Angry Birds, the game is "I'll have one again ..." quality that can swallow all the time. And just like Angry Birds, is a simple premise that only takes a few seconds to collect.
You control a trailbike rider. Moves from left to right in a linear fashion. You must remove the line from start to finish by negotiating a series of obstacles and jumps. That's it. You have more complex objectives of Spectrum games, but as we discussed, good gameplay is all you need. As usual, evolution has some great gameplay tests and even better scenery. Not only is forgotten aspects of the linear nature of the game, there are moments that take your breath away: for example, a trial in the dark, where the rider jumps against the setting sun and is just great Aa
trials where the evolution is different from Angry Birds is that when it requires a certain amount of luck, the trend test is really a game of precision. What makes it even more remarkable is the simplicity of the controls. The right trigger accelerates. The left trigger is the brake. The left joystick allows the rider leans forward or backward. It is, however, offers an incredible level of nuance.
- If the driver is in a bad position, you may be able to save him from impending disaster, but they are out and hit a mine has lost its face against a plant rock band style drawn or writhing on the floor in a way that would suggest the agony, but it is very similar to what is delighted by an invisible Jenna Jameson. The intelligent part - oh push addictive game, Ubisoft - is that there are frequent save points and a quick press of a button takes you back to the last without losing their entire race Your time is also taken into these checkpoints, so you can see where you have shaved - or lost - a few hundredths of a second. And it is these details that you keep trying, try and try again once you try your medal score and unlock all the extra content. And then do it all again in the many mini-games. And then throughout the unlockable content.
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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Once we had anarchy in the UK. Now all we have is monarchy in the UK | Julie Burchill
Diamond Jubilee of Queen pointing up as socially divided the country is still
Often people aspire to return to a more innocent time, but increasingly, as I get older I find myself more thirsty tired day. Topography of the great variety of singing simpering idiots queue to play Queen's Diamond Jubilee concert in June, I expect skepticism about the sophistication and the Beatles mop-top.
was 1963, early to rise, acting at the Royal Variety Performance attended by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret, when John Lennon said: "For our last issue" to you ask for your help. People in the cheaper seats clap your hands? What about the rest of you, if you just ring their jewelry. "Yes, it was quite good, but draw attention to the fact that, historically, the only luxury hiking were growing in the world of popular culture. And, as rich bitches who went to Harlem in ermine and pearls to get high on the sound of "Jazz Hot", played by poor addicts, the monarchy is really relevant for suppliers of music youth that the figures of fun. John Lennon would boast how the Fab Four had smoked marijuana in the marshes of Buck Pal and even later returned his MBE.
These are desperate days of the dog, when in fact it another way, the arch-hypocrite - which asks us to imagine no possessions, as he now appears in an apartment Dakota only maintain the building and its collection Ms. majority of the skins in the "right" temperature - seems like a beacon of integrity
"F ***** g're still peasants as far as I can see" -. It was another good part of Lennon's "Working Class Hero"
And are never the most revolting peasants pulled their forelocks when, with such enthusiasm that you think are foreskins teen-their self-appointed superiors. June extravaganza while singing, dancing, syncopated flattery is just another step in the re-peasanting of this country when it comes to the monarchy - the fall of Great Britain and the rise of the United Kingdom. It is the soundtrack to the reversal of social mobility - and the new dark ages of social unrest that failure to implement inevitably announcement
be a monarchy has never been more popular, without thinking about my life as it is now. When I was growing up in the 1970s, we had Willie Hamilton, MP for Fife, a man several times and only elected by his constituency to insult the Windsor area, apparently, Princess Margaret was a "person", the Prince Carlos "imbecile" and even the Queen's guilt in general has been called "a clockwork doll." There is no such hard-line Republican personalities and difficult these days, even an alleged
Serious Man
- characters such as Vivienne Westwood, take a break from designing boxes £ 90 Fortnum and Mason Easter eggs to drool on the deeply poor family with the same fervor with which no brain, once exposed anarchy. And every time I witness that self-humiliation, makes me feel once again that patriotism and the monarchy is in fact the opposite of the other - or at best a marriage of convenience copying, apparently imposed as the heir to his first wife innocent, instead of the game love to be owned. Royalists often say that without the royal family, Britain would be "nothing". What a sad lack of love of country statements expressed such. being a monarchist, and flatter the "top" which of course must despise the "low" or in the same socioeconomic level as yourself, because that is how the hierarchy of worship. It is also despise, because how could we with any self-respecting find someone to maintain their position by an accident of birth?
Less than one in 10 British children attend fee-paying schools, however, over 60% of the acts of the curve were educated in private, according to
magazine, compared to 1% 20 years ago. Similarly, other studies have previously provided strong, working-class children with the escape routes of modeling to journalism, were colonized by the middle and upper classes and the reproduction of those who have an influence on these professions. The spectacle of a columnist smug, mediocre definitely do not have your job if your mom or dad was not in the councils of periodic racket of workers' children to work hard in school, get a "good" work and not put your faith in talent shows television is one of the most repugnant crimes of our time.
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A radical manifesto for teaching computing
There is a growing consensus that the way children are taught in schools of information technology is in need of radical reform. By John Naughton explains the problem and proposes a manifesto for revolutionary action
An intense debate has begun - in government and elsewhere - what should be done on information and communication technologies (ICT) into school curricula. - Several agencies of the Royal Society, the Association of Learning Technologies at the School of Information Technology (a grassroots organization of teachers in question) and the British Computer Society, to name only four published reports and working papers to Ministers and the Ministry of Education. Michael Gove, the Education Minister made a speech enigmatic recent technology conference BETT indicating that a redesign is in progress in the bowels of Whitehall. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest, there are some surprising facts that occur as the fact that over one million people have already placed orders for Raspberry Pi, the computer cheap credit card sized developed by geeks Cambridge, which began shipping last week.
So something is happening: there is a sense of moving tectonic plates. But as with most political debates, there are a lot of ax grinding, lobbying and special pleading in progress. Universities want to reverse the deterioration of the candidates for computer courses. Gaming companies want more programmers. The government wants more high-tech start-ups. Manufacturers want students who can design embedded systems. And directors for increased funding for computer labs more. And so on.
What is missing in all this is a great vision. So here's my chance by:
primary school, children of all backgrounds and all parts of the UK should have the opportunity to: discover some of the key ideas of computer science to understand the thinking computer, learn to program, and have the opportunity to advance to the next level of excellence in these activities.
We willwhy this is important and necessary in a moment, but first we must face a painful fact. Does almost everything that we did in the past two decades in the field of ICT education in British schools was wrong and largely useless. Instead of
- training
- to use software products obsolete. And we did because we fell into what the philosopher Gilbert Ryle would have called a "category mistake" - an error in the things of a type are presented as if they belonged to another. We made the mistake of thinking that computer learning is like learning to drive a car, and from a knowledge of the internal combustion technology is not essential to become an experienced driver, it follows that an understanding of how computers were not important for our children. The climax of the coronation of this error is a category vaunted "skill" called European driving license. What he forgot is that the cars do not run the world, monitoring our communications, the power of our mobile phones, manage our bank accounts, keeping our daily mediation social relationships, browse our social activities and, in some countries - to have our votes. But networked computers to do all these things and much more.
There will be lots of interesting discussions on the key concepts students need to understand, but here is a list of potential to start. Children need to know: the mathematical algorithms (recipes that programs), cryptography (such as confidential information is protected on the network), artificial intelligence (such as services like YouTube, Netflix, Google and Amazon to predict their preferences), computational biology (how the genetic code), research (how we find needles in a haystack than a billion), recursion (a method in which the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem), and heuristics based on experience (technical problem solving, learning and discovery).
If these concepts seem mysterious to most readers, it is because we live in a culture that has always surprised by the ideas of generations. In this sense, CP Snow's "two cultures" are alive and well and living in the United Kingdom. And if you think you are too sophisticated to be taught to young children, whereas it is because you have never seen talented and imaginative teacher to work there. In fact, many readers in the UK in 30 years has been exposed to the recurrence, for example, because once upon a time in schools in the UK many teach Logo programming, which allows children to a turtle learn the mechanics may be responsible for conducting complex maneuvers. But in the end most schools teaching the logo and leave it back to training children to use Microsoft Word.
Boris Johnson says poor schools helped cause riots
interview in The Guardian, London mayor makes offer for overseeing education in the expected duration seconds
Boris Johnson, wants to take strategic oversight of the schools if re-elected as mayor of London, saying that only a systematic struggle against the low educational achievement can face exclusion social, which he was behind the riots of last summer.
Johnson, who has already launched an investigation into the state of education of the capital, told The Guardian Friday, he felt that some schools in London were "terribly wrong", adding that it unacceptable that 55% of black youth unemployment.
But the mayor went further than before, making a step to give more power to local authorities to fight against illiteracy and incompetence in the argument that education was the best antidote to the "nihilism" and the exclusion revealed by the riots. Several London boroughs already coping with the increasing intervention of the central government under the education reforms of Michael Gove.
Johnson said. "The biggest surprise for me of the riots was the purest sense of nihilism - perhaps I would not have been surprised, but I think literacy and numeracy are the best places to start in seven municipalities in particularly in four children in London is output functionally illiterate. In some schools, it is closer to 50%. We have to intervene at an early stage, and I think the mayor can help. "
Johnson say their battle to reduce unemployment in the capital, and prevent new jobs to foreigners that highly motivated, will be hampered if it has no role in the planning standards or 100,000 seats in supplementary schools in London necessary.
In the interview, was also apologizes for the way they campaigned for a rate cut of 50 cents more than the income tax in the budget this week, although the budget after the surveys show that the court is opposed to the Londoners by a margin of 55% to 35%.
He said: ".. I have always maintained that London has to be tax competitive, I think it's crazy to continue indefinitely with a tax rate that is among the highest of the G-20 "
However, he did not defend George Osborne entitled "Tax the grandmother," saying, ".. I am not the Minister of Finance did not write the budget "
Insteadrepeatedly mentioned his decision to make the pace of freedom available for 24 hours a day in London at the age of 60 years, saying: "It is worth several hundred pounds a year and the main reason for seniors to be grateful to this government. "
He said: "There may be some aspects of the budget do not go down very well that I am not convinced that I will necessarily be associated with these measures, it is not in flower and my budget is not necessarily .. I wrote it. There is a lot we can do in London to help the poor and needy. "
Worktry to blame the "tax the grandmother" in Johnson, saying he was a leading advocate of reducing the top rate of tax, and should therefore be responsible for the decision to fund allocations by pensioners freezing. There are 1.2 million people in London over 60 years, and have traditionally been inclined to vote Conservative.
Elsewhere in the interview, Johnson said:
- . The frugality of his first term as mayor of London, the average saved £ 400 in London to reduce council tax bills.
- . Higher capacity to pressure the firm means that it is better placed than his Labour rival, Ken Livingstone, for the next four years to get money from the Treasury to carry vital and housing.
- . The government has now recognized the case for additional capacity of the airport runway in the southeast, but that "contrary to popular belief I am not the least married to one remote archipelago the Thames Estuary. "
Johnson to set its focus on education as a key goal for his second term, is regarded by participants as a logical extension of its current role in skills, training and employment in the capital. It is said to have been struck by the evidence which suggests that over two thirds of children involved in the riots of August has special educational needs and the third were excluded from school.
He insists he is not involved in a coup against the Education Secretary Michael Gove, or trying to reintroduce the Inner London Education Authority, abolished by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. riots said: "There were people who joined from an absolute sense of collective intoxication, a madness that has gripped many people, but some people feel there is not. enough for them in society and were surprisingly nihilistic. We need to know what is happening in the lives of these people and why they may feel a sense of exclusion.
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Susan Cain: 'Society has a cultural bias towards extroverts'
bestselling author Susan Cain in cultural output Susan Cain is a former lawyer who left Wall Street to write a book about how society is oriented around the detriment of extroverts and introverts economy.
Silent: The Power of introverts in a world that can not stop talking
has been on bestseller lists in the United States since the publication, and was published by Viking in the UK last month.
What is your definition of an introvert?
is how to respond to stimulation, including social stimulation. So introverts prefer less stimulating environments, where they feel at their most alive. While extroverts really want to feel the stimulation at its best. It is important to see it that way because people often equate being anti-social introversion, and not at all -. It's just a preference
What is the relationship between shyness and introversion?
Shyness is the fear of social judgments - in a job interview or a game that could be too worried about what people think of you. As an introvert, do not feel any of these things at all, simply have a preference to be in a calmer atmosphere. And an example is Bill Gates, who is often described as introverted and seems very private - but not feel it is very confused about what people think of him. Do not imagine sitting at night worrying about it. In practice, many introverts are shy, but many are not.
You argue that the educational system is directed against introverts.
In one form of education by its very nature favors the extrovert because you take children and put them in a large class, which will automatically be a high-stimulus environment. Probably the best way of teaching, in general, is one to one, but it's not something that everyone can afford. Therefore, the school eventually became the place where children learn that introverts have to act like extroverts.
Thus, the school is a place of learning for children do not like your introversion?
can see if you look at pre-school children - adults comment on children several times quieter. "Oh, it's not peaceful? Are you shy?" Once they arrive at school on several occasions will be encouraged to participate in group activities, even if they prefer. It's very well intentioned, but it has the cumulative effect of telling children that their natural preferences for how they spend their time are not valid.
How do we proceed to the step in which the traits are evaluated more introverted extrovert traits?
To some extent, is in our cultural DNA. Western society is based on the Greco-Roman ideals of the person who can speak well, an ideal of rhetoric. We have always been a certain extent, a society that favors action over contemplation. But it really reached a point where we moved from an agricultural society in the world of big business. And that's where it gets really true that to excel and succeed in a business, with people who had never met before, the quality of being very magnetic, charismatic in a job interview quickly became very important. This happened in late 20. And it was a coincidence that some do not, when accompanied by the emergence of cinema and the idea of ??movie stars. And yes, movie stars became the ultimate guide on how to be charismatic and magnetic. So if you were a private person directly addressing the question of how I can appear in the job interview is going to the movies one Saturday afternoon and there is a kind of movie star who shows the way. So it was very deeply rooted.
- And the work is like at school
I would say more than ever, we are currently living with a value system that I called the "New groupthink," which is the idea that creativity and productivity from a time creative not often come from chance encounters, you have an important conversation and suddenly you give an idea how to do things differently. That's great, but too far and we say, then, that everyone should be out and move and have these conversations all day, and we are very little room for deep thought and the approach and work space where you can 't be stopped. And that's what was missing, because solitude is also a crucial element of creativity. So you really need both, we need the solitude and chance encounters.
Find best price for : --Susan--
Parenthood: the final moments
We are all aware of the first family - baby's first steps, first tooth, first bike. But what about the last - the events that slip unnoticed
that winter day in the park, but do not know, would be the last time he played football with my son. The memorable two-a-side match was with Peter and his cousin, with a combined age of 20 years, against his uncle and me, each more than twice. The score was time: the children of 15 years, the puffed-out parents (and a controversial goal to)
No second half or extra time, only one injury - ankle uncle, who was forced to violate such venerable mountains walking shoes. The 10-year soon was promoted to play with the most likely opponents, ie the other children, and I realized that the final whistle went the lads v dads now. The match was my match of the day yesterday.
"It is as if the child has been abducted by aliens," my wife late once commented. Ruth does not believe that a spaceship had beaten our son away from Earthling Zorg Planet Museum and replaced at 17-rave music Zorgling crazy. He meant that he could well have been the victim of alien abduction and replacement, as it rose from 3 feet 6 feet of children, adolescents, children, pool surfboard.
Ruth was particularly aware of the time it was a product that, thanks to a brain tumor growing slowly but surely, had less than the rest of the family. As children become more capable, have become more disabled. Yesterday was observed carefully when there are too many mornings. I took photos of children as they grew, but it was Ruth who put them in scrapbooks carefully, noting the time and place.
You are always aware of a "first" when it arrives. There are books for babies uncomfortable with blank spaces for parents to complete, labeled "My First Tooth" or "My vomit first." You know, when a child produced his first painting, or splash. You keep the artwork in the case of the Tate Modern wants a major retrospective in recent years.
a "last", however, may come and go without registering on the radar. I never met a "Book of Dura ', with sections to fill in the final layers footy knock-on or end. There is no trace of the last time you cried: "For the last time I'll turn that TV off!" There is no record of the last time, even years ago when someone has to obey this particular order.
In the afternoon, when I read the last story for young children, who was not aware that it was only a new version of Swallows and Amazons new.
"I think I want to read from now," he said politely when he appeared after bath time the next day, Arthur Ransome in his hand. And that was all. It had a locked door, and in fact the book. If I had realized in advance the importance of the day would, I hired a band and got Michael Morpurgo, in which to read, with a film crew to record the family archives.
I read one, two or three of them and send them to sleep each night for most of two decades. Wordless books, became the first daughter of a picture story to the third son of the novel is practically adult. I know parents are supposed to read to their children, but sometimes my performance was very successful and it was I who came into the land of dreams first. Here I find myself reading more Freudian sort of book and woke with a cry of: "Why do you say," A lot of naked women, "Dad?"
The first pass, if I may say so, it must have been when our eldest was still in its cradle. Among the stuffed toys, they gave was a stuffed mouse. Luckily, the mice were gifts, while he loved his friends the mice were deliberately chosen to add to the collection of rodents that have to align in the pillow. She could not say - and certainly not before 17 - but she protested aloud if there were only 16 at bedtime
"Too many mice!" suddenly declared one night and threw him to the ground. After that, your pillowtalk was with teddy bears and badgers only. As has already been used to collect the whole house mice have been nice to have met the day before that it is the small final raid toys, whiskery.
Althoughmay seem arrogant in this case, it proved to be very accommodating in the evening last. It was endearing pronunciation errors, such as "marleyblade" to "jam" and "matato" for tomatoes. "Great!" we thought. "Why not Orlando Marleyblade cat? Y 'You like tomato and I would matatoes'?" Children's author Kathleen Hale and Gershwin missed a trick here.
After some time, mind your spelling, moved in and set the words as clearly and correctly, as if auditioning for a branch of the Rada infants. Then, the realization of his mispronunciations of accidental pleasure that we had given her from time to time to destroy them on purpose to our delight. Until we do anything else.
When was the last time I chose the restaurant? I remember clearly the first time I did, which was the South Bank in London, where humbly followed the youth (now quite adult) in and out of different restaurants, they immediately said they were too crowded or too empty or too expensive or too cheap, or for menus with mushrooms mushrooms too much or not enough. However, it has a role to play, guess who paid the bill
- Some former implies also a past. When a child goes to the next rung on the ladder of life, means that the previous step, and will not be overwritten. The first time you are alone in a canoe on a lake for rowing means that there will be no boat available shared with anyone else. The first time you send your own Christmas cards means that it will not add "... and Pedro "(or anybody) to yours.
This is also true of the four wheels when young children pass their driving tests, a feat that, unlike the late students, like their parents, my luck did for the first time. I did not need my services as a pilot Minicab late at night "Pick Me Up # 23 -. Follow the incredible noise and the police" This is mainly a plus, except that - call me in need if necessary - it is good that you need in a home-and-James-not-free-class horses to
the first term of the first child to college is an important step, Fingerpost pointing to one outside the family home. We have our fell into a chair away from learning. I remember like it was 1992, which was reduced our daughter from one point of disappearing in the rearview mirror while driving a few tears to the highway.
Find best price for : --Jude----Ransome----Arthur----Ruth--
Jermain Defoe: 'I wanted to put something back and stop all this youth violence'
When the brother of footballer Jermain Defoe of Tottenham died after a street attack, he and his club to make a project for vulnerable young people. But how kids who have spent years in care are related to a sporting millionaire?
In a game of word association, "Premier League football" would be unlikely to produce the response "model". Although football clubs, sometimes recalling its stars, usually after a breach of a nightclub, that their behavior should be an example, if there is a moment that captures the popular image of elite players is to this time Ashley Cole threw a tantrum in the wage offered just £ 55,000 a week for Arsenal.
public consensus on professional footballers considered overpaid, spoiled irresponsible, and especially the truth. But if there is no shortage of candidates to fit this description, it's not like a group of teenagers from poor North London think Jermain Defoe of Tottenham Hotspur.
Defoe acts as a kind of life coach in a project created by the football club entitled E18hteen. The name refers to the number of Defoe model, but also at the age of many participants. E18hteen aims to train and find jobs for 160 youth who are or have recently been supported.
Teens in four districts - Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Waltham Forest - near the area of ??Tottenham. Tottenham, of course, was the epicenter of last summer's riots and looting. While E18hteen not speculate on the underlying causes of the riots, it is understood that the club needs to get to some of the poorest neighborhoods around the stadium.
at Tottenham's training ground last month, a dozen young stars seen in projects like Gareth Bale, Rafael van der Vaart and Luka Modric play a football game with one touch. Later, they found Defoe, who sat down to discuss with the group, development of advice and answer questions from everything from how to set personal goals to lose what is an open target.
A tiny but muscular figure, Defoe was in the mood relaxed, joking and exchanging jokes with the band. He spoke about the highs and football the way it is based on his family when he comes down after the team loses.
"As the game of Arsenal," interrupted one of three young girls in attendance, referring to Spurs' recent 5-2 loss they suffered at the hands of their rivals. "Sorry," he added, "I had to say. I am an Arsenal fan."
There was a tense moment of hope, as the waiting room to see how he would react Defoe in the memory of one afternoon, humiliating. After a pause theater, before the girl gave him a knowing smile and asked, "So what do you do in this tracksuit?" Noting that the Tottenham team which, like the rest of the group, was the. When the laughter subsided, he continued his point of view.
"You sit down, but you must be disciplined. I will not drink and other things. My friends tell me that" single, JD. I say "What's the point? "I go to a club and have a Red Bull, my buzz. And the next day, I feel good. It is discipline, not only drinking, but many things in life. Just look at the picture great. "
The picture is of Defoe three years ago when his half-brother, Jade Gavin Defoe, was killed in a street fight. He said he had grown increasingly concerned about the plight of young people in the capital, but the death of his half-brother forced him to stop and ask what to do.
"There were several moments that made me think I need to put something back into the community," he said later. "In watching the news and see all the gun crime in London. Young children are dying, being stabbed outside school. So what happened to my brother Gavin was a great thing for Me. And one of my cousins ??was actually present, but is now in prison. I thought I'd do anything to try to help children and try to prevent that happening. "
He went to the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, charity, community club, and said he wanted to get involved in helping young people in need. The result was E18hteen, which ran for seven months. The scheme focuses on adolescents or attention, because, statistically, the greatest challenges for society: 53% leave school without qualifications, 29% are designated Neet - not in education, employment or training, 23% of the prison population was supported. And 20% of women who leave the middle between the ages of 16 and 19 become mothers within 12 months.
E18hteen The idea is to identify individual talents and then try to realize their full potential. This is easier said than done, but the plan also aims to ensure that participants are armed with a degree in something like the people of stewards who can offer a job. Each affiliate is assigned a personal tutor to monitor progress, maintain contact and is here to help in times of difficulty or crisis. And once a month a small group of them are with Defoe.
Charlotte, a lively 18 year old who is training to become a football coach, has had three meetings with Defoe and has twice been invited along the Spurs games. "I do not see it as a footballer," she said. "You can talk to him. He always asks what is going on with you, what is happening. In a game that introduced us to his family. I thought it was really important. Not just someone who is marked with the project. There was also a large part of it. "
Charlotte spent a large part of his childhood in foster care. "I was with my family since I was in charge," she said, "and I've never liked, because if you have not worked with her own family, I really do not see why it should be with another family. See all the games of happy families, as well as Christmas and birthdays, and you see the whole family to come. get me wrong, it's unbelievable, but then you sit there and think: "It's perfect, but it is not mine."
Now she lives independently in a. Council-flat support and said he has transformed his life E18hteen "If you saw me this time last year I was in my room to sleep. Arise, take a shower and then back to bed and see
- Defoe says he has noticed a dramatic change in his views. "Obviously, she speaks well and is very confident," he said, "but I think the first time I got involved, it was much quieter. It is now more relaxed, smiling more, which is very nice, because she is happy with how your life is going. You know, young children are lost and I guess it must be frustrating. But now she has the structure in his life and that's important. "
"Because Jermain had lost his brother," said Jack, a young man of 19 who dreams of becoming a marine biologist, "I knew he was not in PR. Has been through what many of us have passed. I went to attention when he was 10. I lost my father when I was 13. I lost my little sister when she was 10. It had a lot of death in the family. When I went over, made a relationship with a person in foster care and he died. "
But if teens can identify with the pain of Defoe, how they may relate to a celebrity lifestyle of millions of pounds? Apart from material wealth, Defoe has dated a number of models and reality TV star and, at the time of the meeting, there was press speculation that binds with singer Alexandra Burke. What kind of inspiration is that realistic for a child who has trouble finding a place in society?
Find best price for : --Jeremy----Premier----Jade----Spurs----Defoe----Modric----Luka----Vaart----Rafael----Gareth----Forest----Waltham----Haringey----League----Jermain----Tottenham--
The Bristol babies who are unlocking the secrets of life
Children Project 90 is celebrating its 21st anniversary and its unique database of information on how we live today
last Christmas, Dr. Sue received a text message ring unusual. A freezer was broken, they said. The news sent running -. Nobody home but the workplace, the home of children in the project in Bristol 90
In the basement, the ring, which is the project manager of laboratories began to draw blood blisters and affected tissue freezing, one of 60 held at the headquarters project. Then transferred to a refrigerator parts. More than 1.5 million biological samples from thousands of local children and parents in the last two decades, are maintained in these cold rooms. They are valuable resources, to say the least. Therefore, the automated message system that is activated when the temperature rises inside a freezer.
"I was messing around with a frozen turkey that day," said Ring. "Instead, I had to change the refrigerated samples of human blood and saliva. If I had not, tens of thousands of them were ruined. "
Aa ringquick action sets a strong commitment among the 40 full time and 60 part-time employees in the proposed Bristol. Officially called the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), children in the 90 celebrates 21 years. The first pregnancy in the Avon area were hired in April 1991 and continued to the mothers to be signed during the next 21 months until it has 13,761 on its books.
The lives of these women, and 13 988 were children, have since come to study in unprecedented detail, with almost all aspects of the lifestyle and all the bits of your DNA is recorded, stored and studied. The resulting mass of data has helped revolutionize the details of the health of the nation and is transforming our understanding of childhood, the education of children and adolescents - the impact of the education of children of lesbians in the sense of physical education in obesity levels and consequences of weight gain in early pregnancy to teenage attitudes to drugs and alcohol. Autism, self-injury, menopause, nutrition, allergies, sudden infant death syndrome and many other issues have also revealed their secrets through the use of data from Bristol.
Nor are these studies are limited to researchers based in the city. More than 650 university based centers around the world, now make use of these highly detailed, long-term studies of urban children and their mothers.
"Many researchers who use our data is based in the U.S.," said Lynn Molloy, executive director of the project. "The United States has no longitudinal studies of life people as detailed as that. If people want to learn the health, physical change and attitudes over time, go here. Britain is a world leader in this kind of thing. There is another reason to celebrate this month. "
is a save point by Professor Debbie Lawlor, co-director of the project. "Children of the 90 is just one of the most recent of the British emergency to gather data about themselves census data, church records, records of temperature, the number of trains: .. what is or we collect is in our blood. "
As in previous years, information increasingly accumulated in the vaults of the project and computers. Consequently, the annual output of scholarly work on the basis of children and mothers of Bristol has skyrocketed. Professor George Davey Smith, scientific director of the project, pointing at a row of files outside of the box office. "The first contains all the documents generated from data collected during project operations 1991/99," he said. "In 2011, much research is generated, producing a single year filled with a box of file. More than 700 scientific articles have been produced from our results and things busier. "
factual, from the beginning, the study has generated - and titles. Consider an example. When the project began, there was much debate about the effect of putting babies to sleep on their backs to reduce sudden death. Powerful evidence that has accumulated to indicate that it could reduce mortality. However, some scientists fear that putting babies on their backs would be to slow the engine development, the process by which the baby begins to explore the world, directing their gaze toward objects of interest, support your body against gravity, handling and tracking of objects on the ground. Turn left at the back in a crib, which could inhibit this process, it was argued.
"Fortunately, we had data to answer this," said Davey Smith. "Our results showed that there had been some slowing of motor development in children, but the effect disappears when the baby reaches 18 months of age. Babies placed on their backs to sleep were found with their peers."
The discovery was a major boost to the health service Back to Sleep campaign, which began in 1990 and is now credited with cutting the SIDS or sudden infant death of about one on 500 babies in its current figure of about one in 2000. Thus, the lives of more than 10 babies a week are recorded.
addition to this work, the children of 90 studies showed that peanut allergies are very common in the population, suggests that there is little evidence of social mobility across generations in the United Kingdom, and provides strong support to the idea that physical activity, when encouraged since childhood, has a real impact in the fight against obesity in the future.
Then there are results on medicinal snuff, alcohol and illegal. "We wanted to know if you can tell who is more likely in later life became a heavy drinker," said Davey Smith. "So we asked the youth of our study about their experiences and memories of taking his first drink. We found that those who require a lot of drinks to feel an effect from the first time I drank alcohol were more likely to happen to become heavy drinkers. "Interestingly, the opposite of cannabis. Other studies have shown that people who need a lot of it to feel an effect, when they start using drugs are more likely to stop use later in life. In essence, says, why should we have all these things when you have so little effect us
Those conducting studies as the tread on dangerous ground, however. They risk the wrath of those who do not believe that we should talk to youth about drugs or alcohol. Furthermore, these studies also risk annoying the project by asking questions to young perceived as intrusive or stupid. "We are constantly asked questions of our young cohort on smoking, drugs and alcohol," said Molloy. "But if we continue to distribute questionnaires unreliable or stupid, children feel they are wasting their time and begin to leave the studio."
To avoid this, the project has created a teen advisory group, composed of youth project, in fact, judging scientists who want to challenge themselves and other members of the cohort very personal questions. Make a series of silly questions and found their study will be vetoed, in short.
"Ultimately, the youth do not have to answer all I feel is shame, though his answers to questions about drugs and sex are completely anonymous," said Kate Sherlock, a senior project. It is one of the original mothers who enrolled in the project in 1991. His son, Thomas, now a student at Cheltenham, has been on the books during study past 21 years. "I've always been interested in the job, but now I am totally absorbed This is a place in the world where everyone is fully committed to one goal: the implementation of the project .."
Keep an area of ??study important is a tricky business. Over the past 21 years, the number of mothers and children have fallen so that there are only about 8,500 in each group. "People live busy lives today, and although participation does not take much effort or time, there will always be people who give up. You still have good numbers, but we will do nothing to jeopardize that, "said Sherlock.
- For data collection, which comes in a number of ways. No direct physical measurements taken during regular visits to the clinic, including the height of the child, the weight, measurement of bone mass and blood pressure. Then there are the psychological questionnaires and social, including topics such as attitudes towards drugs, snuff and alcohol. Then there are administrative data, including health and criminal records.
- Finally, there are biological samples. "We collect almost everything we can," said Ring. "We take blood for the life of a child, and samples of saliva, urine and hair. We have the DNA of 10,000 children and 10,000 mothers in our fridges. We have a lot of placentas. We even had some of his baby teeth, which were difficult to obtain. We had to negotiate for them. They are worth the money for children after all. Ultimately, we have baby teeth only when we gave every boy and girl an official form of ALSPAC, signed by the tooth fairy. "
In many recent cases, children of 90 data were used to answer the questions that were not even dreamed of when the project was created, a point emphasized by Lawlor. "Take a recent example, scientists have come to believe that mothers who earn too early in pregnancy may give birth to babies who grow up overweight to be larger than normal and are predisposed to heart disease in life adult. "
an interesting theory. However, research evidence in support proved to be complicated - until the children of the 90s intervened This review includes data on the cohort of mothers and their weight changes during pregnancy as well as details on their weight and health in children in recent years. "We look back and remember the data and, yes, we found that children of mothers who were more weight in early pregnancy were more likely to be larger and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, "they added. At age nine, children of these women were 2.2 pounds (1 kg) heavier, had more size for a little less than an inch, two pounds of body fat and more blood pressure slightly higher. "The thesis has even more work, of course," said Lawlor. "Mothers should be well fed during pregnancy and do not want to be afraid of food."
Find best price for : --Kate----Back----Davey----Debbie----Lynn----Bristol----Ring--
Syria crisis - live updates
. More violence in the suburbs of Damascus - Activists
. More than 2800
National Council farm . Bahrain: Concerns about the health of the activist on hunger strike
Read the latestsummary
2:37 p.m.:
: Another warning on the Grand Prix to be held April 22 - this time by Andrew Anderson in The Independent of Ireland:
Formula 1
just returned from Bahrain where I witnessed the indiscriminate use of tear gas and met relatives and lawyers of those still detained and persecuted I can assure the authorities of a formula that the situation in the country has not returned to normal. Bahrain is certainly not a safe country for citizens of Bahrain.
In an article for iWatch News, Jeffrey Smith assesses the efforts to make satellite photos of Syria more readily available. For more than a month, he said, intelligence analysts in the U.S. were the declassification of images showing the movement of Syrian armor and destruction of cities in the office of Human Rights, Department of State may publish on its website.a daily flow of videos from citizen journalists have documented numerous atrocities in Syria, but the satellite images can help also - and may be useful in the short - to help establish if the plan to withdraw its forces back from towns and villages as required by the peace plan of Kofi Annan
The photos do not show the atrocities, but convincingly show the accumulation of Syrian arms and some of the damage caused by bombing government forces have become a feature of its military campaign against the rebellion . More intact in a mosque, school, medical clinic and other buildings in Homs, while others show the concentrations of craters on the rebel city of Homs and the city called Zabadani
Smith said that approach was prompted by the memory of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995, which was photographed by satellites, but kept secret until nearly four weeks after the massacre was over.The article adds that, although some U.S. officials believe it is important to obtain satellite information available on the behavior of the Syrian regime, others feared that it could "exacerbate the political appetite to intervene directly in combat. "
2:13 p.m.:.
this Google Map integrated video contains some of the events reported by the local coordinating committees in Syria today
scroll up and down to see all the sites and click on pointers to see the video.
1:48 p.m.: The demonstrators in the town of Idlib Kafranbel have had their say on the latest developments in lifting each week in help distinguishing flags. Here is the latest.
Kafar NABL "Concepts million invested HAV, the criminal has become the darling of the world, and the Syrians, r victims" twitter.com/THE_47th/statu ...
- The 47th ? ? (@ THE_47th) April 6, 20121:29 p.m.:
Bahrain: hunger strike in prison Abdulhadi Al -Khawaja now has a 80% chance of dying and could suffer from organ failure at any time, the Dublin-based group of advocates of human first line says in a statement citing medical experts. Executive Director of Front Line, Mary Lawlor, who recently visited the kingdom, said:
We urge the government of Bahrain to exercise mercy and allow Abdulhadi immediately travel to Denmark for medical treatment requested by the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs - Abdulhadi has dual citizenship with Denmark. We also urge the United Nations, European Union, USA and the UK to make public statements to that effect.
If he dies in the context of Grand Prix on April 22, which will lead to further instability and unrest, he adds.
The Bahraini authorities clearly want to present an image of the company, as usual, but his apparent indifference to the fate of Abdulhadi, runs the risk of tragic consequences for Bahrain.
Those involved in Formula 1 should consult with independent journalists, community leaders, human rights groups to have a clear idea of ??what is happening - to see for themselves the situation in the Gulf kingdom. Observation of events last week in Bahrain, Bahrain is clearly not safe for citizens of Bahrain.
13:16: The Syrian Foreign Ministry has launched a vitriolic attack Navi Pillay, head of Human Rights of the UN. A letter from the ministry was quoted by the News of the Syrian government agency, Sana, is accused of acting as "an attorney general against the countries in which Western countries choose to go" and turn their eyes to "violations Syria by armed terrorists. "
Instead, she says, she chose "to compile lies and untruths and the market as a fact without bothering to check." The letter continues:is really strange that she used the human and financial resources of the United Nations against Syria, based on lies and calls outside of their jurisdiction ...
have been better if the commissioner attached to the objectivity and professionalism, as it would have helped prevent more killing of Syrians.
aa 1:01 p.m.:Bahrain:
British Labour asked Richard Burden Formula One governing body Director, FIA, to think again on the Bahrain Grand Prix on April 22. In an article for The Huffington Post, writes:
In a context where a genuine and lasting reform takes place, taking a Grand Prix could be a unifying event for the people of Bahrain and a positive window on the world stage. But things are not at this stage ...
Bahrain is not as bad as the terrible situation in Syria. And the F1 teams have careers in other countries with enviable human rights record. But that does not mean it is right for F1 to collude in the presentation to the outside world an image of the cocoon of normalcy in the Bahrain International Circuit, where he is likely to be a few miles of the loop can be very different .. .
In retrospect, the FIA ??should not have expected the 2012 race so early in the season. It was always going to be too early to know how things work now had moved to Bahrain last year. F1 can not go back, but three weeks before the race, you can always revisit. Si
Bahrain: A video posted on YouTube is said to show people fleeing a building affected by tear gas yesterday.
was published by Freedom Network Sar. Sar is an area west of the capital districts, both rich and poor.
following is a summary of key developments to date:violence would continue in Syria, despite the cease-fire before, from four days.Syria
ActivistsThe Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has an "urgent appeal" to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in "intense operations" by the Syrian army , near the border with Turkey also addressed the refugee issue with more than 2800 after fleeing Thursday Idlib -. more than double the previous record one-day total -. Turkish official saysreported tank fire in at least three cities on Friday -. City Duma, near Damascus, the bustling city of Homs and Rastan, north of Homs
The Kurdish bloc left the Syrian National Council, saying that Turkey was pressurizing the central nervous system to omit requests from members of the Kurdish opposition
in the final document describing the formation of a transition plan for Syria. The separation will increase the perception of a divided opposition.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that Britain "should keep all options open" regarding Syria
in an interview with ITV News. He said that "when it occurs, it is always important to consider whether to intervene, there will be consequences."
human rights groups have expressed concern about the fate of imprisoned activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, who is near death according to his family.Khawaja, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in June 2011 for participating in demonstrations against the regime, has been on hunger strike for 57 days. His daughter, Zainab al-Khawaj was arrested last night in front of the prison hospital, after refusing to go out and shout the name of his father. He has now gone on hunger strike in solidarity with the prison of his father.
Still no sign of an initiative for a ceasefire in Syria. Reuters:
reported tank fire in at least three cities on Friday -. City Duma, near Damascus, the bustling city of Homs and Rastan, north of HomsActivists
"Duma tanks came last night, then left. Today at 7 pm again. There were bombings in the Duma since morning. We do not know if people have been killed , but the bombing did not stop, "said a local activist.
"at least five tanks and buses loaded with 10 security men and pro-Assad Shabiha militia) came Duma," he said.
The Syrian Observatory
Britain-based Human Rights said that the rebel troops were fighting in the Syrian Golan Duma army free and Rastan in Homs and Hama road between the towns.24:00: Tunisia
: A controversy has erupted over the appointment of several new provincial governors -. all of which belong to the party Ennahda, reports the Magharebia website Ennahda, considered a moderate Islamist party, won the most seats in elections last October, but not the majority.
Ennahda interim prime minister, Hamadi Jebali, who made the final appointments, has been accused of pursuing a practice that was known as the Ben Ali dictatorship, where officials were elected on the basis their loyalty to the ruling party.
11:58: The Syrian government says 6,143 Syrian citizens were killed by "terrorists" - a description of the opposition - and 1590 were removed.
The UN says that the forces of Bashar al-Assad killed more than 9,000 people since protests began in March last year.
Syrian government's argument is contained in a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, in which he accused of bias and the choice of "lies and compilation of falsehoods and market them as fact without bothering to check. "
The letter continues:
is really strange that she used the human and financial resources of the United Nations against Syria, based on lies and calls outside of their jurisdiction ...
have been better if the commissioner attached to the objectivity and professionalism, as it would have helped prevent the Syrians kill more,'' the ministry said.
The Commissioner refused to consider terrorist acts as crimes against humanity, despite all the rules for the identification of crimes against humanity apply to them, and chose instead leveling this charge in the state is fulfilling its duty to protect its own citizens ...
Syria is committed to its responsibility in the exploration of all allegations of violations of human rights, but the commissioner has not shared any of the allegations received, or worked to provide national solutions or even peaceful, which clearly means that the commissioner needs to review their positions in Syria.
- 11:42:
- Mauritania : The Home Office is recommending a name change for two streets of the capital, Nouakchott, those named after the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and laid the Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. So far, no decision on their new names.
11:18: Britain "should keep all options open" regarding Syria, the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (left ), said in an interview with Mark Austin, ITV News.
Find best price for : --Syria----Qatar----Arabia----Yousef----Yakiti----Star----Khawaja----Mohammed----Jabeur----Islam----Aziz----Abdel----Ould----Mohamed----Alakhbar----Zine----Muammar----Bashar----Douma----news----Navi----Abdulhadi----Kafranbel----Local----Homs----Smith----Jeffrey----iWatch----daily----Idlib--
วันพุธที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
วันเสาร์ที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555
Violence flares again in Damascus
. More violence in the suburbs of Damascus - Activists
. More than 2800
National Council farm . Bahrain: Concerns about the health of the activist on hunger strike
Read the latestsummary
2:37 p.m.:
: Another warning on the Grand Prix to be held April 22 - this time by Andrew Anderson in The Independent of Ireland:
Formula 1
just returned from Bahrain where I witnessed the indiscriminate use of tear gas and met relatives and lawyers of those still detained and persecuted I can assure the authorities of a formula that the situation in the country has not returned to normal. Bahrain is certainly not a safe country for citizens of Bahrain.
In an article for iWatch News, Jeffrey Smith assesses the efforts to make satellite photos of Syria more readily available. For more than a month, he said, intelligence analysts in the U.S. were the declassification of images showing the movement of Syrian armor and destruction of cities in the office of Human Rights, Department of State may publish on its website.a daily flow of videos from citizen journalists have documented numerous atrocities in Syria, but the satellite images can help also - and may be useful in the short - to help establish if the plan to withdraw its forces back from towns and villages as required by the peace plan of Kofi Annan
The photos do not show the atrocities, but convincingly show the accumulation of Syrian arms and some of the damage caused by bombing government forces have become a feature of its military campaign against the rebellion . More intact in a mosque, school, medical clinic and other buildings in Homs, while others show the concentrations of craters on the rebel city of Homs and the city called Zabadani
Smith said that approach was prompted by the memory of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995, which was photographed by satellites, but kept secret until nearly four weeks after the massacre was over.The article adds that, although some U.S. officials believe it is important to obtain satellite information available on the behavior of the Syrian regime, others feared that it could "exacerbate the political appetite to intervene directly in combat. "
2:13 p.m.:.
this Google Map integrated video contains some of the events reported by the local coordinating committees in Syria today
scroll up and down to see all the sites and click on pointers to see the video.
1:48 p.m.: The demonstrators in the town of Idlib Kafranbel have had their say on the latest developments in lifting each week in help distinguishing flags. Here is the latest.
Kafar NABL "Concepts million invested HAV, the criminal has become the darling of the world, and the Syrians, r victims" twitter.com/THE_47th/statu ...
- The 47th ? ? (@ THE_47th) April 6, 20121:29 p.m.:
Bahrain: hunger strike in prison Abdulhadi Al -Khawaja now has a 80% chance of dying and could suffer from organ failure at any time, the Dublin-based group of advocates of human first line says in a statement citing medical experts. Executive Director of Front Line, Mary Lawlor, who recently visited the kingdom, said:
We urge the government of Bahrain to exercise mercy and allow Abdulhadi immediately travel to Denmark for medical treatment requested by the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs - Abdulhadi has dual citizenship with Denmark. We also urge the United Nations, European Union, USA and the UK to make public statements to that effect.
If he dies in the context of Grand Prix on April 22, which will lead to further instability and unrest, he adds.
The Bahraini authorities clearly want to present an image of the company, as usual, but his apparent indifference to the fate of Abdulhadi, runs the risk of tragic consequences for Bahrain.
Those involved in Formula 1 should consult with independent journalists, community leaders, human rights groups to have a clear idea of ??what is happening - to see for themselves the situation in the Gulf kingdom. Observation of events last week in Bahrain, Bahrain is clearly not safe for citizens of Bahrain.
13:16: The Syrian Foreign Ministry has launched a vitriolic attack Navi Pillay, head of Human Rights of the UN. A letter from the ministry was quoted by the News of the Syrian government agency, Sana, is accused of acting as "an attorney general against the countries in which Western countries choose to go" and turn their eyes to "violations Syria by armed terrorists. "
Instead, she says, she chose "to compile lies and untruths and the market as a fact without bothering to check." The letter continues:is really strange that she used the human and financial resources of the United Nations against Syria, based on lies and calls outside of their jurisdiction ...
have been better if the commissioner attached to the objectivity and professionalism, as it would have helped prevent more killing of Syrians.
aa 1:01 p.m.:Bahrain:
British Labour asked Richard Burden Formula One governing body Director, FIA, to think again on the Bahrain Grand Prix on April 22. In an article for The Huffington Post, writes:
In a context where a genuine and lasting reform takes place, taking a Grand Prix could be a unifying event for the people of Bahrain and a positive window on the world stage. But things are not at this stage ...
Bahrain is not as bad as the terrible situation in Syria. And the F1 teams have careers in other countries with enviable human rights record. But that does not mean it is right for F1 to collude in the presentation to the outside world an image of the cocoon of normalcy in the Bahrain International Circuit, where he is likely to be a few miles of the loop can be very different .. .
In retrospect, the FIA ??should not have expected the 2012 race so early in the season. It was always going to be too early to know how things work now had moved to Bahrain last year. F1 can not go back, but three weeks before the race, you can always revisit. Si
Bahrain: A video posted on YouTube is said to show people fleeing a building affected by tear gas yesterday.
was published by Freedom Network Sar. Sar is an area west of the capital districts, both rich and poor.
following is a summary of key developments to date:violence would continue in Syria, despite the cease-fire before, from four days.Syria
ActivistsThe Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has an "urgent appeal" to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in "intense operations" by the Syrian army , near the border with Turkey also addressed the refugee issue with more than 2800 after fleeing Thursday Idlib -. more than double the previous record one-day total -. Turkish official saysreported tank fire in at least three cities on Friday -. City Duma, near Damascus, the bustling city of Homs and Rastan, north of Homs
The Kurdish bloc left the Syrian National Council, saying that Turkey was pressurizing the central nervous system to omit requests from members of the Kurdish opposition
in the final document describing the formation of a transition plan for Syria. The separation will increase the perception of a divided opposition.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that Britain "should keep all options open" regarding Syria
in an interview with ITV News. He said that "when it occurs, it is always important to consider whether to intervene, there will be consequences."
human rights groups have expressed concern about the fate of imprisoned activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, who is near death according to his family.Khawaja, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in June 2011 for participating in demonstrations against the regime, has been on hunger strike for 57 days. His daughter, Zainab al-Khawaj was arrested last night in front of the prison hospital, after refusing to go out and shout the name of his father. He has now gone on hunger strike in solidarity with the prison of his father.
Still no sign of an initiative for a ceasefire in Syria. Reuters:
reported tank fire in at least three cities on Friday -. City Duma, near Damascus, the bustling city of Homs and Rastan, north of HomsActivists
"Duma tanks came last night, then left. Today at 7 pm again. There were bombings in the Duma since morning. We do not know if people have been killed , but the bombing did not stop, "said a local activist.
"at least five tanks and buses loaded with 10 security men and pro-Assad Shabiha militia) came Duma," he said.
The Syrian Observatory
Britain-based Human Rights said that the rebel troops were fighting in the Syrian Golan Duma army free and Rastan in Homs and Hama road between the towns.24:00: Tunisia
: A controversy has erupted over the appointment of several new provincial governors -. all of which belong to the party Ennahda, reports the Magharebia website Ennahda, considered a moderate Islamist party, won the most seats in elections last October, but not the majority.
Ennahda interim prime minister, Hamadi Jebali, who made the final appointments, has been accused of pursuing a practice that was known as the Ben Ali dictatorship, where officials were elected on the basis their loyalty to the ruling party.
11:58: The Syrian government says 6,143 Syrian citizens were killed by "terrorists" - a description of the opposition - and 1590 were removed.
The UN says that the forces of Bashar al-Assad killed more than 9,000 people since protests began in March last year.
Syrian government's argument is contained in a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, in which he accused of bias and the choice of "lies and compilation of falsehoods and market them as fact without bothering to check. "
The letter continues:
is really strange that she used the human and financial resources of the United Nations against Syria, based on lies and calls outside of their jurisdiction ...
have been better if the commissioner attached to the objectivity and professionalism, as it would have helped prevent the Syrians kill more,'' the ministry said.
The Commissioner refused to consider terrorist acts as crimes against humanity, despite all the rules for the identification of crimes against humanity apply to them, and chose instead leveling this charge in the state is fulfilling its duty to protect its own citizens ...
Syria is committed to its responsibility in the exploration of all allegations of violations of human rights, but the commissioner has not shared any of the allegations received, or worked to provide national solutions or even peaceful, which clearly means that the commissioner needs to review their positions in Syria.
- 11:42:
- Mauritania : The Home Office is recommending a name change for two streets of the capital, Nouakchott, those named after the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and laid the Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. So far, no decision on their new names.
11:18: Britain "should keep all options open" regarding Syria, the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (left ), said in an interview with Mark Austin, ITV News.
Find best price for : --Qatar----Arabia----Yousef----Yakiti----Star----Khawaja----Mohammed----Jabeur----Islam----Aziz----Abdel----Ould----Mohamed----Alakhbar----Zine----Muammar----Bashar----Douma----news----Navi----Abdulhadi----Kafranbel----Local----Homs----Smith----Jeffrey----iWatch----daily----Idlib--